After more than 2 years im done with this game

Just have to air my problems here in the hope that some dev looks and actually listens for once.

This game has gone from being fantastic to unplayable and boring. Its in a disgusting state at the moment. Not even the balance just other stuff that can be remedied or fixed.

1 - Game crashes every few games after the initial lobby screen. This isnt a small problem. I've had this since legion was implemented and on here, seen 100s of other people say they get the same. I have over 300 people on my steam friends list and i must have asked half of them who play dbd if they experienced this and 80% say they have. Doesnt matter what internet speed you have, what graphics card you have, what the settings are, the game just crashes every 5-7 games and you can do nothing about it. In some cases losing really good add ons.

2 - Constant disconnections. This has been a problem since day 1 i know but lately its just 1000 times worse. Today I've played 9 killer games. and 6 survivor games. In 3 of the survivor games there was at least 1 other dc. The best part though is killer games. In 5 of those games, 4 people disconnected. I wasnt camping, i wasnt tunneling. 3 of them were 4 man swf who dc when they got butthurt. For example, in one match a guy was called "bet you cant catch me" and i saw him 1st and hit him and as soon as i did he dc. then his friends dc after i downed them. There is no punishment for them. losing 2 pips mean nothing. Even making them wait before they can join a game is a bigger punishment, especially for a swf group. Having dedicated servers will hopefully sort this but i bet it wont. There will still be constant dcs to screw others over. It also punishes a killer aswell. I can get 4dcs and end up with 5k bp. The offering and addons put on could cost 20k at most so how is this fair? Same for survivors, they can lose more. purple toolbox with a brand new part and purple add on, plus a purple offering costs 25k and with a killer disconnecting straight away or before the end totally robs them of that. Yet there is no punishment for this.

3 - Matchmaking. This is new aswell. The new matchmaking system is horrendous. Im a Rank 6 killer right now and a rank 3 survivor. I am consistently being put with rank 18-20 survs or killers. I just cant work out how? I was with a swf of 3 friends last night, i was rank 3, 2 others rank 2 and 1 rank 5 and we got put against a rank 19 huntress who couldnt hit any of us. This has happened often since the new system come in. This isnt fair to new killers or experienced survivors. I dont want an easy game i was a challenge. I end up feeling sorry for the newer players having to play with rank 2s and 3s. What the hell has happened with this and why is this better? This isnt an anomaly either because my bf has had this, my other friends who i dont play as often with has had this.

4 - Bugs - Bugs are in every game i know that. But why is it so hard to fix simple ones like the entity blocking a window. I died to a killer 2 nights ago and spectated my boyfriend looping him round the shack endlessly. The entity blocked the window and he could still jump through. He did it 17 times before the killer gave up. This happened to me when i was playing killer aswell. What the hell is the point? Despite me, my boyfriend, possibly others putting in bug reports about this, its still not been fixed. Another one is not being able to ready up in the lobby sometimes, opening a chest to find things cant be picked up.

5 - Lack of punishment for exploits - Played against a nurse recently. She ran Insidious, Noed, Bitter Murmur and Blood Warden. She didn't play the game at all. She blinked past the exit gate and waited until all gens were done and people coming to the exit gate then hit 3 people. Luckily i was at the other gate. The other 3 got hooked and died. I managed to survive. This was reported by all of us. Since then we have been against the same person 2 more times. Had someone on my friends list complain about a nurse doing the same thing. Gave me the name of the killer and it was the same killer. This has been going on for weeks now and hes still playing the game and exploiting. I get that its hard to stop exploits but surly when people report over and over again the same person doing the same action dont alarm bells start ringing? Whats the point in the report function?

When people are matched correctly, no one dcs and you can get into a game without crashing, this is still an amazing fun game. But other things are totally ruining it right now and i cant deal with it until i hear its been fixed. Im aware im just one person and no one cares. The point of this post isnt to garner sympathy. Just in some stupid hope a dev reads this and brings this up with other devs to actually fix this once amazing game.


  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019


    If you have technical problems, post them there. Ranting wont help here. If you dont enjoy it, feel free to leave.

    But dont drag us down with you. I enjoy the game.

    If you have concerns and want a dev to read it, mail it to them.

    No.5 is a you problem. She wasted all her perks and time and you STILL die to noed? 3 got hit and died AT THE GATES? They should have crawled out immediately. She cant hit 3 wipe blood and hook before someone crawls 20 ft. That's a survivor made problem.


  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Exactly. You MAYBE get a kill if they go to your gate. It's for shits n giggles.

    Plus If she was mia all game and the totems were up she (cant believe I'm gonna say this and get roasted for it) DESERVES that 1 kill.

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    ya number 5 is just you getting mad get over it dude funny ######### happens like that all the time on this game

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Take a break. I left for 9 months and it was a lot more fun when I came back.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    I swear it's like 75% of the DBD community only plays Dbd ..

    If you're upset about the game currently take the advice from the William Shakespeare of our time~ "Take a break or play something else"

    there are plenty of other games out there besides DBD.

    Then you guys wonder why you get so tired of DBD when it's literally the only game you guys dump hours into.

    (Cough -noob3- cough)

    Oh man Im so sick of dbd and it's repetitiveness I WISH there was something I could do!....

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    How would you know if it's a nurse before you see her? Could be Wraith or a Freddy or MM or Pig hiding well

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    You can hear her scream when she blinks and she has to blink in order to get to the gate.

    Noed insidious nurse is one of the last things that should be complained about imo.

  • Eskay
    Eskay Member Posts: 30

    Yeah same

    Just seems like devs don't care about technical problems at all

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    edited March 2019

    Yea yea yea see ya

    tbh all these people think they are making some kind of impact with these threads. When someone who stream this game and is a Fog Whisperer says they're leaving, call me.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    Reminds me of the good old days on the steam forums when literally everyday someone was announcing their departure as if they were at a ######### airport 🔪

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    The nurse still has to blink to get behind the gates. 4 people get a chance to hear and potentially even see her blinking behind the gate.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    @Yamaoka and @Delfador true my bad

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma Maybe i'm just crazy but it's much easier to put 100 hours into DbD and hate every minute than to put 100 hours into say Persona or Witcher.

    I feel bad that i'm not playing DbD when i try to play something else. DbD needs genre competition i think that's the problem.

    Every game that tries dies though. DbD is the only option. RIP Evolve

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2019

    Love how u ignore the fact i stated nurse had blood warden yet saying crawl out. Hook was next to the gate. By the time she hit the 2 by the gate and hooked 1, blood warden came up trapping the other two.

    Also i didnt die to it. As i said, the other 3 did, i was luckily at the other gate. I got trapped too but managed to hide when i saw it was up.

    Fact is, blinking outside the map is an exploit. They even fixed this issue a year or so back stating it was an exploit, only for it to be doable again.

    And the rest that are saying they dont care or goodbye just seem to be commenting to get their post count up. I stated i know you dont care, this is in hope that devs read it. I dont care if you dont care aswell :)

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2019

    Yes i seen that, my post wasnt referring to you as one who was just trying to get post count up. Im referring to the others who are saying they dont care im going, which i said in my original post. Isnt hard to work that one out. But there i changed that 2nd post for you so your brain cell can have a rest from having to work it out.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    I ignored nothing. You add specific details after. You said "hit 3 people. Then those 3 got hooked", not "hit 2 people, hooked one, trapped and hit the 3rd". You also didnt read what I wrote. 3 downed requires blood wiping twice. That's still a 3rd person standing that didnt leave yet.

    They also didnt do totems while she was NOT chasing them.

    All their fault.

    Leaving the map is an exploit in the sense that you could leave the entire map, and its invisible walls. Nurse getting through the gate is a joke build and if it really bothers you THAT much that she gave up all hope if it weren't for stupid/altruistic survivors, maybe you should "go try a different game", and stop trying to being us down with your pessimism.

    If you were done, for real, youd be gone and not responding. Trying to boost your forum count before you quit the game entirely? Ok hon.

    This just seems like another salty af rant. People who really want to say something to the devs and/or leave, message them, leave a single comment and leave, or simply leave.

    So, if you're done, gtfo? Bye!


  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42

    I added nothing after...

    It doesnt matter whether the others were too stupid or not, the fact remains blinking outside the map is an exploit that was once removed, only for it to happen again and be left despite numerous reports.

    Im also not trying to drag you down. Likewise to everything you state about "playing a different game" you dont have to read or comment on this topic. The name of the topic is clear, if you dont like people saying what im saying then dont reply, it really is that simple <3

    Im gone from the game. I didnt expect so many comments tbh so i decided to reply. I can do as im like as im a big girl now :) You're doing exactly the same as what im doing. If you don't like what im saying or replying with, dont reply. Ok Hon :)

    I left a single comment, only for people like to to post nonsensical crap because you Cannot read and just like to try looking intelligent. Dont worry though, i wont reply to you no more if it makes you cry so much :) <3

    Now if youre done commenting on my topic, gtfo? Bye!

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2019

    I did reply to you but it got deleted it seems. Basically i said

    I added nothing after so idk what youre on about unless youre trying to make it like i edited my post after. Which you can see i didnt as it says edited near the time it was posted.

    You did ignore things i said

    That you were doing the exact same thing as you say i am. If you dont like these kinds of topic, dont reply to them, you can see what theyre going to be about from the topic title. If i dont like the game, as you say i "go try a different game" Likewise to you, if you dont like these topics, dont reply or read them. That way no one can "drag you down" Ok Hon :)

    So if youre done, gtfo and stop replying to my topic? Bye!

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't a survivor need to be hooked after the gates are opened for Blood Warden to work? So exactly how did this nurse hook all three of them? Two should have been able to escape when the first one went down. I am confused.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    O.o I'll let my friend say to u what I want to say...

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    You just cant read or comprehend can you? Take the time, try again. Then realize you're wasting more time on me, as with this post.

    I cant keep ignoring these posts. Because they flood the forums daily with "I'm done" "nerf this" "X is broken" amd it gets OLD. it's a drag on the community.

    If you dont wanna be a part of it fine. Theres the door.

    Stop floundering and just leave. You said yourself you dont want to be here. Even had to try to use my own line against me. It looks bad hon.

    Bye again! Enjoy your time off!


  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    How does that make any sense?

    You put more hours into any game if you really like it or enjoy it.

    Ive already dumped close to 100 hrs into RE2 and I beat it the first time in about 6-7hrs.

    Not sure what you meant with that comment but my point is it's the community players that complain about the game being stale or repititive that is the issue.

    Ive putt over 5000 hrs on L4D2 on the 360 and never got tired of playing it.

    To learn any game you have to invest hours, so id say at least 15hours- 25hrs should be enough for DBD .

    If its a single player game you need even less than that , like at least 3 to learn mechanics- enemy mechanics- platforming- abilities.

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42

    AFAIK, 1 got hit as soon as the door opened, other ran to get out and got hit, that one got carried to a hook that was very close to the gate, my friend was running out while one downed person was being hooked, but the blood warden kicked it and blocked the downed person from getting out. Then the other 2 ended up on hooks aswell. The 3rd person she picked up actually got off her shoulders as the 3rd hook was too far, however she caught back up to them and downed them again and got them onto a hook.

    I didnt really give exact details because it really shouldnt matter. Nurses blinking behind exit gates was hotfixed at one point. Over a year ago if i remember rightly. Its now back in the game whether the devs allowed it or just havent noticed/fixed again. Thats what my problem is here. People seem to think im just whinging that 3 others got killed. I got out from that game. I dont think its fair for that sort of play to be in the game. If she was standing near the gate, fine, but not behind the gates.

    Most of the replies im just ignoring due to them just being ignorant. Whether 1 person or 4 people got out of that game is irrelevant. If all 4 had escaped i would still have a problem with it. Its the fact a game is ruined and the experience boring because someone wants to troll someone else or get lucky and get more than one person. People seem to be focusing too much on this and not the exploit. And then they're saying its not an exploit. If its not, why was it hotfixed before?

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    How is blinking behind the exit gates an exploit?

    It literally isn't lmao

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42

    Its you who cant read or comprehend things. I left the game, i can stay on the forums :) So take your own advice and stop replying :)

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    So willingly wasting time on a forum, for a game you quit, only spreading negativity.

    Great life goals right there.


  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2019

    To everyone commenting git gud, bye, or just leave then;you’re not helping the community. You can disagree and be polite about it, or you can offer HELPFUL ADVICE/FEEDBACK. Bc the way you’re acting isn’t a good look.

    Post edited by HeroLives on
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Time for a break.

    Lots of issues in Dead By Daylight, if you can't handle it anymore, stop playing and hope that they get fixed in the meantime.

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42

    Youre the one spreading the negativity. I outlined problems with the game hoping they can get fixed. You and some others have come here just to argue and spread negativity. You really are clueless as to what you are doing and how you look.

    I quit the game, i still love it and hope that in the future it will change. Now stop making yourself look stupid please. Its almost embarrassing to even reply to your stupidity.

  • Jesslowe
    Jesslowe Member Posts: 9

    Honestly, you are the one spreading more negativity. The OP has stated why s/hes leaving the game and why. S/he has given reasons as to why and said they hope to return if the those things are fixed. The things they want fixed are real problems with this game right now and half the people here have jumped down their throat for no reason aside from them saying about the nurse exploit. While i agree its not an exploit as such, i can confirm it was once removed from the game and this is the first i've heard of it being back in. If that is the case, some clarification is needed so people know whether this is a bug, exploit or allowed.

    You have done nothing to contribute to this topic. You have just flamed and acted childish because you dont like someone stating their reasons for leaving. They said they dont care and know people will just say bye yet you and others do it anyway. So instead of ignoring it, rolling your eyes at it or replying in a constructive manner you just decide to act like a petulant moron towards them because they want to share their thoughts on the state of the game while hoping someone listens. Grow up. There are 100s of topics on this forum doing exactly the same but in a far more bitchy, whingey melodramatic tone yet i see you reply to none of them. The only difference is the people bitching and whinging about the game do so and still play the game only to come back here to ######### and whinge.

    You have done nothing but made yourself look like a silly little child with your replies. The OP hasn't made themselves look good either but they dont come acroess nearly as bad as you have.

    Back on topic though.

    The Matchmaking has been fixed i think. Except trying to get a game is now really slow for both killer and survivor for me and i still see lots of posts here about it aswell. Hopefully this can be fixed quickly though.

    The disconnections wont be fixed until dedicated servers come in but i have noticed the Disconnections are out of control right now. Again like the matchmaking, theres lots of posts here about it. Im not sure what can happen right now though. The devs cannot look into each and every dc to check whether its legit or not. Some disconnections are valid IMO but a lot lately are just 4 man swf's who cry because one friend got hit first after failing to loop.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Blinking out of the gates is as much an exploit as moonwalking as legion. It's not, it's designed.