Survivor mains have control over this game

If the Skull Merchant rework and multiple nerfs aren't enough proof then I don't know what else that can convince you that this game isn't killer sided.
The fact that they’re removing crouch-tech this patch?
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Are you kidding me? It's very obvious to anyone with eyes reading patch notes that they just care about Killers having a good time. They especially disapprove of SoloQ. This game isn't ready for the wave of new players come FNAF.
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I love when people pick a single thing and make a conclusion for the whole game out of this.
Survivors obviously have the control over the game, this is why they get nerfed since 2016. Oh wait…
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I don't follow the logic here. The community at large was pretty up in arms about Merchant's gutting.
Selective memory, much?
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Ban Evasion is not allowed.
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Survivors have control way more than killers do. They've been getting nerfed since 2016 because they needed to be nerfed or else no one would play killer.
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I mean, even back then Killers were winning games. But I have never said that the nerfs were not justified. So… do you actually have an argument?
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Any sort of argument over "BHVR is getting paid hush money by Big Survivor!" or "BHVR favors killers and HATES survivor players!" is fundamentally and intrinsically stupid and dumb. We can stop having these conversations. They don't do anything for anyone.
That said, Skull Merchant's atomization WAS a really stupid change, but that wasn't a thing Big Survivor coordinated. It was, like, everyone, because for some reason everyone was too stupid to know how Skull Merchant worked and refused to adapt.
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They were justified but even then survivors getting nerfed today is still not questionable. As long as survivors have certain mechanics they will always outshine most of the killer roster. Then BHVR goes and screws it all up over and over by rebalancing in the wrong areas leading up to survivor nerfs. One of those areas is trying to balance around new players.
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Oh wait. I just figured out who you are. You keep getting banned and making accounts.
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Do you not know of how many buffs solos and survivors in general have gotten over the past couple of years?
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Dude, pay attention to all of the buffs survivors have gotten over the past couple of years.
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Skull Merchant's gutting was said to have happened because they wanted to stop everyone from playing as her as they search for a way to rework her entirely. That's what I've heard.
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Which is a terrible decision on BHVR's part, yeah.
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To be fair, though, just about everyone hated facing Skull Merchant, so not necessarily TERRIBLE.
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I hate the fact that people keep burning through all the good usernames to do stuff like this as well… just… :(
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When I get banned here, my Username will be Iron_Cutlass2.
(Disclaimer, this is a joke, please no ban ;_; )7 -
I mean, you're right that it's not killer sided. Just… not the other things.
The game's balanced- well, mostly balanced. Side that's better prepared to win, through mindset, then skill, then loadout, then RNG, will win the game the vast majority of the time.
The SM rework is an especially awful example, because she's the one that they've nerfed with the express intent to rebuff at some point. They just need her in a state that's not damaging the game's health for a while.
As for more broad nerfs, you do have to specify that said nerfs were unecessary for that nerf to be a bad thing. Sometimes - more often than not, even - nerfs are beneficial to game health.
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Because of the nerfs the survivors got since the beginning of the game and the buffs the killers have gotten, survivors think the killers are getting all the good stuff, while survivors have had a lot of small buffs too. So many survivors seem like they are used to how powerful they once were, and now they're calling the killers overpowered because of all the tunneling and stuff. Truthfully, based on balanced skill, survivors can still indeed beat tunneling killers if played right.
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Skully deserved it. It's on the devs for releasing a killer that unhealthy in the first place, sure. A blind 6 year old could figure out how cringe the 3 gen control was with skully. She simply HAD TO be gutted and now we wait for a rework. You have 37 other options to choose from in the mean time. Most of them 1 shot survivors and/or can injure through walls so keep that in mind before you go spouting off some nonsense about the game not being killer sided. It always has been.
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You should trust your feelings. But dont stop there! Fray and ignite that internet cord! You got this!
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Nerfs are not exclusive to one “side”, nor were the complaints and balance request changes to Skull Merchant.
The community really doesn’t need more ‘us vs. them’ mentality, it only makes meaningful discussions harder, and puts off a potentially false perception of someone not actually wanting to discuss things in good faith but rather wanting to insult or demean whoever they deem to be their “opposite”. If we can focus on improving the game as a whole instead of framing every change as an attack on one side, we’ll all enjoy it more.
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News to me
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This post really says it all. People who make posts basically demanding we attack them are a hard trap not to fall for (like The Trapper :0) I am guilty of it, but what is true and real is → "If we can focus on improving the game as a whole instead of framing every change as an attack on one side, we’ll all enjoy it more."
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Most people didn't bother learning the counterplay or anything. They just jumped on the Go Next bandwagon, and had no reason to hate it— Which is all besides the point. Even IF everyone had genuinely good reasons to hate the killer (They did not) it still is a terrible decision to obliterate a killer for several months just because a portion of the playerbase didn't like them. At BEST it sets the precedent that it can and will happen again at the whims of a fickle playerbase that doesn't like ANY killer in this game.
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This may be rocking the boat a bit but I think it depends on the MMR. Lower and mid MMR, the game is killer sided as all hell. But I don't think that's all the killers fault. Soloq with teammates who are new at the game is hell. Good luck getting a gen done when everybody is getting downed and the killer is just getting hooks and slugs every two seconds.
Now when you start to get up to the higher tier, with p100s and swfs and people who have played this game religiously, things start to balance out a bit more. You can rely on your teammates to do things a bit more. The killer can still get the 4ks, but it's not as easy to steamroll a well coordinated swf or survivors who understand the game better. Because a lot of the weakness on the survivors side is the lack of communication in soloq or having even one teammate mess up. It's a delicate balance. You can have the best build with the best add ons on the best map, and still fail because somebody went in for an early unhook and gave the killer a snowball moment. But that's not so much the game being unbalanced as it is the players failing to grasp game strategy.
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Bold choice making this thread the same day the devs decided to force solo queue survs to team with bots so killers can have faster lobbies.
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remember when survivors review bombed the game cause of the healing changes and bhvr walked just about everything back and then begged for forgiveness
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I feel these people are either new or have selective memory. Sometimes I wish entity invents time machine and send us all back to old dbd without any way to go back.
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I have been playing this game for 6.5 years, and in the last 3 years or so, the implementation of the base kit BT, hook grab catch, hook stage extension for a total of 20 seconds, Anti-3gen system, and anti face camp system on the survivor side has made it easier for solo survivors to play than in the past.I feel that solo survivors will be able to play more easily than in the past.
It is also very significant that OtR has been left untouched, with the effects of multiple perks encapsulated in one. I am thankful for the survivor mains who have continued to speak up about these things.
On the other hand, I must say that killers continue to be deprived of the option to defend a gen or hook, and a lot of gameplay is tilted towards shorter chase times and tunnel decisions. I feel this is also a result of the survivor population speaking out on this as well.
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Even with all those changes implemented, average players didn't care about actually getting use of those.
+10s to hook timers? Average player is allergic to gens and doesn't know how to get advantage of a camped survivor, and will rather go lurk around the hook than be on the gen. On high skill levels, the change is way too noticeable, no matter if killer is camping or not.
Anti-facecamp meter? How many times have your teammates come into range of it just to constantly lurk around while killer is camping?
Every single change that was implemented ended up being very strong for SWFs on high skill levels, while barely having any impact on average match, where people always refused to counter any strategy killer is playing, thus making e.g. tunneling, a 50/50 strat actually meta.
At this point, i believe average player wants every songle strategy to be possible to counter on full autopilot mode with 0 player input.
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+10s to hook timers? Average player is allergic to gens and doesn't know how to get advantage of a camped survivor
A solo player -can't- get advantage of a camped survivor. Someone has to go save, and when a solo player sees that none of his teammates are getting the unhook, the assumption is that they are otherwise unable to move in. They may be hiding from the killer, for example.
Solo players do not get any confirmation the killer is camping without yet another perk to patch it up, so they have to leave their gen, trek across the map to confirm for themselves that the killer is camping, then backtrack to their gen and resume work. This is why camping's counterplay is almost impossible for solo players to implement. All the more so when gens got +10 seconds, as that was a direct and substantial buff to camping.
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Well, as I heard someone say, they want the game to not get injured while they are trying to find a way to rework her. Sadly, every killer is boring or annoying to some survivors, but that is of their choice. With SM, if everyone kept facing a killer than nearly all survivors consider unfun, it'd really push more away from the game.
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But when facing top tier survivors, it really falls into the survivors' hands and the map. Their skill and mistakes practically decide the outcome, though the skill of the killers and who they are still obviously have influence. But every killer has counterplay, even Nurse.
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These side buffs you mentioned actually do a lot more than you think; and yeah, that's their point: To prevent killers from making moments unwinnable. Besides, survivors use to have an absurdly strong part on the game, so don't complain a bunch; a lot is for balance.
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That's what I've told people: Tunneling and camping is still winnable to survivors if they play it right. So many think survivors suck because of that, but no, they are still very strong.
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That's why people have long said solos are the hardest role to play, but that does not mean the survivors' side is weaker than the killers'.