Killers that AFK constantly

It’s getting annoying countering killers that do nothing but stand still the whole match, something needs to be done about that. And then we also have killers that wanna farm and it’s just like I don’t wanna participate in that get me out of the match.
Sometimes people have to go AFK? I farm but it’s rare. Very rare.
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I have not seen a Killer who was AFK the whole match in months. And this might not even have been intentional, sometimes people really forget that they queued up, especially if queue times are long. I have seen Killers who went AFK when the match did not go their way, but this is whatever I guess. But not that a Killer was AFK from the start.
I also rarely see farming Killers, but even if a Killer wants to farm, you can just do Gens and escape. At least this is how I am doing it, I dont care about farming and I usually do not farm, so I will just do Gens and dont engage with the farming and so far it went well all the time.
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the problem with me is when I choose not to farm I’ll get teamed up on, so at that point I’ll just go AFK myself and not participate in that nonsense.
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It happens in "lower mmr". I played this game on different accounts and this is actually really prevalent shortly after you just start as survivor. Very obnoxious and I am surprised bhvr doesn't ban these people. Might be because people who play this game a lot eventually go above said "mmr" and don't really experience it anymore. I never experienced this on my main surv acc as well but when I played on fresh ones I did.
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if they go afk and do nothing, they can actually get nailed with the DC penalty even if theyre there the whole match.
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I saw some just spam m1 or use their powers in weird way like they are bots. I think some of these people farm accounts and sell them.
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This is a thing. its common with doctor because of his static blast
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I see it a lot with the cenobite and wraith. I was just think people are trying to get a good Saturday night game going on by going AFK all week before they go to work, like while they're getting dressed or taking a shower just queue up and walk away.
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Pretty sure a lot do it to drop MMR so they can stomp on less skilled players.
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As someone who has occasionally queued up and forgot because the kid started exploding, it'll kick you after a few minutes with a DC penalty.
The problem are the bots. But all you can do is report those.
See above.
Yep, those are bots. Probably Epic accounts for resale.
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Wow op your extremely lucky I have not gotten an afk killer since 6 months now.
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I always farm during events. I feel like there’s a lot of sweat and it’s nice to be able to enjoy the break. On rare occasions I will have a survivor just DC because they’re not happy but, it’s pretty rare. It’s typically a great time. Everybody gets to take advantage of the BP and all of them line up in rows for me for hooks, we do a snowball fight maybe a little slug race and sometimes a survivor or two will stay behind and sacrifice themselves so I get kills out of it.
I’m sorry it annoys you though OP. At least you can just do gens and get points in an easy game and just get out of it quick.
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I had a Pinhead today stand in front of his Ruin totem as soon as we loaded in, and he remained there the entire match. Everyone just did gens, the box, had a brief snowball fight at shack, then left. He didnt budge the whole game. It sucked because I needed to be chased for 60s per the Bone Chill tome, so I had to load up another game.
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Just do Gens and leave... that's the end all be all
If you don't like something then do your Objective and leave so you can queue up for another match... or take the death and move on
Sorry if that comes off as insensitive but rather then staying in the match not liking it just leave when you have an opportunity to if it's by exit gates,hatch or death
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I typically end my time on DbD for the day with a farming session too. For the event, I'm stalking people with Ghostface in a snowman stabbing them once and running away for another snowman, menacingly watching a gen be done through the window at Killer Shack as a snowman, stalking people to 100% and then smacking them with a snowball and things like that. I still have a bunch of Frightful Flans to play too.
I keep my meming Killers away from the Killers I play seriously on to not feel like I'm kicking puppies with the survivors I get matched with after the event's over. My two favourite Killers for meming are Ghostface and Scratched Mirror Myers with an indoor map offering.
Typically everyone likes it as well and if somebody doesn't they can end the game quickly by just doing gens fast.