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Final Freddy update predictions

The nightmare

BUFF- teleport to completed gens

BUFF- paint thinner basekit allows the nightmare to switch from pallets to snares like clown with his bottle

BUFF- placing nares will slow you down to 4.4 m/s instead of 4.0

BUFF- reduce teleport time to 30 seconds instead of being 45

BUFF- basekit cat block

BUFF- Generator explosions and missed skill checks no longer wake up the survivor

These are some changes that I would bank on. some changes I don’t expect but would be cool would be adding a way to make survivors fall asleep manually like how it was.

BUFF- Fire up from 4% per token to 6%

BUFF- Remember me will be changed to work like no way out and no longer have the obsession as a mechanic

BUFF- Wake up will work like empathic connection and show the person who has it.

idk what they will do to vigil.

Deep wound changes- Screen no longer darkens as deep wound goes on

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  • Member Posts: 3,310

    This sounds about right to me. I hope they give him his flare back. He needs to be scary again.

  • Member Posts: 556
  • Member Posts: 456

    These sound lame but I guess this is what we're getting since it's just an update and not a rework

    I hope they make the illusions feel like illusions that you can bank on, but I digress

  • Member Posts: 228

    Honestly I found the Myers changes massively underwhelming. No changes for years and the best we got was increased stalk from range, a nerf to tombstone tier 1 being slightly quicker to get to tier 2. I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if these upcoming Freddy changes were just he gets the blood pools and fake pallets at base then addons changed accordingly to fit his basekit.

    Ideally they want to go in the direction of Freddy as he is in the movies, being in dream world he needs to be more threatening to the point of Survivors will have to go out of their way to get out of it and doing their best to stay out of it. Freddy as is currently players genuinely don't care if they are in dream state or not so this is what needs help more.

  • Member Posts: 381

    Yeah but BHVR kinda disappoints so keeping it realistic is good

  • Member Posts: 505

    Im hoping Remember Me gets the hemorrhage effect but for exit gates where if survivor's let go they slowly regress

  • Member Posts: 381

    That would be cool. Probably be the time to add that instead of it being an entire perk

  • Member Posts: 4,120

    The only change I want is for a teleport cancel to have the full cooldown timer. Because I’m really not looking forward to a bunch of new Freddy players that spam 99% teleports every few seconds.

  • Member Posts: 1,870

    I want him:

    • To be reverted to his original version with the ability to pull survivors into the dream world

    • Skill checks to no longer wake up survivors

    • A lot of illusion things like dream pallets, totems, breakable walls, chests, maybe even gens

    • To be allowed to teleport to finished gens.

    • To have some other, unique mechanics and add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 5,878
    edited January 6

    I suspect similar things, but probably not as significant as yours.

    • Teleport to completed gens, and exit gates
    • Z-block basekit
    • Pallets basekit, can swap them like clown
    • Fireup buff
    • Remember me reworked to discourage tunneling the obsession out. (probably a nerf, but make it work on hitting any survivor, like a STBFL type thing) but still hurts the obsession.
    • Wake up probably some kind of buff or secondary thing.
    • MAYBE slightly buffing his movement speed to 4.2 when using his power (but i doubt it)
      • Realistically i don't think he should get slowed at all, his power right now is literally just a worse clown, its smaller, slows him down (clowns doesn't) and it only works when they are sleeping.
    • Maybe an addon pass.
  • Member Posts: 3,253

    Old Freddy mixed with new Freddy might be nice. Remember me should regressed if the gate is left unattended by survivors.

  • Member Posts: 71

    old Freddy mixed with new Freddy is gold

  • Member Posts: 474

    I'll say it before and I'll say it again but Freddy's dreamworld actually needs to be unique in the way that survivors actually want to leave it whenever possible and just not have it be a mere suggestion. Best and most thematic change I would say is simple: Survivors in the dream world cannot see awake survivors beyond 8 meters. Kinda like how you can't see Freddy from a distance when you're awake, if you're in the dream world then every awake survivor is just 100% invisible to you beyond a short distance. It's easy, you can change some addons around it and it's just really fitting for the Fredster too.

    You don't even have to pay me for it BHVR, I'll give it to you for free.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Imagine the dream world creating bot controlled illusions of survivors. Like you see Meg going to unhook a teammate, and then just disappears🙂

  • Member Posts: 605

    Spam Fake-Teleports to completed gens will make survivors ragequit for sure! 🤣

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