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General Discussions

DEVS - Fix your game, already!

Member Posts: 119
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

I do not understand why it is so hard to fix the main issues of this game to make it playable and fun for both sides.

Every survivor game is tunnel, camp, tunnel, camp. The anti-camp they put into place is ridiculous. Tunneling needs to be addressed in some way because I should not have to run a full build of anti-tunnel perks to try and make it through a match through a very determined killer; especially when so many of the maps are absolutely useless for survivor (both Borgo maps, Haddonfield, Midwich, etc). The Borgo maps have like 5 pallets and almost no tiles.

Every killer game is sweat sweat sweat because you have to run full gen slowdown to not get gen rushed but then you get a full stacked SWF commonly referred to as bully squads on maps like Garden or Eyrie which are useless for killer.

This then creates a nasty snowball after not being addressed for so long. Killers sweat more so survivors sweat more, rinse, repeat. This gets us to where we are now.

Then on top of that you have big streamers who get their jollies from playing this way and streaming it to hundreds or thousands of people who then want to play the same way.

And I do not even have to mention the "unintentional features" aka bugs because I doubt there is enough room for that in this post.

Read your forums. Take note of the amount of people complaining that this game is absolutely miserable to play and address it. Right now, it feels like this game is dying and maybe it should at this point because it feels like the team does not know how to fix the mess they have created.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 21

    ok, created a solution that wouldn't brake the game even more. you'd be suprised by how hard it is.

  • Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2024

    Dev's won't read this because it's worded in a way to criticize the dev's. More over it should noted that the game has been in this state for years. Maybe trying being genuine and less angry about balance and and offer a solution and maybe it gets read. I really don't notice the amount of bugs your talking about this game actually feels good compared to a lot of other games. For me sometimes latency gets me but to be expected.

  • Member Posts: 2,140

    The devs keep making any non tunneling tactics unviable. Now they are making hooking people unviable to encourage mass slugging tactics. Why? Heck if I know why, but they seem pretty insistent on turning the game into focusing heavily on tunneling and slugging.

    Id rather them encourage killers to hook as opposed to slugging, and I'd rather them bring back gen regression viability so the majority of the killers (especially m1 killers) aren't so dependant on tunneling out someone asap just to stay afloat.

  • Member Posts: 972

    So survivor is impossible because killers are too strong and killer is impossible because survivors are too strong?

    I have a lot of fun playing both sides, solo q survivor and nemesis, sometimes it's on the player and not on the game, it's impossible to make an asymmetrical game equally fun for both sides in every single variable, I for example absolutely hate playing against singularity, but some people like playing against him/as him

  • Member Posts: 37

    A killer can't tunnel someone out if their teammates work on gens and leave them on the hook. By the time they enter hook stage two you should have had plenty of time to knock out three gens before trying to help.

    I don't play killer often but there have been quite a few games where I hook someone and try to go find another survivor, not intending to tunnel, but then another survivor comes by for the unhook before I have a chance to take 10 steps away from the hook. In situations like these you are just handing a free hook to the killer.

    We can blame killers for being sweaty, but sometimes it is your own team that gets you tunneled out. You got 70 seconds on the hook but they want to see how fast they can get you down as if that left over time somehow carries over to the next hook.

  • Member Posts: 720

    It does surprise me when people don't give the killer time to get away from the hook before unhooking. I almost feel like people who do that don't play killer much.

    The killer is looking for gen pressure, so they'll need to go find another target for chase. During that time, the killer likely expects to have the survivor they just hooked incapacitated for a little time. If a survivor is unhooked right next to the killer, the pressure they just worked for is lost, but a new target for chase has their location suddenly known since the unhooker is at the hook. I'll usually wait for enough time so that when I get to the hook, the killer should be away looking for a new target…

  • Member Posts: 471

    They cant fix their game, cause they dont understand how their game could be played in a fair manner.

  • Member Posts: 629
  • Member Posts: 5,305

    thing about that people dc if they wait on hook to long now just today 2 survivors dc waiting on the hook and I was almost done with the gen.

  • Member Posts: 3,403

    Another camp/tunnel post. Lord…New topic please.

  • Member Posts: 436
    edited January 1

    Make some friends, play with those friends, and you'll have fun.

    What you're asking for is literally impossible with a 4v1 game. No matter what they do, people with figure out how to optimize their play. DBD's current state is actually pretty balanced, and there would have to be major nerfs to survivor to try and eliminate tunneling. Most survivors don't understand how balancing works and would lose their minds even more over nerfs.

    There are plenty of ways to have fun in the game even when you're getting tunneled. I prefer getting tunneled to sitting on gens all game. Get better at the chase and run shoulder the burden.

  • Member Posts: 358

    Anti-facecamp is fine, it prevents facecamping. That's all it's really supposed to do.

    Slugging should be addressed, yes.

    I ask, is the Killer's side being considered in this, or just what Survivors want?

  • Member Posts: 10,362

    It's anti-camp. The killer cannot stand near the hook without giving the hooked person a free getaway. If the killer's "proxy camping," they're too far from hook and someone will simply sneak through his patrol.

  • Member Posts: 10,362

    Why should slugging be addressed if it's the only viable playstyle left?

  • Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2

    I only slug when survivors swarm around me looking for a flashlight save. I only camp/proxy-camp when gens are going at a ridiculous pace and want to secure at least 1 kill. I only tunnel when a newly unhooked survivor throws themselves at me to try and weaponise their OTR/DS/UB. What do yall expect when you body block killers from going for the unhooker or a potential person attempting to save lol. Theres also really no incentive for hooking either. Survivors get more out of hooks than the killer. But then survivors feel the need to do these things because of tunnelling and camping etc.

    It's a vicious cycle of survivor do this → killer do that → survivor do this → killer do that. It's so awful

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