People mix on the Freddy changes

With the recent changes to Freddy I've been hearing mix opinions
Saying this changes is great this was necessary or this change is terrible saying the changes are making him uninteresting
I honestly don't have a coherent thoughts as I don't play Freddy so I want to know to the people who play Freddy about their opinions on the changes and see what they can do when it comes live
I think his changes are a "fix", if I may put it that way. It is the path they've chosen to try and make Freddy's post-rework power work, without making it as overpowered as it was when the rework first released.
And I really don't like it. All of this effort towards a power that was never healthy or good for the game. Freddy needed buffs, yes, but the gameplay loop with him (trap and the occasional teleport) did not change, when I strongly believe it should have.
I'll test everything in the PTB tomorrow, but if this is truly the direction we're going with Freddy… then I'll drop him.
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I don’t know, what to think about it to be honest. I kinda like it, but I want that Freddy can’t attack awake survivors.
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I am not sure yet.
Whoever it is, I just hope it is someone who will never get a full rework.
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I'm not sure why you expected any different.
No rework has fully changed a killers power besides SM because she's a mess.
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I wanna actually see gameplay before making a call. This does kinda sound like it's just pallet and snare Freddy rolled into one, but changes like being able to TP to healing survivors, exploding dream pallets, and moving snares sound like they could actually make him a really interesting killer. The return of his omniscient aura read is ballsy but you kinda have to respect it, and I honestly think that is a playstyle I'll try out when he drops.
I know it made him weak originally, but I am a bit sad to see him not made invisible in the waking world. It was a really freaky effect realizing he was right on top of you without actually being there in his og iteration, I'd have liked to see the devs try to make a version of him work like that.
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Half a decade wanting my favorite killer back. There was nothing I wanted more than that in this game.
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Have to agree here. I think that the changes are clearly a Buff and a needed Buff as well. But I dont think that those changes will make me play Freddy. I think he is really boring to play and this does not seem to change, and I honestly dont care if he jumps up a few Tiers or not.
But it is positive that others might find more fun in playing him, just not for me I guess.
Freddys power got changed a few years ago and it was one of the biggest Reworks the game had. And he was also strong, but became pretty boring and easy to play and, the worst of it, he lost all what made him unique.
And up until this day I am pretty sure that the Devs would have been able to save his initial power with pulling people into the Dreamworld by removing things like the Slowdown and the ability to wake up with Skill Checks and adding other things which were added to current Freddy, e.g. the Teleport to Gens or Clocks. Plus a few Buffs here and there and he would have probably been able to keep his power AND be better.
(On the other hand, Doctor also got reworked quite some time ago and this was a good Rework. They kept him roughly the same, but made him stronger and more accessible… Something like that should have happened to Freddy as well).
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Im sorry to hear my dear friend. You can always join me. Rise of the machines.
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From what I've red, devs just combined his two weak abilities, added some flavor to it and reworked the awake / sleep timings.
The way I see it, the survivor who will be chased may suffer if Freddy can get them ''asleep'' but while they are awake, his powers won't do much on their own. The remaining survivors will likely be fine so long as they manage their awake ''circle'' properly.
It remains to be tested but the major concern here is how generous is the awake timer. Apparently Freddy can to lots of damage, but he needs to get his victim into the Dream World and while they are outside it, all his power will do is ''reduce'' their awake timer. Simply speaking survivors have a separate ''shield'' against his powers, making him an M1 killer with teleport unless they run out time and get into Dream World where Freddy's powers start to work.
I mean the concept itself is nice, but I'm not sure how it will work in current meta. Will Freddy have enough time to put a target to Dream World, chase it, down it, bring to hook without losing 2 or more generators in the process?
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Well said, my dear friend. While he'll most likely jump a few tiers, the gameplay loop, which was a problem, won't change at all. It seems the murder of everything that made Freddy fun, in 2019, will never be undone.
But it is positive that others might find more fun in playing him, just not for me I guess.
Absolutely. I'm happy for the Freddy mains who liked the changes, but after this long journey it is very clear that Freddy will never again be the character I loved more than any other.
I'm done playing Freddy after this. This isn't my killer anymore.
Thank you, friend. I must admit my little training sessions with Singularity ended very poorly, I really couldn't get the hang of playing him, but maybe I'll take you up on your offer and give him another chance.
I'm not exactly sure who I'll main. It needs to be someone who is very, VERY unlikely to get a full rework. I don't want to go through another one.
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Im with you. After SM 2nd rework she was one of my favorites too play, sadly I can't play her in her current form. The second you find a killer you enjoy they always get gutted for the worse. SM I mentioned is just an example of what you're referring too.
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I'll be honest I think a lot of these changes are hard to accurately visualize and we won't know until we play with it.
The pallet explosions especially are really interesting but hard to tell how practical it is.
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First freddy rework, Bubba rework, skull merchant rework, doctor got the static blast, Clown got another bottle etc... I personally like freddy but I definitely understand people that want old freddy back
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It wouldn't be the DBD community if there wasn't any complaining before we've even seen something in action
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But those killers still worked the same.
Bubba was the same, just made alot cleaner. The core of doctors and clowns powers remainend the same besidfes the new editons.
SM is a mess of a kilelr and i dont know if she can even count. Shes had like 4 reworks
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Indeed, my friend.
And I don't want to lose another character, not again. I just want to enjoy a character and be able to keep them, don't think I am asking for much.
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now i'm 100% sure that they never go back to OG Freddy, i'll abandon this character, i waited 2 years for nothing.
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Trapper, dear friend of everyone. Tell me he's going to get a full rework… lol
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Or Hag, for that matter.
Both of them are very likely to be left as they are for the years to come.
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I just miss old freddy from launch.
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I will foreshadow this conclusion even before I played the PTB:
I will HEAVILY miss the Faking-Teleport-Mindgames. Faking the teleport - at least at the Generators - MUST stay! If you just cant fake it when you teleport to the healing survivors, its fine. Then you cannot use Hemmorhage-Builds in combination with Teleport-Fakes at healing survivors (if they are stupid enough to heal while asleep).
But taking away the fakes at the gens is a very bad idea in my opinion and it would remove the most unique Mindgame Freddy posess.
I assume BHVR just copy+pasted the code from Cenobites Teleport.1 -
Knight avatar I hardly recognized you dear friend. 😜
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This is a really funny thing to say about this killer in particular. No offense, of course, but… You know.
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she had 1 rework
her second changes were not a rework but just 500 nerfs and 0 buffs