Thoughts on quick gambit?

I’ve been running quick gambit recently since the rework it got back in October and tbh the perk seems really overrated and overhyped from when it was announced. The 5% repair boost barely saves any time on gens I think it’s like 4 seconds (I could be wrong) and that’s IF you stay untouched for the whole length of the gen. I personally think it could use a slight buff to maybe 7 or 8% repair speed or make it like resi/spine chill where all survivor actions (except vaulting) are increased by 5% while you’re in chase. I think it wouldn’t be OP because of the hefty 60 second cd when you lose a health state and most killers will down you within 60 seconds after injuring you or drop chase because it’s unreasonable to spend that much time in chase without a down. That’s my thoughts on it and I’m curious to hear what others think about this perk and what your ideas would be to change this perk.
It went in the right direction, but is still very bad. The cooldown is completely unnecessary and extremely punishing. Without it the perk could be good.
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I tried it only one time and my friend told me he barely felt any difference reparing when I ran the killer for awhile. May as well run deja vu instead lol.
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Thats the thing, for the Repair Speed Bonus neither Deja-Vu nor Quick Gambit are good. Deja-Vu is mainly used for finding Generators quickly and trying to avoid 3-Gens, but the Repair Speed Bonus is nearly non-existent. And Quick Gambit only has that going for it, which makes it way worse than Deja-Vu.
Quick Gambit was only be called good or OP when they announced the changes. And obviously it was not true. Personally, I would lower the Cooldown to 20 seconds or so.
I dont think that adding Vault Speed would be really good, because when you are healthy, you already have Finesse, when you are injured, you have Resilience. And if the Cooldown would be kept, you would only get value out of it with Resilience after 60 seconds…
I would also not increase the numbers of repair speed, since it is hard to balance.So I guess lowering the Cooldown is the way to go. 20 seconds would be reasonable I guess.
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True idk what I was thinking, they both suck I do not even use them.
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It's good, but not incredible.
The gen speed bonus isn't high but if you can last in chase for a while it's just free extra time on every generator being done, and far more importantly, it allows you to avoid running the killer towards generators that are being repaired with far, far more of an advance warning than something like Bond gives you.
Just the aura bonus alone would honestly make it pretty alright, so the extra speed on top of that definitely cements it as "pretty good" imo.
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My friend is a very good looper and he uses it a lot, it's definately not a bad perk. It's not THAT good as I thought after buff, but in useful league anyway and last thing it needs is a buff.
The 5% repair boost barely saves any time on gens I think it’s like 4 seconds (I could be wrong) and that’s IF you stay untouched for the whole length of the gen
Except one little thing: there are up to 3 gens working on while you are chasing.
And as long as stupid maps like Gideon or Eyrie exist, as long as every second killer has not good chase power, this perk should not see a single buff.0 -
People forget that the perk lets you see the auras of all survivor teammates, the arguably better part of it, sure 1s of chase time can save up to 0.15s of repair time, but you know what buys even more time, not interrupting teammates and being on the complete opposite side of the map by the time the chase ends
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As someone that disliked the perks change im still not happy with it. I agree, that it's not as strong as a lot of people (including me) thought it might be.
My criticism still stands though. This perk punishes the killers that already struggle. A strong killer like Wesker, Spirit, Plague or Dracula, not to mention Blight or Nurse, have no problems with injuring survivors fast. Killers like Trapper, Freddy, Myers or Pig however often struggle with getting the first hit in chase.
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I'd use it more if my soloq teammates would actually do gens while i'm in chase. Would really help
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The repair speed isn't the main feature of Quick Gambit. The aura reading is the key. The worst possible thing you can do outside of going down instantly is to run the killer towards gens that are in progress. It's better to have an okay chase away from gens than it is to extend a chase and interrupt gens. Then you get hooked on the gen and lose all progress.
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i overrated it as well. Thought it would be crazy but it just solid. Much like hyperfocus it's one of them perks that give little value unless you play it completely perfect.
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I think they're mostly just weary about big numbers since you can stack it with other genspeed perks. If these perks WERENT stackable, each one could be made better.
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60 cooldown is too high to get any perk value and 5% is low, it should be raised to original 7% value or was it 8%.
remove cooldown
increase % to 7%.
there is only ever one person in chase. double instances of the perk are not good because -1 person on a gen is bad.
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The three that are on gens would be able to stack it, though.
Nothing stopping the people doing gens from having, say, Deja Vu on top of benefiting from Quick Gambit. It's not that unlikely in solo queue, even, Deja Vu is fairly popular.
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I love quick gambit as a solo player because I get full knowledge of my team's positions and can take the chase to the optimal spot. That part alone is the most powerful part of the perk. I think it could be increased to 7% or 8% repair speed without really changing much, but I'd rather either decrease the cooldown or, ideally, also show your aura to teammates while in chase.
If the devs opt to shorten the cooldown, 20 or 30 seconds would be better. I think it is fine that the perk disables for a bit upon being injured, both to encourage you not to get tagged and to reward the killer for getting a hit, but 60 seconds is a bit rough especially when you start the chase getting hit and can't use the teammate auras. But I think for solo queue the better buff would be showing your aura to teammates while in chase. I cannot count how many times I have seen people completely unaware of where the chase is rotating directly into me on accident. If all 3 teammates saw my aura it would allow solo players to be much more efficient.1 -
yeah that is not stacking the perk. that is using the perk as intended. the killer get punished for having long chases.
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Stacking its effects with other effects isn't mutually exclusive with using it as intended, I'm not sure what you're getting at there. It's both, the perk is being used as intended and its effects are stacking with other perks' effects.
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i don't see anything wrong with this. the killer need base-kit regression buff changes to their kick and base-kit gen defence to better balance the progression perks but that has been a problem since like….. day 1 of dbd. 5% base regression on kick's isn't good enough.
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Remove the CD and it is a decent mid perk
Reason i dont recommend because of chases is always dropping mid chase for no reason meaning perk goes on CD =/
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I wasn't talking about multiple ppl running quick gambit, just that multiple gen speed perks can stacks. That's why Freddy's Slowdown addons were gutted back in the day. Their individual effect is minimal, but combined with Thana, dying light and other action speed slowdowns... it added up.
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It's good. Knowing exactly where to keep the killer away from is very essential for the success of the entire team. Repair speed boost isn't much, I agree, but I do like it as it helps the perk feel more rewarding for keeping the killer on a long chase, and it's not even that bad since it can make a difference in combination with some other generic repair boost perks like Resi or Deja Vu.
Cooldown is brutally long, I also agree with that, but you have to keep in mind that this perk needs to feel fair for the killer too. Killer has to chase as it's part of their objective so it wouldn't be fair for survivors to constantly give their teammates a +5% boost to repairing from the killer just doing one of their objectives.
I think the perk is just fine as is.
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It's good. Knowing where your teammates are in chase so you don't accidentally bring the killer to them is a big deal.
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sounds like every game-delay perk genre. corrupt, deadlock, dms,grim embrace, surge+pain res+pop+eruption. you can counter mutiple gen speed perks by stacking gen defence perks. they're about as effective as each other.
i don't agree with slowdown being removed entirely from his kit and deleting entire genre of the perks. the freddy changes make him severely weak. apparently freddy is listed for changes but we will have to see till than for what changes.
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They introduced anti-synergy with slowdown perks for that very reason. Regressing gens can't be kicked with Pop. Blocked gens don't regress, even if something like ruin is in play. They ALSO can't be kicked.
Gen SPEEDUP hasn't really gotten anything similar yet.
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pop+eruption+pain res has synergy. surge has synergy if a gen is already regressing. ruin in theory does not need regression because it is suppose to be the best regression perk that doesn't need support. One of the reasons why current ruin doesn't hold up on it's own is because base regressions is extremely bad but again, this is nothing new, it hasn't been updated for +6 years and big part in that is well… the 3 gen meta problem. so i disagree, i think all killer perk that slow gen down have synergy within their own archetype. all gen-block perk synergy with each other and you already stated that all action speed perks work with each other although not really true considering thana being based off injures and dying light gives free 33% healing speed but anyway. if we removed some negatives from dying light on balance level, it would synergize.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
It should activate on unhook and grant a much higher repair buff. Tunnel at your peril.
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I think your confusing what "synergy" even means, lol. Dictionary definition is...
the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
I brought up the existence of anti-synergy in that various slowdown perks get in the way of each other. You end up with effectively 1 slowdown+1 slowdown=like 1.5 slowdown. That's not to say this happens with EVERY slowdown perk. Survivor gen speed perks on the other hand have no such anti-synergy with each other. They stack giving their full effects on top of each other.
Also... before it gets brought up... "stacking" is not "synergy" either.
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What if the effects increased for as long as you were in chase? Like for every 30s-60s in chase you gain a token which adds another 5%. This way the perk would significantly give power to those brave, SELFLESS, survivors who run the killer all match who are then rewarded with a one-hook facecamp death. Quick Gambit should be the perk for survivors that love "juicing"!
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5% on 3 people vs 9% on 1 person. Gotta remember that 1 perk slot is boosting 3 people whereas you'd otherwise be using a perk slot on each person to beat that.
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This is really true. It's a lot of spread-out pressure if you know how to chase and it can create issues especially for M1s. I've been hit by it and it doesn't feel great to be punished for chasing… honestly I don't think any perk should ever punish chasing a Survivor, isn't that the whole point of the game?
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Yeah, I can agree with this.
Ideally, imo, changing anything that messes with gen speed and haste (Through perks) for either side should go. Bloodlust can stay lol.
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I think it might be time to look at Survivor gen stuff now, there's been a lot tweaked or added and it's probably for everyone's good if gens do not go too fast OR too slow.
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Well, I agree, but until the meta shifts for killers, I'd rather it stay like this. It would just create more complaints that things are killer sided atm. Should this matter? Nah. But even Im getting fed up with how trials are far too similar atm.
I feel the event should be good for gens going slow. Why do an event at all if its just the same copy/paste stuff? I was berated because I threw a snowball while being chased. lol like wut
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That's all really true, and IMHO why they should have addressed Survivor gen perks and tools at the same time as the Killer gen perk nerfs. But they missed that boat by a mile.
If they address it again it needs to be in relation to something ELSE buffed for Survivors… like chase or interactive tools/perks.
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They're weary about stacking perks, and yet toolboxes specifically Commodious gets a pass?
That's the same argument you could make for "well but you don't see Coup and All-Shaking Thunder that often, who cares if it stacks on Wraith and Myers to make ridiculously hard to avoid lunge distances?"
I'm not saying that any of the perks are a problem on their own or even combined. I'm saying there's an issue here. The issue is toolbox repair speed, specifically toolboxes that do not have a low charge tradeoff FOR their faster speed, which is primarily event toolboxes and Commodious. Either adjust charges, adjust speed, or add a tradeoff because right now? There's zero tradeoff. What else in the game, either side, has ZERO tradeoff for how powerful it is? I can't think of very many.
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What else in the game, either side, has ZERO tradeoff for how powerful it is? I can't think of very many.
Lightborn is my pick!
Man, everyone thinks if something happens one one side, an equal or better thing should happen to the other side.
If you're at a birthday party and the birthday person gets gifts, do you start asking for gifts also? Weird…
Gen speed can be looked at without anything happening to killers.
Tunneling can be looked at without anything happening to survivors.
I know I claim to not have a lot of faith in BHVR, and I don't. But I think they could do these things if they stopped trying to do many things at once. I wish they had more focus and set better goals.
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I respect you and agree with some of what you're saying, namely a lot of stuff being looked at without regards to one side or the other however there's one important thing I think you may have made a bad metaphor about: DBD isn't a birthday party. There is no "special side", it's more like a dance party or a pool party. It's a competitive game, and everyone needs to be given consideration to make it a fun party. If we just focused on one or two people at the party, then that's to the detriment of everyone else, unlike wiht a birthday party where one person (side in this case) is the focus.
In DBD, both sides' fun matters or should matter, it's not always the Killers' or Survivors' special day - everyone is here to just have a fun time in the game. So therefore, if we want a balanced experience, then yes. There needs to be balance and equality of stuff both sides. SOME. Right now, the impact slugging has (not so much tunnelling, there's perks for that) is too high, and ditto the impact that generator perk and item stacking has. It can easily be fixed as you said without harming the other side. But BHVR doesn't do that - it focuses on one side then nerfs the other. Killers can't use a lot of aura read perks because of Distortion countering it all? Nerf Distortion even if it's helpful for some Survs. Survivors can't do gens at all because generator control is strong? Nerf the crap out of all the gen perks despite them being extremely helpful to necessary on some Killers. The issue is the other side is never considered.
At the very least, they should balance generators and iron out what an appropriate speed for everyone that makes it feel okay but also lets Killers breath is before they do ANYTHING to the rest of the game. They're doing the latter before the former, that's the problem here.
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BHVR can't do anything to the game without one of the sides complaining. Honestly, it probably fatigues them a bit. But anyway!
DBD isn't a birthday party. It's a competitive game. If we want a balanced experience, then yes. There needs to be some equality o stuff both sides. SOME.
Dbd being a competitive game feels so subjective to me. CoD, MWarfare, LoL, Apex, Overwatch, those are competitive games imo. DBD 'can' be, but I personally cannot take a game that serious with all the bugs, unbalanced perks, bugs, thoughtless 'win' condition(s), the slow pace of the development, and the bugs.
Taking a tournament seriously is easier because they have to implement the rules of the tourney, which is usually declining to use a LOT of the game. Perks, etc just are banned due to whatever. (Whatever being the changes. They do make sense. To many OP or just stupid perks/addons/items/etc. You get it :P )
My point with this is it wasn't built from the ground up to be 'comp'. Now it feels like they want to go that direction (maybe? Would love some bhvr input here lol). But currently, 'comp' is a fantasy that most are glossing their eyes with. DBD just isn't there imo. Happy for anyone who is enjoying that aspect though. Just brings out a lot of 'problems' players are complaining about.
At the very least, they should balance generators and iron out what an appropriate speed for everyone that makes it feel okay but also lets Killers breath is before they do ANYTHING to the rest of the game. They're doing the latter before the former, that's the problem here.
I agree. I wholly agree. And while we as players can go back and forth about 'Well tbags/genrush! Well tunneling, slugfest!' the overall 'fault' lies with the creators. But we remain attacking one another with blame instead, and its kind of maddening. So I simply cannot take the game to that level in my mental. Its just not there. (This might have been a slight tangent, apologies lol)
Generators, imo, not only need speed looked at, but interaction? No game with this much potential adrenaline rush should have such loooooow spots like doing a generator. I assumed it was an equal and opposite feel to balance it, but I also feel thats 'unfair' (Watch what I do here!) because there is no equal low for killers. Well, maybe? Would love input here from others.
Thanks for the chat though. This has been quite enjoyable lol <3 Just woke up so Im sure Ill have some things to fix.
edit: grammar
Post edited by Spare_Them_Mori_Me on1 -
I couldn't agree more with all this, and don't worry you're fine. It's hard to form thoughts after just waking up, friend.
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- this perk with current maps (except some) is practically useless. if you are a player who predrops all pallets on the map, poor your teammates🤣
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so what is anti-synergy between pain res, surge and hex:ruin? surge triggers when gens are regressing. pain res triggers when gens are regressing. ruin is always active as long as totem exists. only kick perks have anti-synergy with ruin. you can like add pop or eruption to the build for 4 regressions.
what is anti-synergy of corrupt, deadlock, grim embrace and dead man switch? corrupt saves 1 gen at the start on average. deadlock blocks gens for 25 seconds 4 times per match. grim embrace procs on every fresh hook for 10 second. dead man switch blocks gen for 50 second.
All -action speed perks kinda suck. the best one you can run is jagged compass+scourge of hook gift of pain+dying light+Hex:Wreched fate. an alternative is running hex:ruin+wretched fate+Undying+Hex:Pentimento and hoping for hex:penti stacks.
either way, the perks add about 2 minutes of game time. you get gen-rushed from 5-7 minute to 7-9 minutes and gen-progression perks on survivor go from 5-7 minutes to 4-5 minutes. the obvious problem here is that the game is suppose to be balanced around doing gens in about 8-10 minutes but skilled survivor are finishing game too quickly & gen-rush squad are literally finishing the game in half allocated time. it's base-kit problem with killer balance. BVHR hasn't done anything notable to fix it. their best change was adding 10 second of gen time but it's also a problem between SWF vs soloq. soloq is too time inefficient at dealing with killer pressure where as 4 man swf is speed-running the game as if there is no killer presence.
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I'd like to point to my initial reply in that not EVERY slowdown gets in the way of each other. Pointing out examples that DONT negate each other doesn't disprove my point that various slowdown perks were made anti-synergestic with each other. The opposite however is NOT that case. I'm having trouble thinking of a single gen speed perk that doesn't stack with any other perk.
Sidenote though... most of the value of surge is that it starts regressing gens. If your pairing that with ruin, you can't really claim your getting the full value anymore. As for your statement that only kick perks are anti-synergy with ruin, block perks are as well. Grim embrace for example will stop gens from regressing while they're blocked. Block perks are also anti-synergy with kick perks since... obvious reason. If you equip Pop and Grim embrace, you'll often find yourself unable to kick the gen that you just blocked after a hook.
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I think it's a good perk, although I'd avoid giving it any buffs now because it's in a good place and frankly making it TOO good would just result in all four survivors potentially running it and I'm not particularly fond of the idea of near-permament 5% repair speed.
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It's fine, never had an issue dealing with it and also still not very strong. :/
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Remove the cooldown and it will be good