Hiding MMR is causing an echo chamber of misinformation



  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    What if we just tell people their individual game experience is most likely personal and leave it at that?

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,149

    I believe that the people can take it no issue even if they are a bit scared there will be people that feel preassured by it, so I think they should just have it activated normally but give an option to toggle it if you really want to. That way everyone would be happy and we wouldn't have this type of guessing with the mmr xD

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,130

    I also like to compare DbD to fighting games, but to illustrate what a skill based game is, and what it is not. To me, fighting games provide about the purest form of skill v. skill a video game can offer. In the PvP arena, DbD is about the furthest from that; a PvP game where skill means very little. At least it is down the list of factors that lead to a win or loss.

    Not to mention that matchmaking in fighting games is light years more accurate than the practically nonexistent version we have in DbD.

    So I don't really agree that the added context that knowing your and others' MMR rankings provides anything of substantive value, beyond what you can glean from the matches themselves. And again, I don't think knowing everyone's MMR score would add anything, since:

    1. The criteria that go into MMR are wonky as hell, and won't necessarily tell you who is "better" anyway
    2. You can tell easily enough from the gameplay and loadout of your opponent whether they are winning on their skill or other factors (provided you are capable of being objective)
    3. Even if you're not objective you can just rationalize by saying your opponent's MMR was probably gamed somehow
    4. You can tell easily enough what you need to work on from the matches themselves. If you are struggling to hit a curveball, whether the pitcher is a major leaguer or a minor leaguer is secondary to the fact you couldn't hit the pitch. Likewise, if you're going down in 10 seconds, you need to work on your looping, regardless of the MMR of the killer. KNow might help you morale-wise, but in terms of informing your improvement, I just don't see it. Not in this game of variables.

    But for me the decider on whether I want MMR to be visible is this: it will lead to increased toxicity and belligerent discourse, and it will change nothing in terms of matchmaking. People will just be able to see how ineffectual SBMM is and get really salty about it. BHVR making SBMM better just because people can see it's bad is a pipe dream. It isn't gonna happen at this point.

    I don't think any potential benefit would outweigh that.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,975

    More sage advice, imo. This is ideal but we all know people will be people and need their info. BHVR had a lot of solid plans for how DBD works, but almost all of them feel half assed or just lazy. MMR shouldn't be such a fantastical beast that we can't see it. And if seeing it will 'damage the game' somehow, then I'd like them to explain. They just look silly atm.

    Thusly boned who posted above me, has a good view imo and I can agree with pretty much all of it. MMR in general is just a dangling fruit players will continue to chase. Working as intended.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I mean you can look up Game Design Knowledge on Google, Wikipedia to see all the pros/cons, like do you honestly need BHVR specifically to explain why to you?

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,975

    Not at all. But my god do I want them too. I -want- to know why they decided one thing over another, why they implemented the way they did, etc. Do you not have any of this curiosity? Its fine of course, just figured it wasn't just me.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I'm not curious, because I know they don't want to be questioned on every little decision they ever made, because the problem with that would be people would rage over unsatisfying answers, as has happened in the past, many times. Too many.

    If I wonder about a decision, I think critically about it and look up Game Design explanations on those issues.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 496

    As a 100 xeno i can confirm that he only feels very strong at first. And against coordinates teams they can just dance around and fly out the gates. I would love to see mtly mmr to know where my killers are at and which one is more likely to have harder players

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 631

    I don't see why that would be unique for the killer side.

    because if you escape or not as a survivor is not decided just by your skill. It's very easy for random survivor to kill everyone else.

    Hey, if you are survivor main in full SWF, you should be above soft cap. But good job if you got there as soloQ.