'Why Do Killers Play So Sweaty?' A Rant.

Equinox_One Member Posts: 290
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

TL/DR: A big part of why I find myself playing 'sweaty' half the time is just how BM survivors are when they win. Killers can be BM too, but nowhere near as frequently. I wonder how many killers sweat and slug because it's better to be cursed out by sore losers than gloated at by sore winners?

OP: Trying to play chill during the event this afternoon. Silly themed builds, mostly playing for snowman jumpscares and laughs. As long as survivors are mannered and at least trying to interact with the event I'm happy to let everyone get some BP/tome challenges done and I'll maybe kill 1-2 to pip and let the rest go.

Game 1: Bubba. 3 fun survivors, one insanely BM Ace (why is it always an Ace?). Teabags after every pallet drop. Gets cocky so I happily tunnel him out and let the remaining 3 go. Get asked why I tunneled in postgame, I laugh and say that he was BM. Get 'oh come on bruh its not that deep stop being so serious its the internet'. I facepalm and move on.

Game 2: Shoe Hag. Fun game, 2 hook everyone, kill one to pip, let rest go. Great banter in postgame.

Game 3: SM Myers. Incredibly stacked 3man SWF and a good Nancy. I'm running a meme build. 4 hooks. Get teabagged from gate until I finally chase everyone out.

Game 4: Ghostface. Maybe SWF or maybe just a really strong team. Yet again, 4 hooks all game, 3 of which I got by trading in endgame. Teabags and GGEZ in postgame.

Game 5: Ghostface. Claudette kills self on hook on first down. I just wipe everyone and go next, not wasting my time. Felt a bit bad.

Game 6: Trapper. Crazy 4man SWF. One player with almost 15000 hours. Didn't get a single hook. Teabagging from exit gate, letting me down but then just endlessly body blocking, flashlights and sabo, would NOT leave. Finally endgame collapse kills them all. Clearly a SWF trying to keep MMR low.

Game 7: Nemmy. Full SWF. Get lucky with an early down then a second hook and T2 at 5 gens because they tried to sabo and messed it up. They then proceeded to hide around the map, avoiding AFK crows. Postgame 'tryhard killer.

Game 8: Billy. Playing around with Weave, Franklins, Insidious and Primer Bulb (stops instadowns from saw). Not SWF but strong and serious group, 1 hook all game. I finally get a second hook in basement, endgame. Rest just leaves.

Now annoyed, I throw on Grim, PR, DMS and Disc (my go to 'serious' build), fire up Artist and end up winning 3 games easily, back to back. Get asked why killers are playing so sweaty. When I respond that I'm tired of losing to people who don't want to meme around (and getting BM'd for my trouble), am told that I'm oversensitive and 'killer need a sense of humor'.

I give up and go play survivor.


Post edited by Equinox_One on


  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,388

    Players are going to play how they play. Event or not. Its their game and unfortunately we cant control that.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    If you stack the odds in your favor, in any way, you are not chill, you are sweating.

    If you intentionally stack them as much as possible with the intent of winning, sure. But when I load up DBD with 3 friends who barely play and we are on comms cracking jokes, I'm chilling out and hoping they have fun without being tunneled as they don't look behind themselves in chase and don't know anything about the game. I'm stacking the odds in my favor by being in a full SWF with comms but I'd argue that is still chill. Intent matters.

    I'd say in a similar vein, running a shoulder/BT/babysitter/reassurance build is chill while running UB/deli/DS/OTR is sweaty despite both being very strong. But how you play matters more imo.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894
    edited December 2024

    I think you kneejerked, I was not in any way referring to friend SWFs on Discord. I was referring to a specific kind of four man thta goes in with multiple map offerings and the best stuff every time. If that's not you, then it's not something you should be offended by, because my statement wasn't aimed at you. :)

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    I'm not sure where you got the impression that my reply was a knee-jerk reaction or that I was offended. Your statement said "stacking the odds in your favor in any way is sweating" and I disagreed, so I made a reply explaining as such. If you meant "in every way" instead of "in any way", then I agree with you, so no need for passive aggressiveness.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    And will 100% get fixed before too long, it's just too heavily complained about not to.

    I sincerely hope so, my friend. It is getting out of hand.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    To me, playing chill = do your objective but also be mindful of the event and fun of the other side. Interact with snowmen. Run some silly perks. Let people get a bit of BP before you kill them.

    Not a whataboutism, but I think survivors being able to permanently avoid AFK crows is a way bigger problem. At worst, bleedouts waste 4 minutes of my time. Hiding griefers can waste 20+

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    Last game was the only lost game without teabagging and BM.

    I'm saying that after a certain amount of BM, I will play harder. My point is that I see a lot of 'killers are sweaty this event' and I have to wonder how many are killers that were a bit more chill, got tired of the BM and decided that it's better to get called sweaty by sore losers than teabagged by sore winners.

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2024

    The fact that it is an event changes nothing especially with a SBMM system based on kills/escapes and the fact that the Mistle Toe offerings only are personal doesn't help to dissuade either side not to play sweaty

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 162

    How did you get into this situation, let me guess someone dced as soon as they got downed?

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    And speaking of perks that should have been reworked forever ago…

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763


    Knock Out and Boil Over, I would say. Miserable, both of them.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    BO is only really a problem when combined with other perks on specific maps. There are (I think) two remaining spots where you can make yourself completely unhookable.

    Knock Out is a horrible perk in solo queue. But I fortunately almost never see it.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    For me its pretty much this. Anythine that helps the game to not be over before the 8min mark (or actually 10min mark - but the forums already consider that a long game … ludecrous!) and giving everyone the room to play and even have a little fun on the side. Against gen slammers I can hardly effort to nod at a downed survivor who gave me a good chase, while today during a game that I was stomping, I cornered a survivor and let them get away that time with a phat snowball to the face.

    Playing chill doesn't mean "throwing every game", even though some peeps like to spin it like this, but it also means not pursuing each and every opportunity to win, like when the unhooked survivor gets confused, pathes badly and runs straight by me, but I just roll me eyes and ignore that and chase after their unhooking teammate.

    But if the whole game has been sweaty af and the gens were slammed hard, of course I won't ignore such a blunder, but capitalize on it. Today I had two very fun matches where I went for 12 hooks, because snowballs were involved and the survivors weren't hellbend on endinge the game on the 6min mark - two died, two escaped, but everyone had fun. The very next game, I had a 3 man SWF, with everyone running about with UB, Boil Over and sabo boxes. That was decidedly NOT fun and I instantly switched gears and tunneled one out. But I let the 4th one who wasn't in it escape via hatch.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785

    Another part of why killers are "sweaty" is just the information game, they don't know what survivors have and often have to play "ahead" of the curve in terms of match progress to win consistently. And while they might have an idea of which objectives where are being done how progressed they are. They don't actually know how efficient survivors were in that time until they get a chance to actually go to the area. A bbq read on a meg who just got on a gen after cleansing 2 totems and opening a chest at the start of the match looks the same as a meg who was on the gen the whole time. You usually have to play for worst case scenario or if you don't spend a lot of matches feeling like you COULD have won them if you played properly from the start instead of giving them to benefit of the doubt breathing room that most teams will take all the way to the exit gate as they dance their way out.

  • BorisDDAA
    BorisDDAA Member Posts: 160

    I legit have only seen a handful of killers/survivors in the whole event interacting with the event stuff and that's when they're both doing it. Everyone else just plays normally or super sweaty. At certain hours games become so miserable, especially in solo queue.

  • EternalRique
    EternalRique Member Posts: 149

    This is so strange cause same; like my goodness folk that nasty in this community?? (I know it's not all thankfully but too many).

    I'll say "GG WP <3" and I've had folk legit message me separately in steam about how kind/appreciative they were.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    It gets worse the higher MMR you go. I find the more serious, or even skilled the players, the saltier and sorer winners they are. It's so telling that often, the best player in the match will be the one bringing a map offering and be the most rude in chat.

    The overwhelming majority are just quiet or simply say gg, but I notice this shift very clearly when my MMR bounces between average lobbies and high mmr lobbies.

  • DarthYooDar45
    DarthYooDar45 Member Posts: 14

    As I am a P100 Deathslinger main and just a killer main in general, I think the word "sweaty" is just overused in general. I feel like the correct definition of the word is using your killers power well, which I can do with Deathslinger. The other one is what most scummy killers do, unless you are doing it for pressure. Survivors are going to complain about killers playing sweaty, meanwhile they will bring crutch perks like WoO and Adrenaline and win the game singlehandedly because of them…

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 162

    That's just a solo queue issue. Knockout is useless against teams since they can just call where each other is and the decreased recovery speed only adds about 5 seconds.

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 162

    "Knock Out is a horrible perk in solo queue. But I fortunately almost never see it." That's why you never see it, it falls apart against SWF.

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 619

    Simply put they play sweaty because they only rely on their own skill and nobody else. If you like the win like most people do it's just the natural course of action to play the optimal sweaty way.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 504

    Game goes however it wants sadly. Sometimes youl be on survivor and first thing 2 people start throwing the match just standing there getting downed. So then you expect the killer might give you a break because you were still trying to play etc. Nope. You cant expect the killer to care as you dont know what theyve been through nor how they like to play. Likely the first "break" theyve gotten in a while too so they just mow everyone down. And likewise on killer you play "honorably" and "by the survivor rule book" and you expect they will respect you. Nope. T bags, bragging and laughing and clicking all the way, you cant expect survivors to care either as you dont know what kind of killers theyve been up against before you or how they like to play. So either way the best thing you can do is hope they care and have some honor, but if they don't, immediately stop caring about them as well. Like the bming ace, easy enough to just ignore them like they are invisible while the others go down quicker because he wont take hooks for them. Once hes alone and the hatch is closed, and you see him before he gets to a gate. Hes dead no matter what. If he gets out oh well, let him sit there at the gate while you take a quick break in the middle of the map lol

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    As a survivor main (now) I agree survivors are far more likely to BM than killers and honestly I just feel deeply embarrassed when randoms bag a Bubba etc at the gate.

    The problem is I tried to 'convert' people to not behaving like toxic jerks but you cant change the (DBD) world and no matter how much you try to be positive in game, there are always jerks and I don't know how you fix that.

    I pretty much never play killer these days but the few times I do lately I bring Hoarder and I 2 hook everyone and let them go at the end. I have a lot of cakes on killers to use up and I enjoy letting survivors get items from chests and it is my way of spreading a bit of positivity to contrast the cycle of toxicity in DBD

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    Tunneling has never been less powerful than it is today. Baseline BT, for instance.

    Yes tunneling sucks. Yes, tunneling is also pretty much the only way for killer to win against a good team. You cannot balance this game around solo queue because SWF exists.

    Solo queue is always going to be terrible.

    That situation stinks as a killer because either game takes forever or you just finish it ASAP and feel bad. Ditto hook suicides.

    It also varies from place to place. Asian players seem to be pretty mannered. Anyone with Cyrillic letters in their name, especially a whole team…I just dodge now. Too many all out griefer squads. BR players are notorious in most games for similar reasons - it's a cultural thing.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, the majority of my survivor experience in DBD is solo queue. Naturally I'll encounter its problems, but this problem in particular needs to be fixed.

    Knock Out shouldn't exist the way it currently does, this perk needs a change.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    You must not ever play survivor if you think windows or adrennaline are going to have much of an impact at all on eacaping or not. Also if those are crutch perks than every single killer power is a crutch. With how killer sided thia game is now an m1 killer with no power can probably get almost 50% kills.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 904

    this has nothing to do with the game being killer sided or not, if people can consistently win with powerless killers, that just tells you everything you have to know about skill of average survivor player

  • I do feel like it's hard to have fun in the event without totally throwing.

    But I guess even if you lose because all you did was throw snowballs at people, it can still be fun. 😂

  • Crucifilth
    Crucifilth Member Posts: 22

    Why do people that "play chill" have this idea that they deserve to win just bc theyre "playing chill"?

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 904

    mentality that could first be seen in fortnite, your opponent doesn't play for fun because they don't give you hundreds of other chances when you make a mistake, but if they goof off with you, they deserve to lose the match, but at least get a "+rep" from you like it's something better than a win

  • UknownShredder
    UknownShredder Member Posts: 100

    I feel that Survivors always tend to play sweaty until they run into an unfortunate situation in which they start to plead and then complain in the end game chat and leave mad comments on your steam profile lol. And then we got those teams with discord that i just faced. Full epic layout with bis addons and perks, The game was not intended to be used with communication otherwise they would have had a communication option in the game itself and you dont know before you know and so the safest thing is to tunnel someone out in case its the case so that the pace slow down and you dont find yourself in a ######### situation because you wanted to have "fun" with some people , if you give them a second, will sit and mock you and teebag you and talk ######### about you in end chat.

    So Survivors should blame their fellow friends for the slugging/tunneling gameplay as they are playing with an unfair advantage , or some do. Because once you face such a sweaty team who is like , im being carried to the hook at the killer shack do this do that over voice and flashlighting unhooking and throwing flash bombs and shoulder the whole team got shoulder the burden and so on reprecussions has to be made. The next 5 teams or so one face is going to bleed out slowly and right before they are dying you lift them up and let them escape and down their teammate and let them bleed out for another 5 minutes when there is only 2 left and then eventually they are allowed to die and this is only because of you.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280

    I haven't truly enjoyed an event as survivor in a couple of years now. Killer is the only role I consistently have fun as anymore.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290


    Halloween was an absolute riot as survivor, especially in a 3-4man. Those smoke bombs were incredibly strong.