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Here's the new deep wound Yall think it'll be a survivor Buff or a Nerf?

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  • Member Posts: 1,180

    I think that it will be a buff. It is a pretty inconsequential status effect and hardly impacts the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I hope it's a buff

  • Member Posts: 148

    I played back then but i couldn't tell ya as it's been so long

  • Member Posts: 202

    pretty sure the og deep wound was controlled by the chase mechanic. That’s why legion was so hated because they could just chase you while looking backwards and you as a survivor couldn’t do anything about it because the game didn’t acknowledge you were being chased because of how easy it is to manipulate the chase mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited January 6

    I'm not sure. But yeah, I do hope that the command to "mend self" is always visible to players, regardless of whether you are running or not.

    I've already played enough Legion games against less experienced players who don't realise they have to mend before getting on that gen or they're going to hit the dirt.

  • Member Posts: 422

    I hope to Entity that color can be Accessible.

  • Member Posts: 7,224
    edited January 6

    I hope neither buff or nerf tbh. I think the yellow bar might just be the mending bar from the HUD and it'll still pause at the same times it currently does. I'm also hoping the screen filter will be toned down/not get as dark, as it's kinda annoying to play with and feels like cheap difficulty (ie. making the game harder but not in a good or interesting way). If it just stays at the level it is in that picture and doesn't get darker over time I think that would be good.

    I don't feel like deep wound as a whole really needs any actual balance changes, just a couple of specific addons (mainly Pinhead's Original Pain which needs to be reworked, it's a very unhealthy addon as its main purpose is to make tunneling easier)

  • Member Posts: 843

    As someone who wears glasses, mend screen+ dredge darkness is just way too much for my taking. Not even my 8k tv lets me see anything. It dont seem to be either a buff or nerf.

  • Member Posts: 769

    I think it will be a buff/rework. The thing to keep in mind is that certain killers inflict deep wound as well as certain add-ons and perks. Whatever change they make to deep wounds will directly impact the power of certain killers. Legion of course, Deathslinger, Houndmaster, etc. Survivor perks and mechanics like borrowed timed, and way too many perks for me to remember.

    I think the main goal is to make it more interactive and impactful to the game as its current state is the exact opposite.

  • Member Posts: 999

    I don't think it's neither a buff nor a nerf. According to the roadmap, Deep Wound will get an update and I think it will now show up like this so survivors see it better and don't forget to mend. Below how much time you have and above the progressbar when you start to mend. It also seems like the screen is less darker than it is currently but could be wrong.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Original Deep Wounds was 30 seconds and only paused during chase. It would still go down while Mending, but you wouldnt go down unless you let go

    Then it was based off the Terror Radius, then finally what we have today.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited January 6

    One of three possibilities based on this i think.

    1. It is an anti-tunnel bar, where if you are being chased by the killer while you have deep wound, the second bar starts to go down, and after it goes down all the way, the deep wound disappears, or maybe you can mend while running, or some other shenanigan.
    2. Its a mechanic that goes down slowly if the survivor runs while not in a chase and if it goes down, then the deep wound timer starts going down even if they run, forcing them to actually remove the deep wound instead of just running around the map not being chases (typical strategy is to run to a gen or something and just do it then start mending right before the timer goes off against say a legion).
    3. The second bar is your visibility, and if you are being chased it doesn't go down, but if you are not being chased it does, and when it goes to 0 it makes it really hard to see like it does now, but if you are actively being chased it won't punish you, only if you aren't mending.

    I suspect it is the first, because right now deep wound is a hard counter to dead hard. If you know someone has dead hard, one of the best things to do is tunnel them right off the hook, because then they can't dead hard. So its probably going to nerf that mechanic.

    It also looks like the screen is less cloudy/bloody, so they probably changed that as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    My guess would be a visual change to make the bar in the center of the screen so you don't how to look on your left (even though it takes half a second) to see your remaining time. Hopefully nothing done to the screen getting darker as your deep wound goes down because that's on the survivor for letting it get that low.

  • Member Posts: 419

    Still looks like an eyesore but hopefully less so than current one. Hoping the same for Plague's green diarrhea filter.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    It could be a visual update? Outside of that Idk what it could be.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Letting your deep wound timer get that low is often a correct play though especially against Legion.

    The point of deep wound is to buy time for the killer and serve as a drawback to endurance (and to prevent endurance stacking), and the dark screen filter just isn't really necessary at all. It's fine for a mild screen filter to be there as a reminder to mend, but having it get extremely dark and difficult to see through is just more frustrating to play with than anything else. It doesn't make deep wound that much more dangerous nor does it make deep wound a more interesting status effect for either side.

  • Member Posts: 148

    My Thoughts are that it's probably going to be some sort of anti tunnel

    Chase a survivor long enough in deep wound and it resets itself granting the next attack on the survivor a free hit

    Not sure how it'd work with just deathslinger and legion but i dont think the devs do either

    Hopfully it's just a nothing change though

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    You can just 99 the mend while still having 19 seconds left.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Its probably just a visual update but I hope they give Deepwounds some sort of urgency it's really not a threat nor timewaster at all

  • Member Posts: 603

    I feel that it would be somewhat strange for them to put this rework on the roadmap if all they were doing was updating the UI. So I feel like they are going to do something significant to deep wound?

    The bar shown here looks like anti camp. So I think these changes are probably twofold; one for UI and newer players (probably also less screen darkening) and something else that I don’t really have any ideas for.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Sadly this is not how it works currently. It used to work that way when the timer went down outside of chase. But nowadays your screen gets darker the longer you are in Deep Wound, even if you are being chased the whole time and the Timer does not go down at all.

    And I really hope they change this, because it is the complete opposite you are saying - the Survivor has no control over how long they are in Deep Wound as long as they are chased.

  • Member Posts: 339

    It's probably just gonna put the bar under the Mend Self statement, not actually remove the timer or pause it when in chase…

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    My friends don't watch the bar on the side, but they probably will see this if its in middle of the screen.

    This is a good thing.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    My absolutely presumptuous guess: one bar constantly ticks down, regardless of situation. The other is the mend bar, which does not lose progress (or loses it slowly, possibly altered by certain actions) If the bleed bar runs out, the mend bar drains quickly (sloppy style) causing a down, and giving the player one last chance to stop doing anything and mend.

    Not what I want or what I think would be a good idea, but just a wild guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I am guessing they are probably going to reduce the blood effect on screen as one change, it can become extremely difficult to loop while your screen is full of the blood effect to the point I go down simply from struggling to make out killer movements.

    I highly doubt it will be a buff for killers that is for sure

  • Member Posts: 898

    since they decided not to care about the actual visual accessibility problem, i just hope this is improved visibility of deep wound timer and not some "anticamp meter" stuff that will make you able to stack endurance during chase, which would make it ridiculous to face after the most horrifying endurance stacking meta we already had

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I just hope theyve removed the screen getting darker

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited January 7

    buff. they'll make it that endurence perks are no longer ignored if the player is deep wounded.

    it would be funny if they nerfed it and gave it a downside like you gain -3% hindered if you are deep wounded.

  • Member Posts: 758

    I hope this will be a buff, most of all rely on deep wound: Legion, deathslinger and dog merchant all these characters are either average or below average and the last thing they need is a nerf

  • Member Posts: 238

    It's clearly a self-mending bar, it has the same design as the anti-facecamp bar because both will be filled automatically. They probably want to use it as an anti-tunnel measure, but as usual they ignore the fact that there are killers who use this status for other things. An indirect nerf for Legion, Deathslinger and others.

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