Survivor Fun

Killer mains! What are some ways that you take it upon yourself to make the trials more fun for Survivors? Do you play a jump-scare Killer? Do you chase with the purpose of causing suspense and angst while maybe “missing” a swing here or there 😉? Perhaps maybe you love letting the terror radius do the “terrorizing” for you?
Regardless, to those Killer mains that actually do care about Survivor fun, how do you go about doing it?
Personally for me I don’t take every chase that I can, and sometimes I break chase for no reason to create an environment of paranoia. Sometimes I will use the Terror Radius to tease Survivors that I’m around. Obviously when gens aren’t being completed as fast then I won’t kick them anymore. There’s more like not sacrificing Survivors if they have an event item stuff like that. My personal favorite when holding a death hook Survivor is to dance around the hook threatening that I’m going to hook them only to let them wiggle free and run away 😂
So Killers, at least those that like to do more than just sacrifice, what are some ways that you play with your food- Hahahaha 😅 I mean, what are some ways that you enhance the trials for the other players?
- Not playing the most hated killer of the month
- no slowdown perks
- hooking 1-2-3-4/1-2-3-4 before any kills(if possible)
- No camping/tunneling/slugging to bleed out
Sadly the gesture was extremely rarely appreciated in any other form than tbags at every opportunity, dodging the last hit at the exit or "GG ez" after the game. Or nothing at all.
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Sadly the gesture was extremely rarely appreciated in any other form than tbags at every opportunity, dodging the last hit at the exit or "GG ez" after the game.
I think it’s nice that you play this way regardless of praise. It shows that you really care even if you don’t get any appreciation.
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Unfortunately that also reinforces bad behavior in survivors who then start taking this kind of playstyle for granted. Hence why ''survivor rulebook'' mindset exists in some players.
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I usually try to avoid the usual camping, tunneling and slugging.
Slow turning is also a treat whenever I get the chance to, pesky lil things thinkin their sneaky :)
And finally, when a Survivor or I make a screw up and we just have a lil stare down before going on our merry way
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Then everyone can blame me anytime they have an issue with Survivor behavior. 🤣
Seriously though immature people will always find ways to blame others for their immaturity. Why let that stop the party?
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I don't.
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I don't. I just play killer normally. Hopefully they have fun, if not, I did. :)
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I love memeing. Like when survivor failed hard in the chase (dropped pallet from my side, for example) and he just accepts it, me usually be like:
…and walk away.
Other than this and some other small situations, I don't think about fun on other side at all, especially on killers. Like, every third match survivors literally trying to make my experience as unfun as it possible and I should be like "oh guys it's all good I started my dbd just to make your day better, so here I am on my 100 losestreak with perkless Trapper, make sure you wrote GG EZ in endgame chat"?
Like, I have a lot of empathy while playing both sides, but first of all I am playing games just to have fun for myself.3 -
Red Light, Green Light slug races.
That is, assuming I can communicate as much to the survivors.
Also Trapper slalom (all traps in a line, preferably leading towards a chest, which the winner can open).
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My favorite thing to do when I just want to have fun with survs is SM Myers. I'll play an indoor map offering, and go only for jumpscares and thematic fun, but won't kill anyone.
I just want to scare the absolute crap out of some people, and it usually seems to go over well.
During this event I've been doing a similar thing with different killers by using the snowmen. There's something delightfully absurd about a killer like Nemesis or Dredge suddenly popping out of a snowman.
But generally I don't go out of my way to make games fun for survs, but I do actively try not to make them miserable (unless they are being BM-y). You can play to win without totally disregarding the experience of your opponent.
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Ah many of these replies make me kind of sad :(
Ah, well to answer your question, I like adjusting my playstyle to the pace of the match! If i'm getting my butt kicked I will try my absolute best. If I'm stomping I will ease up. I can't speak for everyone's experiences, but I've noticed that simply being aware of the pace of the game and adjusting accordingly can make it more enjoyable for both sides. (I do this as survivor to, though it's limited because as survivor i can't really control the pace of the game, but I can do a totem or a chest or small things like that to help)
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If I'm queueing up to win, then nothing. I just get to work.
If I'm in the mood to two hook each and farm then I have different things…
Just now I played as Wesker and we went to Dead Dawg. I played bartender in the main building for the survivors.
Sometimes I play super try hard to fool them into thinking they're all going to die, then nod at them that they may survive.
I always do what I call "Volunteer Killer" when the new Tome pages open. It's easy to guess the challenges they may be doing so I let them stun me or make sure they can safely unhook teammates, ect.
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is that the 3 chosen ones all in one thread. OMG
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Yeah, this is generally how I play; I always read the room a little before I commit to how I'm going to play things. If I can tell quickly cthat I'm faving a team of juicers, I put the pedal to the floor. If they seem like potatoes, I back way off. And everything inbetween. I try to win regardless, but I know the game is imbalanced and SBMM is trash, so I don't want to curbstomp people unnecessarily.
I'll still 3-4K really bad teams, but I won't demoralize them. This game is unforgiving enough to new players as it is.
And sure, I lose some games against good teams because it's too late by the time I realize how good they are, but I can live with those occasionally. Going from game to game with the volume cranked up to 11 all the time is just boring to me.
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I care about their fun exactly as much as they care about mine, which is to say not at all.
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I have never understood this "fair play etiquette" people have come up with and cram it down their opponents throat if they don't play to their opponents fun, why would you? I feel this is also what creates a huge self entitlement issue. A player will play against someone playing all these made up rules to which point the player will then expect this same "fair play" every match and if you don't play by these made up rules you are considered the toxic one, not these controlling people.
I have played many PvP games and DBD seems to be the only game I can think of where your opponents instead of teammates will tell you how you should play while they be a complete prat to you. I personally don't play games to ensure my opponents are having fun I play games so I can have fun, fun is subjective I know what my fun is but I don't know yours so why should it cross my mind? As long as I'm not cheating, exploiting, breaking any forms of TOS in game then all is fair play.
Plus in my experience in DBD it is incredibly common for me to come across people determined to irritate their opponent to the point of they just ignore their objective entirely to do it, just type "Toxic DBD" on YouTube and the results will explain themselves, why would you even remotely consider playing "nice" for these people?4 -
I main one of the least popular Killers to verse (Legion), so it's not so much about trying to make trials fun as it is to avoid play styles, perks and add-ons that are deemed "unfun". So that means bringing nothing that can grind the game to a halt, no Thanatophobia, no Dying Light and no Filthy Blade add-on. I've versed Legions that run these builds and it can be torture to see a gen progress bar move so slowly. Other than that, I have my own personal ruleset to follow:
- I don't tunnel off hook, since I don't like it when Killers do so in my own Survivor games (I will however Frenzy off hook, but if I whiff I'll leave you to run away and get healed).
- I don't usually count hooks. I tend to just chase who I find. But if I do remember hook states, then early death hook Survivors will usually be left alone until 2 gens remain.
- The gloves come off from 2 gens remaining into the end game, as I might choose to ignore some of my rules. I think of trials like mini horror movies, so it's fun to ramp up the pressure and the tension, just like the antagonist in a horror movie would.
- If I'm in the event queue, I always try to interact with event mechanics. One of my pet peeves is players joining the event queue but never interacting with the event at all. Please jump out of a snowman or throw a snowball at least once. It's all I ask.
- I don't like farming games, but I can be tamed and if Survivors want to meme and goof around, then I'm happy to goof around too.
- I try to play most of my Killer games with a casual mindset, but sometimes you just feel like killing everyone as quickly as possible and that's OK too (I like to play a saw only Billy with no slowdown. In these games, Survivors on the hook or on the ground are my slowdown!).
I could probably win a lot more trials by ruthlessly tunnelling off hook, slugging more and proxy camping, but then my wins would feel cheaper and my "reward" would be more squads on comms running stacked items and whatever the current Survivor meta perks are.
For me at least, the fun from DBD comes from a mutual gentleman's agreement for players to play "nice" and not stack the odds too far in their favour. This doesn't mean not playing to win, it means not trying to cheese your way to victory. Queensberry rules instead of a no holds barred street fight, if that makes any sense? Of course, you can't dictate how your opponents want to play but you can decide what energy you bring to a trial. It's easy to tell when a Killer is playing more casually and those trials are usually the most fun for me. Overall, I don't see DBD as super competitive. It's like horror Smash Bros to me (i.e. A casual game that can be played super competitively but isn't really designed to be played that way).
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I treat others how I would like to be treated, so I avoid camping and tunnelling and I don't bm.
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No matter what I try typically (at least) one survivor still complains in post game chat. How ever on good days when I'm feeling generous I play as dracula and use only his wolf form running around biting people but never downing. As soon as they catch on I'll let one or two pet dogula before they get out. If people are mean to me I switch into hellfire spammer drac and wreak havoc but that is rare. People like petting dogula A LOT so
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I dont but I can tell you how much more fun I make killer when I queue as survivor 😎
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Use horrific addons and not tunnel, slug, or camp. Spread hooks evenly.
Like in the event que I use nurse and limit myself to a single blink, while using the comb(decreased lunge) and using the bracelet (shorter blink).
Or on pig I do sneak pig and lunge only.
Its fun to use meme addons and restrict yourself to see what happens, rather than sweating1