General Discussions

General Discussions

You say killers are bullies but what about survivors?

What about survivors who all bring no mither, breakdown, boon expontential, made for this, we're gonna live forever, unbreakable or soul guard with saboteur toolboxes to make it impossible to hook?

Or head on, flashbangs, background player, etc?

What about survivors who do nothing but rush the gens with toolboxes and BNP, extend chases with bs perks?

Why is it that survivors always want their fun but killers shouldn't have fun? Why do you survivors keep saying that? Why should we care about your fun?

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  • Member Posts: 27

    It's a vicious cycle only bhvr can possibly break but they're unwilling to do so, and this has been going on since they added mmr.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    They won’t touch SWF because the outcry will be massive and they’d lose too much money. They’d argue that they shouldn’t be punished for playing with friends while ignoring how casual Killers get punished every time they have to face a coordinated team on coms that the game isn’t balanced on.

    Best they could do is come up with new core mechanics that makes the game better for Killers and SoloQ while also being impossible for SWF to abuse. But that’s a lot harder than most people think.

  • Member Posts: 27

    The most straight forward solution is to remove the party system but that would definitely kill the game. I don't know what else they can do about it. Punishing players that play in a party would get mad at bhvr.

  • Member Posts: 27

    You're accusing me of slugging but I don't. They bring those perks so I can't hook forcing me to do that I don't want to do.

    What else do you want me to do then?

  • Member Posts: 27

    This happened quite often this January. Not as bad as last year though ofc since new year started.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited January 7

    So tbagging, all running to corner and breaking hooks, baiting, taunting, flashlight clicking isnt bullying to you? Remember they use breakdown it takes ages for hooks to respawn.

  • Member Posts: 2,169

    Those are bullying, of varying degrees, but not a single thing you just listed was mentioned in your original post.

  • Member Posts: 27

    I thought it was common sense by now when these perks are brought or mentioned, this would happen 99.999998% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 2,169

    I actually just played a game against players running head on and flashbangs yesterday. Fun game. They tried to bait me into chase a few times to draw me away from gens or injured survivors. Nothing about it would I have considered bullying.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Right now got a chat say "GG EZ" "I hope your mom dies in a fire"

    It really ruins my mood playing this game.

  • Member Posts: 324

    It's normally easy to tell when you facing a full comms SWF or a full solo queue team very quickly into the game. When I face the sort of thing you have mentioned (which sounds like the Badham, basement at shack offering, which makes to No Mither, Flip Flop survivors in main building unhookable), and these sort of SWFs have occurred more often of late it feels, I go into all out, anything goes mode. No tactic is off the menu! Their altruism often is their weakness and I try and play off that.

    Against a standard team, I always play chill and more often than not still get a 3k or more.

  • Member Posts: 2,169

    Everyone's region is different. No one uses the chat when I play for anything.

    This is also out of game things which is a totally different discussion than what your original post was about. Both sides can engage in BM in the after game chat, there are just four survivors so much higher chance they can do it.

  • Member Posts: 90

    I dont want to start a new topic but now that the event is over i feel like i am facing potato teams at extremely low mmr? I did prestige to win 45 levels during event and now i feel people are like beginners in normal lobby. Was it different mmr bracket?

  • Member Posts: 6,797

    unfortunately BHVR won’t fix these problems but keep pumping out new outfits because money seems like more of a priority.

  • Member Posts: 761
    edited January 7

    Another I want easy games via playing obnoxious to solo q people but cant handle the karma that comes back to me by a swf OR competent survivors classics post. Dbd the only game where people playing with family or friends f is a serial crime.

    Thank the lord other games I never ever see people qq on swf lol. Why should I play with a baby jake who kamikaze themselves on hook in first down? As a killer I rather swfs as I actually get to play vs 4 humans and not bots.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Have you been living under a rock? Survivor squads who go for silly plays, altruism, sabo, stuns or blinds are commonly referred to as “bully squads” and content like “SWF BULLY SQUAD GWTS DESTROYED” is insanely popular all over youtube. Killers getting called bullies is very rare in comparison.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Frankly neither is the issue of slugging, tunnelling or camping. But yet we hear people complain about the slugging epidemic. Slugging is problematic and the worst kinds of it desperately need a fix but it's hardly an epidemic. Let's not forget that some slugging happens accidentally because of lack of communication in SoloQ as well, or because of bad Survivor plays. It's not one-sided.

    Something not happening a majority of games is still problematic, and there are in fact Survivor teams that do come into games intending to mess with Killers and ruin their night. Just like there's Killers who go in looking to ruin Survivors' nights.

    This is a symptom of the game being too frustrating for too many people, and a bad player problem. Not a Killer problem or a Survivor problem.

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