I need some help with this

Ok so this afternoon I was playing as a Killer to complete some rituals I had pending. I was playing as the trickster on the map of The Game. There is a moment where I go to the bathrooms and there is a meg, like any Killer, I block the door for a moment so I can hit meg with my power and hurt her, which goes too well and I end up knocking her down, I hang Meg and then she starts committing suicide on the hook, then she sends me some messages saying that she had recorded the game and that I was going to be banned for having used bodyblocking against her, which leads me to my question. Is it possible that I get banned for having blocked Meg from leaving that room for a few seconds? I'll put the video of the exact moment so you can judge for yourselves.

As you can see, it was just a few seconds... it wasn't even the whole game. Here I also show you the messages he sent me, the original text is in Portuguese, so I translated it because I don't speak Portuguese and so you could understand it.

I would like to know if it is true that they can ban me for this, it would be a pleasure if you could answer me. I would like to know if it is true that they can ban me for this, it would be a pleasure if you could answer me.


  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 584
    edited December 2024

    Body blocking is reportable but only when it’s a very long period of time. I wouldn’t worry, you’ll be fine.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    No, you're fine. That room is set up that way on purpose, it's a risky gen and can be a death trap if you don't run early. I don't even touch that gen against stealth killers

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,106

    This is fine. You didn't bodyblock with the intention of making her unable to play, you did so only to secure the down, which was possible because she misplayed. You're completely safe here and the meg likely is just trying to make you feel like an ass so they can feel better about themselves. In fact, I don't think its possible to do bannable body blocking like that; the survivor either goes down, or does the gen and flees out the side door.

    On all avenues, you're in the clear.

  • ftwleon
    ftwleon Member Posts: 18

    To those who have responded, thank you. I wasn't afraid of being banned because I've never been banned, but I still had my doubts. Thanks to everyone. 💜