Is The New Map Meant To Be Boosted?

I keep getting sent to the Ormond realm and I'm sure it's because players want to experience the new map. But even with an offering, I find myself on Ormond Resort more often than not. Is the new map not boosted at all? I think I've only seen it 3 or 4 times myself (Killer and Survivor) and I've played plenty of trials.
Kinda weird, considering BHVR are keen to get some feedback on it and it's also a part of the survey. I couldn't give my opinion on it since I've hardly played on it so far.
Best Answer
I might be wrong, but usually when a new map is released, the game does boost the chances of that certain realm to be selected. Since Ormond now has two maps, it lowers the chance of the new map to appear
I've definitely been getting regular Ormond more often. So yeah, the realm probably is boosted and I'm just getting unlucky.
Oh well, it's not my favourite Killer map, but at least it's wintery, home turf for my main and a decent enough map for Billy, so it's not all bad.