A Dracula main's thoughts on the Dracula nerf

Obviously I'm not a fan but there's legitimate problems here.
- I'm worried the shape shifting cooldown nerf will just make him feel overly sluggish.
- The Hellfire nerf is just stupid. It'd be fine if it got a buff to compensate but it didn't. It was not nearly strong enough to warrant being nerfed.
- I like that they buffed his wolf form.
- The only perk buff that matters is Dominance.
What do you guys think?
Hellfire didn't need nerfs and Wolf needs bigger buffs than what it's getting.
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Devs completely ignored the majority feedback on why Dracula is to strong
BatForm is to strong nerf MoveSpeed and Bat Teleports along with Nerfing Medusa Hair addon.
Wolf Form is still majorly bad Buff Scent orbs Haste to 10% with a buffed Duration
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bat-form cooldown is modest nerf so that is ok. hellfire didn't need any cooldown nerf but they did that because they want you to be in wolf form mode longer but his ability is a bit of binary choice between wolf form being best option for chase or hellfire being best option for chase with respect to loops. So now he's kinda worse at low walls if he misses.
the charge time reduction will be noticeable but i don't think it's quite enough to be super good. scent orb likely doesn't do a whole lot. he needed tracking changes so that there is more incentive to stay in wolf if you don't know where survivors are. right now there is lack of incentive to use his ability for tracking. there should be decision between going bat form or wolf form based off whether you have ideas where survivor are vs survivors hiding.
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The shapeshift cooldown change feels awful. It feels a lot better being able to use bat for shorter durations instead of being locked into it for 5 seconds.
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Bat teleport is one of the worst teleports in the game already and Medusa Hair addon got nerfed.
Shapeshift is 3.5 seconds after the nerfs tho.
As i have said many other times, Wolf form needs buffs to tracking. I wouldnt mind the Pounce being hard to aim and hit as long as the form's primary job is to be a "tracking tool" like it was marketed when Dracula was going to be released, but the tracking is non-existent outside of chase (when you actually need it) as the survivors can just walk or stay still and you will not get the tracking orbs and most of it is useless while in chase, as you are not supposed to lose a survivor with any killer on any chase unless the survivor has a specific build to make you to lose the chase.
Right now Wolf form and Vampire form are just both chase tools and people will use the best one. Always.
Yes, i know the theory. "You are supposed to use the one that is best for your situation. Hellfire is supposed to be good with no or low obstacles and Wolf form should be better in the open or if high obstacles are present". The reality is that Hellfire is just far more useful in most cases, hell even on loops with high walls there is usually a pallet/window and you can bait and get a hit with Hellfire, so it ends being better than Wolf's Pounce in most cases.
Now, make Hellfire worse than Pounce and we will have the same situation. People will just not go Vampire form (hell, Vampire form has no passives while Wolf has the tracking + movement speed boost passives) and will just be in Wolf permanently.
Just make Vampire form the best form at chase (it was already) and Wolf form actually good at tracking (outside of the chase, when you actually need to locate survivors). Keep buffing Wolf chase capabilities and will always compete with Vampire form and people will use the best one at the job.
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I told myself if we ever got a Dracula in this game I would for sure main him. Idk he just didn't turn out to what I thought a 'vampire' would be in this game.
Hellfire looks cartoonish and transforming into a wolf. Idk just doesn't do it for me personally.
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Maybe if it didn't announce transformations from across the map, survivors wouldn't counter wolf by walking/staying still?