What Is Even The Point Of "Invocation: Treacherous Crows"?
Literally what is the point of this perk?
You have to spend 60 second in basement doing nothing, does not progress the objective/Generators in any meaningful way. It leaves you permanently Broken for the entire game once it is completed and for the game to play a universal sound cue and notification telling the Killer that this perk is active.
For the trade-off of being able to get 2 seconds of Aura Reading when they alert of a crow… only problem is that you often alert crows before this perk can even get value since you are leading the chase and often pass through an area first. So NOW you need to use two perk slots instead of just one perk slot to get value from this perk by using Calm Spirit.
Calm Spirit is also an awful perk that has its own issues, often being detrimental to the game if certain Killer perks are in play.
Oh yea, and did I mention that this perk does not stack with other Invocation Perk? Meaning youd need to waste another 60 seconds if you wanted to pair this perk with other Invocation Perks.
Also many Killers just ignore scaring crows altogether or ignore the aura reading altogether. Meaning that you can get a Killer that's sole existence just nullifies the perk's effect. A prime example of this is Wraith, they dont alert crows (unless the touch their hitbox) while cloaked, they are also Undetectable while cloaked which means that aura reading does not work on them.
Ultimately… what is the point of this perk? Ive never seen a perk be this poorly designed and awful.
To help the teams ability to stealth the killer
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While I agree the issue of the survivor being the one to startle the crow more frequently is a problem (and not being able to stack the Invocations is baffling, as well), I find rundowns of this perk often miss out that the whole team gets that two second aura reveal.
If the activation condition were tweaked a little to make it more consistent - maybe by making it the survivor startling the crow instead of the killer? - the effect would be pretty damn good. If you could get it consistently, team-wide wallhacks for a single perk slot is nothing to sneeze at.
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You want to know what else does that… Wire Tap.
Plus the aura reading for Wire Tap does not require you to be Broken the entire game. It is gained through naturally progressing your objective (does not waste time). It has a lot of synergies with existing perks. It benefits the entire time. You only need to bring a single perk to get value.
Wire Tap is just objectively better in every single possible way.
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It is a good killer perk, but I still have to find out how to equip it.
Jokes aside the invocation perks are completly flawed, because behavior is scarred to introduce any good new survivor perks.
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A perk to trap newbies into wasting time.
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The invocation lasts the rest of the trial after it's been cast, isn't tied to a gen, isn't gone when the teammate with it bites the dust, and can't be broken by the killer prematurely.
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Switch it from "aura reveal when a killer disturbs a crown while your in their terror radius" to "aura reveal whenever the killer disturbs a crow while not in chase" and I'd seriously consider running this perk
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Yeah it's bad. When Taurie was released I had several games where people would try it out, and the time investment absolutely contributed to the matches losses. I know the devs have stats on all this and there's no way those stats don't show games typically snowballing in the killer's favour as soon as someone starts Invocating in the basement. If I want to know where the killer is I can just bring Alert.
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It's a bit like No Mither.
The answer is…basically 'memes'.
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Tbh, if all teammates brings their own aura perk ( lets say all of them used Alert ) , it's still so much better than this perk. It's 4 perk slots versus one. It's just shows how badly designed this perk.
Most of side objective perks are just trap for survivors to waste their time for giving extra time to killers. BHVR either need to make rewards better for side objectives or they need to stop push perks like Treacherous Crows
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BHVR either need to make rewards better for side objectives or they need to stop push perks like Treacherous Crows
The third option though is to just make the "risk" part of the perk less of a factor, because currently this perk in particular is all risk and barely any reward.
If they're already going to make you do the invocation for each perk separately, then just change the timer for each perk. This one can be like 30 seconds or something. That way they can tune them according to their effect, and the next one that makes the killer's breathing 10% louder or some crap isn't somehow even worse than this one.
They could make more invocation circles spawn. Maybe put one on the map for each invocation perk in play to make it not completely useless to have duplicates, or more flexibility. The circle gets used up or something and they can spawn near chests or potential chest spawns (with a guaranteed chest and circle in the basement).
And absolutely make the broken status not permanent. I've heard people recommend either a timer or only until first hook, and either one of those would be better than the current "no mither but with a time waste".
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Literally what is the point of this perk?
I mean, think about it, what more could you want?
You want survivors to spend time off gens, this perk does that. Preferably near basement, this perk does that. You want survivors to not heal up, this perk does that. And all for the low price of very rarely getting your aura revealed for 2 seconds, and effectively never during chase. That's a great perk!
Oh, wait, for the survivors? Nah, I've got nothing.
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JRMs YT video was really funny imo - he tried to get this perk to work and didn´t manage it because they were constantly interupted in the basement :-)
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What's the point of this perk?
It's the real hard mode! That's the point of it.
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Invocations are just an extremely bad perk category. The downsides aren't even remotely balanced out by the "upsides". Using those perks is basically throwing with extra steps.
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Sure, but Treacherous Crows is one perk slot versus four, as you point out.
If Treacherous Crows gave comparable overall aura-reading uptime to four Alerts, it'd be more than worth that one perk slot. The problem is that it's not consistent enough for its setup requirements, not that the basic design is worthless.
Alert's also one of the better perks survivors have access to so to be fair it might be better overall but y'know, still.
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Tbf this perk has no use for survivors who are not in chase. Survivor hud is telling me who is in chase and that information is strong enough already. I really don't need to see killer's aura when they chase someone else.
This perk has use for a survivor in chase because they can use this information for take position and direction. But problem with this perk, this effect rarely happens because survivor will disturb most crows, not killer which means perk won't work at all. BHVR is just poorly designed this perk.
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The new invocation has to be one of the worst perks in the game. The set up and permanent broken are nowhere even close to worth it.
The other Invocation for gens can be good in very specific situations if used at the right time, but it's basically a killer perk only 98% of the time, whereas the crows one is 100% of the time.
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They are currently testing out giving killers 4 perks a chapter and survivors 2