How to deal with survivor movement

You know the killers you see in the videos making fun of them, where they constantly whiff while the survivors run loops around them? Hi, I’m that killer :). I would like to know how to git gud. I’ve watched plenty of streams and YouTube videos and so many of those killers make it look so easy but I can’t keep track of the survivors at all. Either I lose them altogether (no idea where they went) or they are constantly popping in and out of my view and spinning all around. I miss at least twice as often as I connect, if not more :(.

What should my strategy be with camera movement and does anyone have tips for how to hit the survivors?


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    Don't be so quick to swing, take a couple steps back when they start spinning around

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    If you just tap m1 when they're in range, instead of lunging, autoaim will jerk the camera to aim at the survivor and hit them, even if they try to spin.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    This sounds like really stupid advice but this is how I learned at least just play the game with time you should be able to naturally figure out how to not get 360'd ect.

  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100

    Oh really? I didn’t know that, thank you! Will this work even if they’ve spun around behind me or do I have to be facing them? Most people arent that great at it but some people are ridiculously good and just run constant circles around me.

    Also it’s pretty embarrassing, but I actually do have quite a few hours into this game already lol. I have actually gotten rank 1 as Hag because I am fairly good at trap placement and I run the survivors into them while spamming teleport and immediately swing and it hits them. The ranking system is trash though if someone like me can get rank 1.

    Also a SWF that knows what they are doing vs a Hag is brutal. Usually it is pretty easy. I am completely unable to play any killer except Hag though and would like to fix this.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    I don't think it'll work if they're already behind you when you tap m1, but if they're still in front of you, then you'll spin around to hit them.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    After you break a palette or hop a window, if you feel blocked from movement for a little while then a survivor is crouching and trying to run behind you, don't be scared to look behind you and down after vaulting or palette breaking. To avoid being 360'd you just try not to do a long lunge at em. That's usually where I start laughing hysterically in videos like that, when the killers try to do a long lunge while some one is back-to-belly with them doing 360s. Also, listen for footsteps/breathing/crying/lockers/rustling folliage. The louder your audio, the better. And hopefully you use headphones so you can hear which direction it's coming from. Also, sadly now survivors make yelling noises when they fall from high areas so you can hear where they did it if they did it nearby, listen to what direction that's coming from and you'll have an idea on where they fell from.