It's 2025, remove knockout from this game

Legion matches are usually excruciatingly long and it's one of the most boring killers to play against, don't try to change my mind I despise the mending simulator. Combine that with knockout and letting people bleed on the ground.
I'm so tired of this company that only wants money and money without caring for their playerbase to keep validating this kind of gameplay that turns game into 25 mins or more just cause some weirdo that lives an unhappy life wants to bleed people out to death.
And then I'm not allowed to ''unplug'' cause that results in a penalty, even though I'm literally being held hostage on a game I don't want to play.
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have you tried getting better
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Twins main why am I not surprised, I'm sure you like to abuse knockout too 😂
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Calling using a perk that exists "abuse" will never not be funny to me.
Slugging is part of the game but BHVR does need to start creating more anti-slug perks if this is going to become more common.
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What happened to the idea of making Unbreakable basekit? Now seems like the best time to revisit that.
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It needs to do so in a way that doesn't punish legitimate slugging. Similar to the 3-gen mechanic.
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Regardless of any changes which can happen to slugging, Knockout simply has no place in the game anymore. It is a really unhealthy Perk and also not even strong. It is only used for Griefing nowadays.
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What happened to being able to counter gen rushing? It's funny how all the survivors are asking for handholding (basekit BT, free unhook when camped, basekit unbreakable, etc.) and killers just get all their anti-gen perks nerfed lol.
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unbreakable should not be basekit but basekit bt and the anti camp meter are not handholding. They are actually fixes to the game because getting unhooked with a camping killer without bt was terrible and facecamping was a problem especially with bubba….geee who would have thought.
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The most accurate statement I have seen in a while LOL
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Legion matches never have to be long. You're healing against him, over and over again, aren't you? That's not how you beat him. You beat him by staying injured so he gets no value from his power and is forced to be M1 trash. Is it harder looping on 1 health state instead of 2? Sure. But that's what you have to do if you want to win. Doesn't that sound better than a "mending simulator"? (I guess anything that takes any amount of time sink is a simulator)
Knockout shouldn't go anywhere either. SWF auto-counters this perk just by existing. Solo can beat it too, if they play smart. You see the killer has it after first down, which means you immediately know to rush gens (as usual) and pick up people when you can. If you're the one of the ground, recover and then crawl to where you think people are/where it's easy for you to be seen. I doubt that a solo team who let 1 perk (Knockout) kill their whole match is capable of beating killers using other perks anyway. The game demands coordination from survivors, because they're a team, and game sense as well when they're going against skilled opponents. You can't just expect the game to revolve itself around you, and never have any intention of getting better (most people who need to hear this won't). Because some people have gotten better, and this perk barely affects them. In fact, most things that are the most commonly complained about barely affect them, because objectively they can see and experience: "This thing the killer's using is not that strong." If something requires inexperienced/uncoordinated opponents for it to work (a noob stomp tool), then it's not strong.
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They should just remove legion from the game. He is beyond annoying and not fun to play against as a survivor. Like I'll suicide if I see a legion he's so annoying.
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Learn to use the reply (Quote) button. Otherwise it's not obvious who you're talking to, and they in turn don't get mentioned, therefore can't get notified/respond.
Regardless of who's got an opinion on something, you can't just attack their character, or rather accuse them of a conflict of interest IN PLACE OF an argument. If I played only killer, and never survivor, I'd have some pretty radical views too, "Make survivors die in 2 hooks!" for example. That being a bad idea for the game has nothing to do with me playing killer; it's just a bad take. Know what I'm sayin'?
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Oh god it's 2025 I've been playing this game for almost 10 years
Also yes Knockout is annoying. Wouldn't mind it getting reworked.
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You assume we were healing and that didn't happen
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The only thing I know is you are trying to be the cool guy behind a keyboard and that ain't working. Blight profile picture, talking about SWF when majority of the player base play solo q, assuming how people were playing and trying to give lessons that nobody asked for nor were relevant to the point. Your killer main is showing and if you say knockout is not that strong and then mention SFW, you are literally saying that people without coms are very vulnerable to such perk, that proves the point. Is unhealthy and promotes a griefing.
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How about you just get better
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I agree Knockout is unhealthy, its not even good, its just obnoxious...
However I have to ask... you're mad at Legion? Legion... whenever I play against Legion, I often feel sorry for them. Every interaction with them is "OK... what are you gonna do now?".
Literally unless you're in some insanely killer sided map with nothing but pure dead zones like Haddonfield, Legion literally doesn’t have anything to close out a chase other than bloodlust... if it weren't for things like NOED and BFF, he'd be entirely toothless
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I don't think it's worth removing Knockout. It's an interesting perk, but unfortunately it's very rare for killers to take it.
Personally, I play mostly as survivors, and I find it interesting to play against Knockout. It's not easy to use it on a killer. I remember playing against Trapper with Knockout on Lary, it was funny mindgames.
To resist Knockout, you can take Tenacity (Detective Tapp's perk), a totem for self-raising or Adrenaline.
And just being a survivor, keep an eye on your comrades: remember where they run, so that you can come there and pick them up later. Yes, it requires a little more attention from the survivor to other players, but that's the interest of the game.0 -
I'm not spending money on this game that's for sure, but i've been waiting for certain perks to hit the shrine and Tenacity is one of them. I don't see nothing interesting of being left on the floor, recover, hit, left on the floor again, is not interactive at all, it stales the game and is obnoxious.
The thing is the main arguments these people use to defend the perk is SFW, but then say a good SFW can counter so… if they rank the perks importance on if they work against SFW but this one doesn't, why do the care so much?
The solo q experience is already miserable, add this kind of perk to the mix and ppl just want to quit, like 2 of my teammates did on that trial. And I have to keep playing so I don't get a penalty, it's stupid and should not be on the game since it promotes grefing and bleeding people out is toxic.0 -
100% agreed. This perk needs a complete rework. It doesn't have any use outside of excessive slugging, which already makes it unhealthy.
How this perk could stay like this for so long is beyond me. I guess we all need to start running Knockout every game to speed this up (doesn't mean that you need to use it).