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Camper or goodgame? Killer's viewpoint

Sehkmet Member Posts: 127
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Im the killer in this game and i had been accused by 2/3 of the survivors. I told them to move the dispute to the forum.
I'm posting the video and i hope they join us.

My point: 3 guys following me all the game long, pallet looping + using the flashlights more than what i find fun + hiding behind the rocks where i hooked their friend.
I found camping the best solution because they werent doing objectives and their gameplay was somewhat toxic.

Their point: ( i hope they defend/explain it better ): Camping, you should be banned, worst player ever.

First part:

Second part:

Third part: uploading (fast-forwarded 100% in order to avoid creating a fourth part)

Post edited by Sehkmet on


  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611
    Ew. Just... This was hard to watch as a Killer player. But it made me feel even worse as a survivor player. I think you merely tried to defend your kill as they were bum rushing you.
  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127

    @JammyJewels said:
    I think you merely tried to defend your kill as they were bum rushing you.

    Felt like that, finished the last upload, got 4k and they got salty.. chat not included

  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127
    edited June 2018

    @Runiver said:
    Not sure why camping shouldn't be "normal" as well.

    I dont enjoy camping, i prefer to hang someone and to keep searching into the woods.. i feel camping is boring and cheap, but i had nothing else to do in this game i wasnt going to search survivors into the cornfield when i had two in front of me, spamming flashlights and decisive strike (not spameable tho hahaha)

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Sehkmet said:

    @Runiver said:
    Not sure why camping shouldn't be "normal" as well.

    I dont enjoy camping, i prefer to hang someone and to keep searching into the woods.. i feel camping is boring and cheap, but i had nothing else to do in this game i wasnt going to search survivors into the cornfield when i had two in front of me, spamming flashlights and decisive strike (not spameable tho hahaha)

    Camping is boring but necessary, and very oftenly due to survivor's play that just refuses to hide, stay in plain sight, expecting you to follow like an AI even tho they're clearly not repairing. The clicking flashlighters are my favorite, it's kinda like a nice bat signal to say "Hey, stay by the hook please, my other friend is also there, waiting to save as I try to bait you away"

  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127
    edited June 2018

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    So many times mistakes made from both sides. I know Huntress is hard and certain loops are BS for her but you made so many mistakes with her.

    Not a perfect game, it was my second game and i wasnt playing since thursday.. but im not here to show me like a pro killer, its a killer point of view for those survivors that hate campers, Doesnt this video exemplifies it?

    "like an AI" "bat signal to say my friend is also there"

    hahaha omg i loved your comment

  • JetJenkins
    JetJenkins Member Posts: 14

    I was asked by the killer to make a comment here, so I will. I was the Tapp there, and I repaired about 3 generators and a half by my damn self. I was lucky to get healed once - let alone get any altruism points of my own. The only bits of interaction I got out of that game was when I stalled the killer with a flashlight I looted, and when I wiggled in the killer's shoulder.

    My point is: Those two "toxic Megs" who switched at the last second in the lobby? They weren't there to help me and the other player at all. They're just there to get their rocks off by BMing the killer while feeding their own fragile egos. They were terrible sports and the tried very hard to make the killer feel miserable during and after the match -- even at the expense of their other teammates.

  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127

    @JetJenkins said:
    I was asked by the killer to make a comment here, so I will. I was the Tapp there.

    Thanks Jet! I hope those megs come here and keep chatting like in the post game screen

  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    I am not a camper, I hate that gameplay, but you did nothing wrong. 
    Dont worry about them.
  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127
    edited June 2018

    @AmorePrincess said:
    I am not a camper, I hate that gameplay, but you did nothing wrong. 
    Dont worry about them.

    Thanks! I hoped the toxic ones to come here and defend their words.. but still nothing

    **Nikolai Bukhrarin
    (he thought he was the best survivor on earth and told me i sucked)

    (didnt say a word)

    (he was happy i was posting this because admins would ban me "for camping")

    **Jet Jenkins
    (the smart one)

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Sprinkles said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Sprinkles said:
    Bullied Lol.. i'd hardly call that bullying.

    I'm guessing you were a bully in school.

    "I dindu nothing!"

    LoL... the fact that the majority of those flashlight blinds didn't work, ontop of that he could pretty much sit at the hook all game.

    You don't get a 4k from being bullied.

    As a matter of fact, you very oftenly get 4k from getting bullied, because they simply refuse to do objectives and are only around to make the killer to feel miserable. It's actually pretty obvious to most killer players.

  • deathdoer1
    deathdoer1 Member Posts: 87

    Lol, baby survivors were awful. But no you weren't camping. If idiots run around a hooked survivor...why would the killer leave the hook? I main survivor and if you wanna be toxic, be smart about it..

  • Why_Are_You_Salty
    Why_Are_You_Salty Member Posts: 138

    I hate toxicity I mean I run d-strike, but that's for 1 reason it's one of the only good perks I have on my David along with some others like SB and SC, but I don't consider it toxic because I don't purposefully run flashlights with the best addons and bully the killer and I'm not that good with flashlights, but you can thank Ochido and others for all the toxicity in this game. I hope flashlights get nerfed somehow.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @deathdoer1 said:
    Lol, baby survivors were awful. But no you weren't camping. If idiots run around a hooked survivor...why would the killer leave the hook? I main survivor and if you wanna be toxic, be smart about it..

    Staying around is hook is literally camping.
    Tho, survivors tried to make "camping" to be a bad word, while it's merely a (simplistic) strategy.

  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127
    edited June 2018

    @Sprinkles Bullying or not bullying depends if they succeed or they fail? i think its bullying doesnt matter if they escape or not..

  • JetJenkins
    JetJenkins Member Posts: 14

    @Runiver said:
    As a matter of fact, you very oftenly get 4k from getting bullied, because they simply refuse to do objectives and are only around to make the killer to feel miserable. It's actually pretty obvious to most killer players.

    This is true. Last time I was bullied was at Azarov's with a sabo-light squad doing the invincible rock glitch thing, where they use map exploits to avoid getting hit. I had to let one or two bleed out, but it was a 4k for sure.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I think they accused camping because you stayed at the hook with hatchets, instead of chasing them with melee. If there was one guy there, yeah, but nearly the whole team was swarming around. Did they expect you to run away? You have to lead a Killer away from a hook, not hop around their feet. I would have done Gens in the meantime. Attacking a Killer face-on is asking for a hook (I play stealthy, not aggressive :p ).

  • HookedonDemand
    HookedonDemand Member Posts: 181

    Camping is a perfectly viable tactic and sometimes almost required. It just sucks for the person on the hook and is unfun for that guy, which sometimes is me lol.

    I don't hold it against killers for doing it when my idiotic teammates decide to swarm the hook immediately or the gates are powered and the killer has no kills so far.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    @Sehkmet said:
    Im the killer in this game and i had been accused by 2/3 of the survivors. I told them to move the dispute to the forum.
    I'm posting the video and i hope they join us.

    My point: 3 guys following me all the game long, pallet looping + using the flashlights more than what i find fun + hiding behind the rocks where i hooked their friend.
    I found camping the best solution because they werent doing objectives and their gameplay was somewhat toxic.

    Their point: ( i hope they defend/explain it better ): Camping, you should be banned, worst player ever.

    First part:

    Second part:

    Third part: uploading (fast-forwarded 100% in order to avoid creating a fourth part)

    i didnt even have to watch the footage to know when you said they followed you they was trying to bully and bm you and judging from a comment below you ######### them up. well they got what they deserved for being morons chasing after you and trying to taunt you and ######### with flashlights lol .... i had a game like that when i was billy i destroyed them. i would of camped them too. ######### idiots like that is all i can say and dont care what they say

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    camping is legit
  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    They didn't give you a reason to leave the hook, therefore it wasn't a camp. If they want to stay in visible sight of a killer after a hook, why leave?
    And the flashlight clicking was toxic AF.

  • deathdoer1
    deathdoer1 Member Posts: 87

    Camping is sitting around a hook, he was chasing survivors who were sitting around the hook...he wasn't camping. He was playing the game, if his team wasn't stupid being obvious about wanting to save. He wouldn't have needed to sit by a hook. Don't run at a killer flashing your light and expect any decent killer to take you seriously. You're an idiot who is gonna follow the killer all game being useless to your team.

    Killers will go after smart players doing gens while you chase like a shadow blinking your lights.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited June 2018
    Jesya said:

    They didn't give you a reason to leave the hook, therefore it wasn't a camp. If they want to stay in visible sight of a killer after a hook, why leave?
    And the flashlight clicking was toxic AF.

    heres a great example.

    you hook someone and nobody appears on bbq, which means they are all very close. so of course you stick around. then they call you a camper after the game.    @ 4h 38m

    apparently, even if you know that all 3 are within a short range, you are supposed to leave the area.
  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    They gave you no reason to leave the hook, sometimes camping is the smart play as it was in this situation. You gotta play the hand your dealt and they were stupid about how they played.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    I had to stop the video at 2mins because you were picking up in the open when you knew people with flashlights were around you. Luckily for you the survivors were trash also.

    If you want to camp against people like that go ahead, they didn't give you much choice, but you could also learn and be better and just kill them easily without the need for camping. You could have slugged the first, downed another, then another, then start picking up facing walls or angles they can't reach.

    I love playing against idiots like this, it's a win 9 times out of 10.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    I had to stop the video at 2mins because you were picking up in the open when you knew people with flashlights were around you. Luckily for you the survivors were trash also.

    If you want to camp against people like that go ahead, they didn't give you much choice, but you could also learn and be better and just kill them easily without the need for camping. You could have slugged the first, downed another, then another, then start picking up facing walls or angles they can't reach.

    I love playing against idiots like this, it's a win 9 times out of 10.

    meh a good survivor who is waiting near can easily get in front of a killer before the pickup animation is finished. you have to literally be humping the wall to be completely sure a flashlight cant get the right angle.
  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited June 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    Jesya said:

    They didn't give you a reason to leave the hook, therefore it wasn't a camp. If they want to stay in visible sight of a killer after a hook, why leave?

    And the flashlight clicking was toxic AF.

    heres a great example.

    you hook someone and nobody appears on bbq, which means they are all very close. so of course you stick around. then they call you a camper after the game.

        @ 4h 38m

    apparently, even if you know that all 3 are within a short range, you are supposed to leave the area.

    Yep, but we don't have to play by made up, imaginary survivor rules. I don't.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Jesya said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Jesya said:

    They didn't give you a reason to leave the hook, therefore it wasn't a camp. If they want to stay in visible sight of a killer after a hook, why leave?

    And the flashlight clicking was toxic AF.

    heres a great example.

    you hook someone and nobody appears on bbq, which means they are all very close. so of course you stick around. then they call you a camper after the game.

        @ 4h 38m

    apparently, even if you know that all 3 are within a short range, you are supposed to leave the area.

    Yep, but we don't have to play by made up, imaginary survivor rules. I don't.

    exactly. my rules were made by the entity only.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited June 2018

    You should upload this on Reddit, just saying

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Stop using's so '00.
    Start using Lightborn if you see a survivor with a flashlight.

  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127
    edited June 2018

    @FSB75 said:
    Stop using's so '00.
    Start using Lightborn if you see a survivor with a flashlight.

    Dont have any teacheables yet, waiting for the iridescent secret shrine.. i dont want to level another killer either

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    "Just leave the hook"
    When the FlashSWAT team is sitting around the corner? I don't think so.

    You did nothing wrong, coming from a 50/50 Survivor/Killer

    If I see someone sitting by the hook, he's free to roast some marshmallows and pitch up his own tent with us
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    You're the killer, you're the power role. Your choice man! Did they really succeed to get into your head? You're the power role! Be dominant!

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Sehkmet said:
    Im the killer in this game and i had been accused by 2/3 of the survivors. I told them to move the dispute to the forum.
    I'm posting the video and i hope they join us.

    My point: 3 guys following me all the game long, pallet looping + using the flashlights more than what i find fun + hiding behind the rocks where i hooked their friend.
    I found camping the best solution because they werent doing objectives and their gameplay was somewhat toxic.

    Their point: ( i hope they defend/explain it better ): Camping, you should be banned, worst player ever.

    First part:

    Second part:

    Third part: uploading (fast-forwarded 100% in order to avoid creating a fourth part)

    Do not listen to survivors, they are often incapable of logical thinking.

  • oafafoxfeather
    oafafoxfeather Member Posts: 30

    They deserved the " camp " . Doing stuff like that? Jesus... Don't camp survivors that try to play normally. But these creatures deserved it. I would've done the same. And I'm 100% against camping. If they did something to get camped they deserved it. What can I say... Practice makes it perfect. Try and understand that not all survivors are like that and not all killers are a-holes.

  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    Imust watched the videos and read all the comments. For the Huntress being the only killer you've leveled up you're not bad with her (I do suggest leveling more killers for the perks and not wait for the shrine). 

    Anyway .I was a killer main for a long time and now a survivor main because i have friends and family that play this game and it's easier . I would be pissed as a survivor if my buddy and I got in a lobby with those two toxic a holes. They were swarming you like annoying mosquitos (with flashlights) . You've probably heard this before, but you HAVE to be facing an object when picking up a survivor .I do when they don't have flashlights in case they find one in a chest . Or when you're swarmed don't pick one up until you've downed the other (face the wall when you do pick them up) . Would of loved to see the chat .
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Lowbei said:
    only1biggs said:

    I had to stop the video at 2mins because you were picking up in the open when you knew people with flashlights were around you. Luckily for you the survivors were trash also.

    If you want to camp against people like that go ahead, they didn't give you much choice, but you could also learn and be better and just kill them easily without the need for camping. You could have slugged the first, downed another, then another, then start picking up facing walls or angles they can't reach.

    I love playing against idiots like this, it's a win 9 times out of 10.

    meh a good survivor who is waiting near can easily get in front of a killer before the pickup animation is finished. you have to literally be humping the wall to be completely sure a flashlight cant get the right angle.

    meh you can always do the other thing I suggested. Or just ignore the first half of the sentence, whatever works for you -.-

    Did you even proof read your post first?

    A good killer will know that a survivor is near and kill them and not give a chance to save.

  • Sehkmet
    Sehkmet Member Posts: 127
    edited July 2018

    @chefdave12118 said:
    I do when they don't have flashlights in case they find one in a chest . Or when you're swarmed don't pick one up until you've downed the other (face the wall when you do pick them up) . Would of loved to see the chat .

    Thanks for taking the time of reading and watching em ! isnt my best game i was rusty hahaha, but im still learning.. i learned to pick up facing to a wall in that match and another one before it.

    Im still learning about slug pick up or dont pick up mechanics.. in that match i thought the 4th survivor was going to pick up her so i rushed.. but as soon as i started the picking animation i regretted hahaha.

    I can share that chat with you but its not in english, sending pm.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I don't think you needed to stay by the hook as much as you did. You got others injured and stuff, you should be committing to other chases. You could have ended the game much faster and without getting flashlighted as much if you went for them a few times when they were injured. But instead you decided to not leave the hook, so they healed and just started the nonsense over again. Not blaming you for camping, just making a point that good killers will take those chances. You probably could have even slugged all of them at one point which is almost a win minus DS.

  • Plagues7
    Plagues7 Member Posts: 17
    Add Franklin’s Demise to your load out and you can keep them from using their flashlights too.  It isn’t camping when they give themselves up.  These are the same type of players that complain about BBQ&C.  Damned if you do... damned if you don’t...