Best way to play dbd in 2025?

I watch tru3ta1ent sometimes and lately I am seeing in videos of him playing killer, he simply slugs everyone but doesn't say why. Today he released a video titled the same as this thread. Why is he playing like this? What point is he attempting to make?
He's playing like that for click$. He knows who his audience is
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So many perks trigger when survivors are hooked…This is a way of countering them. Forget about deliverance, Dead Hard and many more. In these situations your main concern is just unbreakable or Jonah's boon (forgot the name). Also forget abut flashlight saves, sabo and boil over.
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hooking has become so unrewarding especially in regards to 70 second hook timers, decisive strike, shoulder of burden that killer have accepted slugging as superior way to win.
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Because it takes time to pick up a survivor (with the additional risk of a survivor waiting with a flashlight or going for a pallet save) and it takes time to hook a survivor since you have to walk over to a hook. That's like 15-20 seconds of time being used up which is often enough for survivors to complete a gen. In some cases you apply more pressure by just slugging.
They still have to pick up the survivor so it's almost the same as unhooking. Not to mention all the second chance perks that activate after the unhook. OtR, DS, DH and Resurgence. Slugging circumvents most 2nd chance perks. And people in soloQ have bare bone means of communicating making it easier to slug.
But against good SWF slugging can backfire hard. They'll still be able to get gen progress done while picking up the downed survivors. The main disadvantage you have with slugging is that you get no hook stages and it takes 4 minutes to bleed out a survivor so they have more time to save their teammates.5 -
The best way to play DbD is however you wanna play it, and to treat others how you wanna be treated.
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He clearly doesn't really like the game any more but he's forced to play it because he knows that's his audience.
Plus his competitive mindset and giant ego mean that he really can't take losing, so he's more than happy to make the game a worse place for everyone else if it means he gets to win.
It's really sad because he was the first DBD streamer I ever watched. I used to watch him all the time, but if you go back and look at his videos from 6-7 years ago, it's like a completely different person. He just seems dead inside now.
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This is exactly what my friend said to me yesterday and I had to laugh when we was discussing about creators we watch.
For me personally he just nothing but a manchild that cries about everything survivors do, if he wins he is mad, if its a tie he is mad, if he loses its 2xmillion times anger management lessons needed.
Like many killer mains here too the biggest qq about swfs and he gets really defensive when you ask him whats the problem with people playing with family and friends.
Ofc at the same time plays in the most obnoxious way possible and then rant about solo q people rage quitting or how bad they are.
Post edited by buggybug on2 -
i wouldn't doubt it and I hate it when people exploit each other like that
and I also hate when fellow killers play like that when you really should be playing the game for fun and not super competitively
you are supposed to have fun
why do you think there's the beautiful meadow of T-bagging ghostfaces that are passive
they do it to make sure you and they have fun
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I disagree with Tru3 on a lot of things but he's correct in this case. It's been noticed a ton in Asia especially that slugging is actually more effective than hooking with the current state of the game especially on certain characters like Twins, Singularity, Onryo, Unknown, Oni, Billy, Plague, Wesker, Freddy, etc.
It's just more efficient to not bother hooking because that time hooking can be spent applying more pressure and with the increase hook timer if survivors stay on the hook as long as possible it's 140 seconds and slugging is about 240 seconds so it's only about a minute and a half longer that's easily made up by extra time to pressure and not having your status effects reset.
I even feel this on the survivor side, when someone is downed and I'm on a gen I do feel a certain amount of comfort the killers time is gonna be take up by hooking for about another 10 seconds and then however long it takes to have them start patrolling again it gives me a lot of gen time. Where as if they slug I'm like "oh that sucks they either are going to come to me now and I'm less close to finishing the gen or they find someone else and I need to pick up the slug who may or may not even be fully recovered and if it's a singularity I get slipstreamed if it's Twins one of them might still be near by, if it's unknown their hallucination might literally be next to the slug and you get the idea.
People won't want to hear this but slugging is superior to hooking currently unless you're Bubba, Hag or Trapper and that's largely only because basement exists.
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Can you bottle that and ship some to like everyone please and thank you!
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He's explained it dozens of times, there are so many anti-hook perks and hook advantages for survivors that it just makes more sense to slug in most situations. Behaviour decided to nerf all the gen regression perks so slugging is now also the best way to slow down gens. If you watch his streams you can see it's clearly effective and gives him more wins.
But survivors get upset with this playstyle and try to paint tru3 as a toxic streamer, case in point reading the comments in the thread 😂 But I agree he does a lot of complaining himself which is pretty annoying, not unlike survivor mains themselves.
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I'd bet a not insignificant amount of money that many (or most) of the biggest DBD streamers/content creators are absolutely sick to death of the game. Some of them just exude disdain for DBD. And I mean how can you play the same game day in and day out and not get sick of it? Especially when you feel like you have to.
But when build your audience (and living) on one game, change is a dangerous game. Like most people in other fields, you stay with what pays the bills even if it makes you miserable.
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
I agree tru3 has a huge ego but I don't really understand the argument "he's more than happy to make the game a worse place for everyone else if it means he gets to win." It shouldn't be up to the killer to make sure survivors have fun, that's the devs job. And if you're a competitive player and play to win then of course you'll use all the tools available to do so. Sucks to get slugged or tunneled but that's just how the game is, especially at top MMR. And no the argument "you don't need to slug/tunnel to win" doesn't work even if it's true, because slugging/tunneling clearly helps achieve higher win/kill rates which is the goal for a lot of players.
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He's been doing experiments lately with different things, and generally people are starting to realize that with all of the perks and basekit things survivors have, survivors have far more options to counter hooking than they do slugging and the counters are just less effective.
Take a look at all the perks that survivors have that interact with hooking or unhooking:
- Babysitter
- Background Player
- Boil Over
- Borrowed time
- Breakdown
- Breakout
- Camaraderie
- Dead Hard
- Decisive Strike
- Deliverance
- Kindred
- Off the Record
- Power Struggle
- Reassurance
- Resurgence
- Saboteur
- Second Wind
- Shoulder the Burden
- Slippery Meat
- We'll Make it
- Wicked
Not to mention all the perks around blinding the killer like champion of light, or flashbang or residual manifest, as well as the basekit BT, the anti facecamp mechanic and pallet saves and toolboxes.
When you look at those perks too, you'll see that:
- Deliverance
- Dead Hard
- Off the Record
- Decisive Strike
- Flashbang + Background player
These are some of the best perks in the game for survivors. There's a reason comp limits them to only 1 per team and why you'll often see SWFs stacking 3-4 of these perks each.
Now what about slugging? Well you have:
- Unbreakable
- We're gonna live forever
- Soul Guard
- No Mither
- Flip -Flop
- Boon: Exponential
Far less perks, and if you look at them, far less effective as well.
- Compare DS to Unbreakable. DS stuns you for 5 seconds, letting them get to safety. Unbreakable you just down them again
- WGLF was already nerfed recently, and by the time someone finds you (thanks to knockout), you probably already healed up most of your bar anyway
- Soul guard is pretty meh as a perk and pretty rare in general, but it is pretty good.
- No mither is a horrible perk, and if people run it you just hook that guy and slug the rest
- Flip-Flop is really only good with power struggle and if you don't pick them up nothing to worry about.
- The boon can be cleansed.
So all in all:
- The best perks in the game for survivors are around being hooked/unhooking
- Survivors have so many Basekit things now around hooks its pretty insane
- It takes 20 seconds to pick up a survivor, walk to a hook then hook them, time you could spend elsewhere
- It takes 210 seconds to die on hook and 240 to die on the ground, not much of a difference when you are saving 20 seconds per down.
- BHVR keeps nerfing the good gen defense perks like pop/pain res which relate to hooks
- Most of the anti-slug perks have counters if you play around them
- You don't have to worry about pallet saves
- You don't have to worry about flashlight saves
- You don't have to worry about flashbangs (which are bugged btw)
- You don't have to worry about sabotage and toolboxes
- You don't have to worry about counting hooks in a world with shoulder the burden (much easier to keep track of the length of their bar)
- You can camp the slug if they are about to die and not worry about Anti facecamp measures
- You get a more chill experience as killer because you just chase survivors and down them and move on.
The only downside really is you lose out on hooking perks yourself, but that is mitigated by things like surge which work without hooking, and also you are getting 20 more seconds back every chase, which lets you apply more pressure faster, so it balances out a bit more.
The better question to have is not "why are people slugging more" the question should be "why AREN'T people slugging more".
Try watching a recent game where tru3 plays his normal stuff, counts hooks, deals with shoulder the burden etc. Now watch one of him slugging and watch how much more chill he can be and how much easier it is for him to do stuff.
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I'm not gonna play like that but slugging clearly better than hooking on many killers right now. He not playing toxic at all! but it definitely terrible to verse in solo q. The survey suggest that slugging will probably get touch eventually just like 3genning & camping did.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
I don't watch true because he is not my type of content creator (and there are also some rumors about him) but objectively speaking, slugging is much better than hooking because hooking does not feel rewarding enough for killers anymore and benefits survivors more due to the 70sec hooktimer, the time a killer has to waste for hooking, and all of the hookperks survivors have (some of them abuseable like DS or OTR). Meanwhile, slugging is much easier because now you force the survivors to waste their time while you don't lose any of it. There are also less anti-slugging-perks than hook-perks. @Reinami made a good list of what survivors have against slugging and what against hooking and why.
Carniveris and other players did an experiement and came to the conclusion that slugging is much easier and better for killers. The same result has now Tru3. There was also a post from @Xernoton (iirc) who did also a little experiment about slugging and made a thread about it. These are just two other examples an there are much more players who did this experiement with the result slugging is better than hooking in the current metagame. So in the end, Tur3 is not showing something special or unique but rather something problematic like all of the others players before.
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Please don't generalize.
As a killer player myself, I despise the way he plays. Why? Simple. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Nobody wants to get excessively slugged.
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His stream title is always something about High MMR. He believes he's constantly playing sweat squads. Key point to how he plays.
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Why aren't people slugging more?
Simple answer. They want to play against people not bots.
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This and am glad I took it up on myself to stream other things and my goodness scared as I was to lose views, the total opposite happens and am actually gaining more streaming other thing over dbd even thoigh dbd is how i made affliate lol.
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I mean sure, i think generally from my perspective i generally "play to win"â„¢ so i use the strategy most effective at making me do that.
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Yet no one cares about killers feelings when they play nice and get gen rushed for it 😂
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Unbreakable will become basekit soon. It will be self-inflicted misery, but at least he'll have something else to complain about.
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This reminds me of how Distortion used to counter so many perks so effectively. Distortion got nerfed pretty big time, this no hooking playstyle will probably get the same treatment. Not having anything be too powerful seems to be a trend.
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Let me know when survivors can stop the killer from playing the game for four minutes straight, and I'll send you some flowers and a sympathy card.
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I had mostly good games today with only one game of the knockout borefest game. Happy I didn’t see it more
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Maybe, but short of removing knockout, you can't "fix" slugging without also making the legitimate cases of slugging like pallet/flashlight saves weaker.
They have fundamentally made this problem worse patch after patch of nerfing pain resonance, and pop, and all the good gen defense perks around hooking while making flashlight saves easier, not fixing the bugs with flashbang, not fixing the bugs with pallet saving and so on.
They actively discourage hooking survivors patch after patch to deal with "tunneling" and have created a situation where hooking just isn't good anymore.
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Who cares what he thinks. You payed for the game, play it however YOU want.
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I tried to play survivor yesterday and i literally had 10 straight rounds of knockout sluggers. Went and played another game for a while, came back, another knockout slugger. There was no point in playing survivor at all, and most of the time someone had antislug stuff on. It does nothing but buy you an extra minute or 2.
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It's not that you can't queue up as killer and get wins by going for hooks. It's that doing that is just a matter of luck, because if you get inefficient survivors, you can do it. If you get efficient survivors, no amount of good chases or hooks is gonna stop them from escaping. So killers turn to slugging, because then they don't have to deal with bully/second chance perks like DS, DH, OTR, We'll Make It, Resurgence, Deliverance, etc. Not dealing with those, and bleeding people out for 4 minutes total instead of 2+ minutes on hooks, is pretty appealing. The hooks, at this point, carry the survivors and make them live longer than they should. So many people complain, "Ugh, I'm on the hook again." That's the safest spot you can possibly be in, because if you're still on hook, and assuming your teammates will come to save, you're still in the game and have a chance to do gens, and to escape. We called all of this with the constant off-the-hook buffs and nerfs to gen defence and chase power. People also complain about tile strength. Well, it doesn't even matter, does it? Because gens go fast means you win. These are the reasons why people are pushed to slug.
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It's not just him, but many killer players who think that way. It's not true of course, but adopting that mindset allows for two things that some people like to really lean into:
- It allows you to rationalize playing as sweatily as possible without second thought
- It helps feed the ego to believe you are playing at some god tier of SBMM where only the best of the best face off.
It would make one feel more accomplished in your wins and better about your losses if they convince themselves that they're constantly playing against golden gods.
Now people at very high MMR certainly tend to face better players more often, but the idea of "TOP MMR" as people like Tru3 define it (and throw it into every thumbnail) has essentially been debunked. And I mean most of us know potatoes when we see them, and they are sprinkled in everywhere, including Tru3's matches.
Not that people like that will hear it, though. Messes with the self-delusion.
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Then you must ask yourself: do you want to play a single player game?
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Basicly this, yes. Slugging removes player agency. Getting gen-rushed does not.
On top of this, why do we have to continue a cycle? "They do this, therefore I do this because they dont care either"
We can be better. It might me hard, but if we continue with this egotistical mindset, this playerbase will continue to lose even more empathy than it already has.3 -
Just dont interact with the streamer. Im not doing it. I dont like this particular streamer and therefore dont watch his content. I have my reasons for this.
Many streamers, however, wherther we like them or nor have a big platform with many viewers. Usually their mindset is shared by their viewers, leading to them spreading their opinions. Therefore, nobody can truly "not watch" a specific streamer. Their influence is omnipresent through the people that do watch them and spread their opinions, as seen in this very thread.
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Slugging is the best way to play as Survivors gain too much from being hooked and killer loses too much time for like 0 reward
Short but simple answer