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Why does Toba Landing and Nostromo Wreckage have separate map offerings?

Nostromo Wreckage was put in the same realm as Toba Landing, Dvarka Deepwood, however it was given its own map offering.

The same was not done with Forgotten Ruins when it was added to the same realm as Decimated Borgo, so why?

Was it some requirement by Disney that they have a separate offering, or what?

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  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Probably a licensing thing. Like if Alien fans got drawn to the game through the license, they'd probably be disappointed if they repeatedly used the offering and kept getting Tobas lol. Disney probably didn't want that to be the case either, same with BHVR who had to pay for the license so would want to appease Alien fans and ensure they got Nostromo when they wanted it

  • Member Posts: 218

    I agree about the Airlock Doors thing being really silly

    I have the opposite opinion about realms and map offerings; I sometimes would like to play on the cinema map, but I'm not that evil to risk bringing killers to Garden of Pain lol. Wish every unique map (not counting the tile variations) had its own offering

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Counterpoint, Vecna's map has the same offering as Knight's map. So it's probably more of a Disney thing.

  • Member Posts: 5,785
    edited December 2024

    Well it all started when people were yeeting full cakes, rocks, and license plates, into the fire and it was all downhill from there

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I would actually be angry if Toba were in the same realm as Nostromo. Toba is my favourite level in dbd but Nostromo suuuuuuucks

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    For the same reason Hawkins doesn't share a map offering with Treatment Theatre/Lery's. Maps of the same realm usually have a similar aesthetic that makes the realm identifiable.

    Woods at nighttime? Macmillan State.

    A sunny farm with a cornfield? Coldwind Farm.

    A junkyard? Autohaven Wreckers.

    Ice, snow and skiing equipment? Ormond.

    Japanese buildings and vegetation? Yamaoka State

    A garden full of bushes and an old building that seems normal at first glance but there's something off about it? Withered Isle (this one is the least similar one because of the sky having different colors, but the similarities are still very noticeable).

    Nostromo Wreckage and Toba Landig's only similarity is that they take place on sci-fi buildings on an alien planet, which SOUNDS similar, but the aesthetic of each map is completely different. One is dark, gray and full of rocks the other one is colorful, predominantly pink and purple, full of strange-looking alien plants. They look nothing alike. The only way for both of them to share a map offering would have been for Toba's Landing to have a more rocky-grey aesthetic from start, but that would have limited the creativity of the team way too much and even Singularity's design would have needed to be different (he literally matches the colors of the map).

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Not saying you don't have a point (because you very much do), but Léry's and Hawkins are their own distinct realms while Toba and Nostromo, despite literally every single aspect about them, from the tile aesthetics, to the intro music to the HOOK DESIGNS (which even the considerably different Withered Isle maps share), being so different, are both considered part of the Dvarka Deepwood realm.

    It's stupid, inconsistent with the rest of the game's logic, and irritates me to no end, but this is how it is.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    This confused me from the get-go.

    Like, this whole thing would not have been an issue if Nostromo’s realm was called anything other than Dvarka Deepwood.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Wait… yeah, I had to check it and you're right. I always thought they were from separate realms, but the descriptions of the offerings themselves state they are both from Dvarka Deepwood. That is indeed really inconsistent with all the other map offerings, that take you to a realm, not a map.

  • Member Posts: 820
    edited December 2024

    Agree 100%. It ticks me off because it wasn't like they were strapped for options. Using a dead facehugger, discarded shedding, or something like a copy of Ripley's audio log from the end of the film would've been perfectly on brand. Even something like Ashes head or a tracking scouter would've been easily recognizable for the franchise.

    It's such a minor thing but I feel like it could be fixed really easily.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited December 2024

    As hilarious as this scene is in my brain... what would be an appropriate offering?

    I've been trying to find a lore accurate offering one could add, but finding something small that is actually a good lore accurate fit is quite hard...

    Like a cryopod refill capsule would be perfect, but can't find a actual reference to it... containment life support tube maybe?

  • I can answer that… a spent facehugger carcass.

    There ya go.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited December 2024

    Hmm… it's not particularly subtle... kinda on the nose.

    Most offerings hint at the realm/the respective killers map with an innocuous item tied to their lore. Some good examples are: -

    • Heart Locket for Thompson Farm. Engraved with E+M for Evelyn and Max Thompson Sr.
    • Charred Wedding Photo for Crotus Penn Asylum. The faces of the couple are burned away, likely depicting Sally Smithson and her late husband Andrew.
    • Azarov's Key for Autohaven Wreckers. A bent key hinting at the execution method used by the owner at the expense of Philip Ojomo.

    Not every example is good, some are a little bland, like the broken bottle for Dead Dawg Saloon, or they face smash you a bit like the MacMillan Phalanx Bone for MacMillan Estate, but to my mind an offering should be something that you'd almost dismiss, say for some innocuous detail that makes it relevant.

    I feel something like Severed Specimen Tail with a Sample ID and Patient Number. That would be a little more in the spirit if we're to go the Facehugger carcass route.... you could then have a little lore snippet about how it was attained, maybe mention a victim and hint at the machinations of the Weyland-Yuntani Corporation.

    Does that make sense?

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Well Dead Dawg Saloon was originally a noose, but they changed it to a broken bottle for reasons of triggering certain players for reasons that should be obvious.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited January 4

    Yeah, it's an undestandable compromise, but still, the broken bottle is a little below par on the offering tier list 😏

    Maybe if it was a bottle that was broken by the bullet that went through Quinn's jaw, that would be an offering cooking on gas... but as it stands, it's just a random broken bottle to my knowledge, which is just a bit... meh... 😁

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