What are some things you would like to come to DBD in 2025?

personally I would like for bloodpoints to be able to be earned in custom games that way both roles can get them without having to sweat so hard especially during events where you see that a lot and can make for a miserable experience.
Hopefully we get a backwater swamp rework because that map is outdated and is in desperate need of a rework. And it’s too big.
Freddy deserves so much better than the poorly designed killer he is, for a horror icon he needs some serious love.
the last one I can see happening because of the recent satisfaction survey asking about slugging.
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That voice of Nemesis saying 'Dead by Daylight' at the games intro.
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Better solo queue teammates? the current calibre is wild
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AI Practice Killer bots for surviors. 100%
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Some matchmaking transparency. Show me what I played against and who I played with.
Trial pacing improvements. Particularly, speed up trials that are effectively over. There's no reason for a lopsided trial to last 10-15 minutes. This includes eliminating slugging for a 4k.
Figure something out for hopeless 2v1 and 3v1 situations. There's often no reason for survivors to work on gens. This ties into my second point: improve the game flow/pacing. There's no reason for a 3v1 at 4 gens to last for 15 minutes. It's not a winnable trial for the survivors. Implement a comeback mechanism or end trials quicker.
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i know it’s sarcasm but nooooo
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Yes this is something I would like
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Knockout rework
Daily Ritual overhaul
5v5 mode
Those are some things off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are others.
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solo not being garbage need to be top priority.
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This would be so helpful for new players, and for players who want to try out another killer too, especially those who cannot participate in the PTB for new chapters.
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The main thing I'm hoping for is the first thing you mentioned. I'd love to be able to go into a custom game against bots and still feel like I'm progressing the game by doing challenges and getting points. It would also be great for me to practice playing as killers I'm not as familiar with, and still feel like I'm accomplishing something. I would also like to see an option where you can customize the bots themselves, maybe be able to give some flashlights so that I can practice looking up and not getting blinded.
From what I understand, the devs have been working on creating some killer bots, which briefly made an appearance in the last 2v8. (If one killer dc, a random killer bot would appear in their place, such as Nemesis and Legion) I think it would be cool to be able to play as survivor with bot teammates and a bot killer. This way I could practice things like looping and going against killers I struggle with, without feeling like I'm sinking a solo public team.
Secondly, I'm mostly excited about new maps. The only survivor I see myself getting would be Elvira if DBD ever added her. I'm not sure about getting any new killers. I'm pretty happy with Pinhead, Plague and Doctor.
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I think an Apex-like context-sensitive ping system for survivors would be a huge benefit.
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Survivor objective rework (Gens are boring).
Proper graphics options - individual settings for Textures, Shadows, Postprocessing, Reflections, etc. so we no longer have to manually edit the settings file.
Stronger anti-tunnel options.
Bubba in 2v8.
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I want BHVR to be able to launch a DLC pack without breaking a lot of stuff and with the DLC functioning as it's intended. Literally all I want to expect at this point. It feels like BHVR is always months behind on what each update is intended to be.
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- Shared offerings across all Killers and Survivors.
- Removal of map offerings.
- More preset's for outfits and Perk builds.
- Add an "clear all" button to clear your whole inventory with 1 click.
- Add back the "switch to Killer" or "switch to Survivor" button.
- Add back the button which lets you switch to the next or previous character. (No idea why that got removed.)
- More Prestige rewards.
- An complete Item and Item Add-on overhaul for Survivors.
- Offering overhaul. (There are so many pointless and useless offerings.)
- Luck mechanic rework.
- More changes for weaker or to strong Killers.
- More Killer Add-on changes to actually make them interesting.
- Removal of god loops on broken maps (Garden of Joy, Eyrie, Asylum, Badham etc.)
- Rework all maps to be equally strong and similar in size.
- More Perk updates for useless and to strong Perks.
- Less events.
- Make event offerings spawn only in Bloodwebs when you are inside an event queue, not in normal queue.
- Rewards for successful reports.
- Hook suicide removed.
- Slugging for the 4k removed.
- Being able to slug multiple Survivors for no reason removed.
- Hatch removed, replaced with an End Game chase where Exit Gates open after a certain amount of time passes.
- Make finisher Mori trigger as soon as the 3rd Survivor enters struggle phase, rather than when they are completely dead to elimiate pointless outwaiting of the struggle timer.
- Better game optimization. (Yes, the game runs poorly even on good PC's, so it's not entirely the hardware's fault for the bad performance and lag.)
I could go on and on, but those are some things which came to my mind pretty fast.
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Castlevania Legendaries of Simon Belmont and Shanoa.
New dailies/weeklies/monthlies system thats supposed to be happening before next anniversary.
A new Rebecca Chambers cosmetic for the first time since launch. Or even some legendaries for her like Ashley(re4remake) / Moira Burton(revelations2) / Sherry Birkin (Re6)
Still hoping for a Predator killer chapter.
A hook rework to prevent suicides.
Wishful thinking that i hope they don't just rework freddy's power but fully update/replace the licence to the original movies
Basic badges and banners for all existing characters + prestige rewards to showcase your favorite characters.
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A lot of great things have already been said, so I dont want to repeat them.
Just something though:
- A more open minded playerbase.
Lets hope 2025 is the year… sigh
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Quality of life wise, 2024 has been a good year for seeing most of the things I want to see come to the game. I think the game is in a pretty good spot right now and a huge improvement over how it was even 2 years ago when I first started playing. But I can still think of a few improvements to be made in 2025:
- Shared item/add-on/offering inventories across all unlocked Survivors (Since they are all the same from a game play and MMR perspective).
- More perk and cosmetic load outs. Three per character is not enough and it can take a long time to find perks on console without a keyboard.
- More generous BP gains for the Survivor side. Even my lost Killer games typically have double the BP reward.
- A solution to excessive hiding / slugging for the 4K when only 2 Survivors remain. Killers trying to Slug all 4 Survivors isn't that common in my experience, but if it really is becoming more a problem, that may need looking at as well.
- Better optimisation for the older and less powerful platforms. I've already seen improvements on Switch with the change to Unreal 5, but it's not quite there yet.
As far as content is concerned, something from my personal wishlist (Gremlins, Ghostbusters, Jurassic Park, More Evil Dead stuff, Stranger Things Part 2 with Robin as Survivor). Failing that, some honest and unambiguous Horror content. I'm not holding my breath though, given that we already know that at least one big 2025 chapter will be FNAF.
I'd like to see some of the better ideas from mobile come to the core game. I watched Hens's video on it and they had some nice features like the Bloodmarket (to sell unwanted inventory), a reworked Daily Ritual System with Iri shards possible to be earned and a button for looking behind you while playing Survivor. I'd love to see some of the mobile cosmetics make the main game as well.
I'd also like to see Legion join 2 Vs 8 when it returns (with a solution for better queue times!). And maybe a few small Legion buffs as well as Frank's Mixtape to be made base-kit and reworked to become a vault speed add-on. Maybe it could be a flat 20% extra speed or if that's too strong, token based like their BFFs add-on (1% extra speed per frenzy hit, up to a max of 20%).
Edit: Oh, and please fix the scratch marks BHVR. They're still not right…
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Buff to cruel limits and hangman trick
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More cosmetics for Michael and Laurie.
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More Iron Maiden Legendary skins to celebrate their 50th anniversary and to honor the passing of vocalist Paul Di'Anno.
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More accessibility features/settings
Interesting survivor mechanics (new items like the smoke bomb, expanded objectives not only hold m1 at one place for an extended time,..)
Finally the promise for lgbTQI-+ rep to be fullfilled; especially with a certain license joining make it clear where BHVR is standing and supporting directly(!!)
Bring back the Horror Atmosphere (lighting, fog) - i think the new map is going into the right direction
Let the swamp rework come and be a success - updated graphics that are actual upgrades and not (partly) downgrades
More Focus on existing content (QoL, bug fixes, making old stuff shine anew - i hope NoES is a good example getting plenty of revisits in the First midchapter)