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General Discussions

Why is there no option to bleed out quickly?

Was just in a game where the killer decided to bleed out the last 2 of us for some reason, and since I was last down, I was teabagged the entire time.

This begs the obvious question… why is there no way to bleed out quickly? On hook you have the option to die fast, but we can't bleed out and avoid being griefed?

This game is many years old at this point, and I feel this mechanism would have always been relevant, so there can't be any good excuse as to why it doesn't exist apart from bhvr just actively rejecting the idea? But why? What possible reason is there to not let survivors bleed out faster?

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  • Member Posts: 10,300

    I don't know.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    ah yes, hot debated. "Killing yourself on hook". i guess they don't want survivors killing themselves and going next… but that happens on hook very frequently.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Slugging was brought up in the most recent survey, so there may be something new brought to the table. Unsure, if or what, it entails but perhaps a quicker bleedout option will be added.

  • Member Posts: 129

    I always felt that the devs believed downed players needed that "extra time on the ground" so that other players would have time to get them back up. I'm sure when they originally came up with it, they imagined that a teammate might need time to finish a gen or get across the map and evade the killer to get their teammates up before they bled out. In reality, a lot of people are playing soloq and will happily sit on a gen while their teammates bleeds out across the map, thinking to themselves "somebody else will get it."

    If the bleed out timer were shorter, my teammates might get halfway to me before I expired. And if there was a "give up" option people would also get mad their teammates gave up before they could even get over to them to get them up. Similar to how people get upset when teammates give up on hook. It's one of those situations where, regardless of what the devs do, somebody is going to be upset.

    I guess the deeper issue is what's going on in the game to bring us to this point, with the bleed outs. Sometimes I think the situation is a straw that broke the camels back kind of thing.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    It would be very easy to accidentally increase slugging rather than make it more tolerable.

    A shorter bleedout timer would make slugging more viable. You'd see more slugging overall.

    A quick bleedout option would just lead to griefing and trying to get players to give up. You also introduce another potential for conflict among teammates when one player decides they shouldn't have to bleedout quickly and denies their teammate a chance for hatch.

    I think they'll ultimately have to make slugging some you can do, but not something you typically want to do often. Make slugging for a 4k risky. That whole song and dance should last 90 seconds tops. The ridiculous extended 5 minute standoffs need to stop yesterday. Rework Knock Out as well. Make it do something else entirely.

  • Member Posts: 859

    I don't think the devs want to admit that sometimes not playing the game is preferable to playing it.

    I can't imagine they will add a "just go next" mechanic.

    They are more likely to nerf slugging.

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