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General Discussions

Problems with sluggin? Then finally play with antislug perks

Member Posts: 342
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

because that's what they're there for….

That is the truth. Yes it is.

There are so many complaints about it at the moment. Use something other than WoO, DS and DH combos. That's what those perks are for, so get out of your comfort zone.

A terrible statement? Certainly not.

Seriously, if someone has a problem with being on the floor for 4 minutes, why are they even playing? ( Don't say anything about time, you're playing a computer game and everyone who plays a computer game has time) It's part of the game.

In my opinion, developers have meddled far too much in the game of killers in recent years anyway.

So I ask: what will killers be allowed to do in the future? Survivors complain about every little thing, and it's gotten ridiculous and nerdy.

Cote would say: go play something else. Civilization for all I care.

That's just the way it is; change my mind

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  • Member Posts: 290

    'Change my mind' is generally shorthand for 'I feel like arguing for the sake of arguing'.

    The problem is that there is an impasse at present. Survivors can do some really gross things on losing games to stall it out forever. The only way to 100% stop a duo who wants to play hide and seek for 20 minutes to be BM, or to try and force the killer to DC is to slug camp. It would be wonderful if it wasn't needed.

    On the other hand, anti-slug perks are pretty universally bad. You've got a one use recovery, you've got a situational boon and I think that's about it.

    Perks should not be a bandaid for problems like this.

    Slugging is on the radar but it's a hard problem to fix. I wish hide and seek was, even if it's only fixing the idiotic number of ways you can bypass AFK crows.

    DH is not an anti-tunnel perk though. It's just an exhaustion tool, like Lithe.

    Honestly, the only universally effective anti tunnel perk is your teammates spreading hook states.

    Maps from 2019…no. Just no. Actual infinites, at least one or two spots on each map where survivors could glitch into doodads or terrain to be unhittable or impossible to pick up.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Haddonfield HOP was an actual infinite against 110 killers (and near as dammit against some others). I'd have to find the video, but…I think it was Ayrun did a demonstration of it. You could break LOS long enough against 110 killers to drop chase so they'd never get bloodlust and there's that one of Otzdarva on Nemesis getting run there for about 5 bloody minutes - it's in his win streak video.

    Yeah I see what you mean and there's a good reason those don't stack, as it would turn the unhooked survivor into an unstoppable body blocking monster.

  • Member Posts: 342

    So anti-tunnel and anti-slug perks are there for fun and as a gimmick, have I got that right?

  • Member Posts: 342

    I have to agree with you. Who likes to lose? Nobody does. I'm just saying that anti-perks have a right to exist and deserve to be used.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I think this is fair to say, especially considering killers just do their equivalent without being asked or begged. If they get DS'd too many times, they'll tunnel less. I got sick of taking forever to catch survivors, so I put STBFL/Rapid Brutality on, and even Batteries Included sometimes. Those perks don't really solve that, but they help.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I don't care about punishing strategic slug. The types that you see twins, Oni and Myers do. I just want to Charlie horse ppl who purposefully slug just to laugh at you and bleed you out. There's no perk for that.

    Only Exponential saves you from that.

  • Member Posts: 21,203

    It was, but I think a lot of the post-Nemesis Killers can handle what the old maps have just fine.

  • Member Posts: 21,203

    If you give Survivors better loops on smaller maps though, you end up with high density of loops.

    Larger maps means you can keep the dead areas and the good loops, but you don't have to have the high pallet density.

  • Member Posts: 290


    Like…a remastered retro version as an event would be fine, but you'd have to revert so many things to that era otherwise the balance is super borked now.

  • Member Posts: 1,582

    I think about this a lot when I play against current Spirit. I used to enjoy playing against old pre-nerf Spirit on 2019-2020 maps (with the exception of a certain pretentious UK streamer who would VPN to NA until eventually being banned for using cheats). And even though she's been nerfed heavily, I find her way more annoying to face now when most pallets are too short to play against her.

    Give me strong killers and map resources that I can actually use against them.

  • Member Posts: 6,129

    When there's 2 of us left with multiple gens to go, I don't want to keep playing a lost game. Since I, like most people, have limited play time, I want to go to my next match. Anti-slug doesn't help, just hook me please.

  • Member Posts: 290

    It would be a cute anniversary event or something, but…I dunno about modern killers.

    Dracula is strong. Sadako? Post nerfs Chucky? Trickster?

    Maybe like a remastered version of older maps with the classic lighting.

    I think new maps are a mixed bag. Borgo is still fairly strong for survivor I find. Ditto Toba. Nostromo is a mess - it feels huge and mazey but tiles are mediocre. Vecna's map is just ick for everyone. Reworked Midwich feels okay. Eyrie is an abomination for killer but it's better than it was (old Eyrie was one of the most miserable maps ever made). Haddonfield is very killer sided…mostly, but GoJ still has a defacto infinite possible with that one god window in main where you can always break LOS. Greenville…I still don't know but I get absolutely pantsed there as killer sometimes. Ditto the new MD.

  • Member Posts: 290

    I try to hook you. Your buddy has BGP and drops a perfect sabo on me. Now both of you hide.

    What do I do to prevent this?

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I agree.

    Not just because 2019 DBD before Freddy's rework was peak (a fact, not an opinion), but because you would completely eliminate the problem of maps giving you almost nothing to work with.

    Especially Coldwind Farm. I really miss the time those maps weren't a death sentence.

  • Member Posts: 603

    I play solo queue. Let's see what I should do to make sure I have a fun game:

    1. Run a perk to see my teammates, so that I don't run chase to them and know who is rotating for hook in odd instances where gen HUD can't help me with that.
    2. Run kinship so I don't get proxy camped.
    3. Run anti-tunnel so killers don't tunnel me.
    4. Run shoulder the burden to help a teammate getting tunneled.
    5. Run unbreakable so I don't get slugged.
    6. Run a perk to pick up teammates faster so they don't get slugged.
    7. Run reassurance so my teammates don't get camped.

    what else should we add to the list? I shouldn't have to run any perk to avoid getting bled out on the floor for 4 minutes.

    Seriously, if someone has a problem with being on the floor for 4 minutes, why are they even playing? ( Don't say anything about time, you're playing a computer game and everyone who plays a computer game has time) It's part of the game.

    "Seriously, if someone has a problem with waiting at your monitor for 120 minutes, why are they even playing? It's part of the game."

    this would have been you several years earlier when hatch standoff was a thing, your take is just as insane now. The entire argument is that 4 minutes of nothing is not something that should exist in the game. It serves no functional purpose when the killer chooses to bleed you out solely to waste your time. It is not a good part of the game, you cannot argue that it is.

  • Member Posts: 342

    """It serves no functional purpose when the killer chooses to bleed you out solely to waste your time."""'

    You die and the killer is happy. Its simple because sluggin is Part of the Game.

    """It is not a good part of the game, you cannot argue that it is."""

    Of course, it's not a good part of the game, but like it or not. You will have to accept it (as we all do at the moment).

    There are only 4 perk slots and you won't be able to cover everything, and that's a good thing. Incidentally, this applies not only to killers, but also to survivors.

    Come to terms with it

  • Member Posts: 6,129
    edited December 2024

    Considering I've never been in a situation where someone has successfully used BGP to save me when there's 2 of us left, followed by us both hiding, I don't know what you do and honestly i dont care. I doubt you have to worry about it too much when it happens in that 1% of your games. Meanwhile, I'm slugged for the 4k in majority of the games where I'm one of the last two. So i honestly don't care what you do in your niche situation when I'm sharing my common experience.

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    Off topic, but I just want to say: it's great so see you back in action. I missed your input.

    On topic: absolutely agree.

  • Member Posts: 190
    edited December 2024

    Slugging should be tackled at a game-level basis, not on the basis of having to run a perk. That said, seeing people twist now be against this argument, while countering other arguments with "Just run X!" is a little ironic. Not that that is happening in this thread, but I've seen this argument used far too often for one side, while not applying it to the other.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Still think they should revert Balanced Landing back to what it was, now that Haddonfield is no longer an issue.

  • Member Posts: 603

    You die and the killer is happy.

    So make the survivors able to skip the bleedout and die instantly after X seconds on the floor. They still die.

    Of course, it's not a good part of the game

    good, so we agree, then let's change all the not good parts of the game so that the game can improve, yeah?

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