Solo Survival Rates?

For people who track their own statistics and are primarily solo survivor players, what is your escape/sacrifice ratio? If you track total match stats, I would also be interested to see what the average survivor escape rate is (the team as a whole) vs your personal solo stats. Has BHVR recently released survival stats broken down by solo vs SWF?

For me personally, of the last 645 matches I've tracked in solo queue, the average team escape rate is 55.44%. My personal escape rate as a solo survivor 45% out of those same 645 matches. So a 10% drop from the average. I am interested if my experience is similar to others, as I was surprised the average escape rate was so high. Not surprised my own escape rate is so much lower.

Unrelated but I also started tracking how often survivors give up (DC or end themselves on hook). Of the last 112 matches, its happened 13 times (11.6% of matches). Of those, 9 of them were hooks, 4 were DCs.


  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 395

    I play solo q and I always try and do gens and will go for rescues BUT I do try and prioritise gens as my teammates tend to be on the over alteristic side.

    If you were to ask about escapes through gates then it's very low. If you were to ask about hatch escapes then it's a bit higher but overall majority of my matches devolve into someone Dcing on hook which throws everything.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    Agree with the second part. If 13% of matches have quitters, those are 13% of matches which are a guaranteed loss. As for statistics, I think they are useful when they are complete. Its more than just kills/escapes. I want to see stats on SWF vs solo, maps, killers, DCs, suicides, everything. It would paint a more complete picture.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,146

    The game doesn't track the total number of Survivor games played, so I've had to guesstimate based on the total amount of generators I've repaired.

    So based on repairing 1 generator per trial (obviously, there will be trials when I don't repair any generators or when I might repair 3), I have a personal escape rate of around about 20%. I can't tell from that figure how well my team did, but from what we think we know about SBMMR, that probably doesn't matter to the match making system anyway.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 761

    My escape rate is around 30%. between 28-33%

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,211

    Has BHVR recently released survival stats broken down by solo vs SWF?

    Not too long ago, there was a post saying that the numbers hadn't changed that much since the last time they released stats.

    That said, BHVR tends to think of things like 5% and less as not a big deal, while I'd think of a 5% shift as massive given the amount of games played, so I'm not certain.

    Unrelated but I also started tracking how often survivors give up (DC or end themselves on hook). Of the last 112 matches, its happened 13 times (11.6% of matches). Of those, 9 of them were hooks, 4 were DCs.

    Is there some qualifier on this because it seems shockingly low. Are we just talking at the beginning of the game or at any point?

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374

    Bro mine is 0% you think I'm kidding but I'm not. Granted I'm a 97% 3k hour killer main that's just now trying to really learn survivor. Solo q is hell period from team mates DC on first downs to hooksides to never touching gens etc. I can't even lie as killer I would give anything to vs the 90% swf lobbies that I hear some of the people speak of on these forums.

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 114

    Don't really track it, but I had Gabriel escape challange put on few days ago. I still have it:(

    SoloQ is pretty hellish. You get a team that is on points once in a blue moon, but mostly it's quitters. One game were I was sure I'm gonna to finally make the challange one dum dum suicided on first hook. Where was two gens left and killer was doing badly... From when we just got picked up apart.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    I don't doubt it. I was almost at 0% during the anniversary event

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    I usually CAN escape half the time as solo queue, but I prefer taking risks and going for endgame collapse saves to get other people out even if I end up getting sacrificed in the process. I'm the weirdo solo queue guy who uses shoulder the burden and does bodyblocking, ha.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617
  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374

    Oh your my favorite survivor when I'm playing killer, you're the ones who make egc so much fun 😊

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    At any point. And I actually thought it seemed high. 13% is kind of a lot of matches to be guaranteed losses due to quitters. That means at least 1 in 10 matches is a total waste. And that is tracked throughout the entire match. I follow every match to the end, even if I die early, for the sake of tracking escapes/kills/DCs/etc. I do not track when those quits happen, but most are usually at 5 gens, but not all. For example, last night someone quit after getting downed at 2 hooks with all gens complete. Then a random got a flashlight save and the bot survived lol.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132

    I'm also that person, it's more fun to take those risks than to slink out the gate. I probably lose 3-4 escapes per surv play session due to me re-engaging when I could just leave. I play for the fun, not the escapes.

    I only do rough tracking in my head (unless I notice an unusual trend and decide to keep the numbers), but my escape rate (all solo) is somewhere between 20-25%. It used to be higher, but the recent rise in "go next" jerks has taken a substantial bit out of that. I'd say at least 10% of my matches are over before they really even get going.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    Thank you for the comment, I would be interested to see your spreadsheets! I get the pain though. My solo surv experience is mostly good, unlike a lot of people I see comment on these kinds of threads. I'm happy with my 45% escape rate as a solo. That said, its really not at all even. Sometimes I'll go literal days without escaping. Some days, its a winning streak. I wish it was more consistent. I've also noticed that queue times are a huge factor. I survive more late at night, when queues are fast. If I'm waiting 2-3 minutes between matches, they end up being harder with more losses.

    For example, I have survived 5 of my last 7 matches. 4 in a row tonight. But the 7 matches before that, I escaped once. Its really luck of the draw.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    I also keep track of tunneling and camping. If the killer tunnels, my team including myself survive 42% of the time. That is about 13% lower than average. I include any killer who hooks someone twice in a row as a tunneller, so some are barely tunneling, some are hardcore tunnelers. In my experience those kinds of killers usually aren't very good, and they'll waste a ton of time trying to get that one survivor. I also play pretty altruistic, so I go for protection against those killers. Probably why the escape rate is so high in my matches. Killers who camp AND tunnel? They have an 87.5% kill rate in my stats, its a guaranteed loss if they proxy or face camp.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    Same. 13% of my matches have quitters who throw the match for everyone. Its honestly the biggest problem in my experience. It happens more than tunneling ( 8.8% of my matches have tunnelers) or camping (2.9%). Quitters are super lame and idk how they can fix it. Since they introduced bots, people just off themselves on hooks so they can get their measly 4k points instead of just giving everybody else a shot.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Your definition of tunnelling was hooking twice in a row? My definition was probably what you could call hardcore tunnelling as if the Killer doesn't camp they can't meet my definition of tunnelling just to put my data more in perspective.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,211

    I guess what I'm asking is do you count it if the game is already or probably lost? Like one dead, three gens to do, no progress, and the guy on hook goes next? Because if you count those as well this feels well below what I see.

    Side note: you've started confusing the number of games it happened in (13) with the percent (11.6%) in your posts since the original (or your data has updated since the original)

  • SharonPancakes
    SharonPancakes Member Posts: 76

    I think 40 - 45% is overall survivor escape rates. I would think solo survivors would be significantly lower. We'll never know the real stats as BHVR won't include suicides/dcs in the stats. But suicides/DCs sure count in real matches, go figure. What a joke this game is for solo survivors.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    Hmm maybe I should break it down to isolate more aggressive tunneling. Even if you include both hard tunnelers, and killers who barely qualify (say they hook someone twice in a row once in a match), the total rate of tunneling is actually super low. Way lower than I was expecting, especially when I see so many complaints online about tunneling being a big problem. Its just pretty rare in my experience. I don't ever run DS anymore because it was so rare to get use out of it.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    I count the total amount of quitters in a match, regardless of whether its at 5 gens or near end game. So the total number includes games where, for example, the Nurse gets 3 downs at 5 gens and someone DCs, as well as everyone is on gens, the game is going okay, but some baby quits on hook anyway, and it also includes people who DC late in game because they're on death hook and get upset. I do not have it broken down to specify when the quitting happens. That said, anecdotally, most of the time its probably early in game, before the match is "lost". That seems to be the most common complaint. Most its not clear if the game will be won or lost, it just tends to happen at 5 gens for whatever reason.

    Good catch on my slip up though. I do have more recent data. I don't specify when someone quits, but I do track DCs and hook suicides separately. Out of my most recent 148 matches, there have been 9 hook suicides, and 9 DCs for 18 total quitters in those matches. All were single match quitters, except 3 DCs in one match, who were clearly SWF players. So if you count them as one, that's 16 matches where a quitter ruined the match or 10.8% of the 148 matches.

    Do you think I should track the stats differently? Like should I break it down by when the quitting happens (how many gens), or if its a case where the quitting happens before or after the game seems "lost"? That second part would be harder to determine. Some matches start real bad and you just assume its over, but on rare occasion, you can come back from a bad start.

  • Alicia_Tried6041
    Alicia_Tried6041 Member Posts: 72

    20% due to broken killer mechanics, add ons and slugging. also dumb teammates who run right into the killer and get downed instead of doing gens.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    Wow, thank you for the share! You're good at spreadsheets. I like that you track perks and have match notes as well. I don't track notes or teammates beyond just kills. I used to track when killers ran Iri add ons, when they ran Devour Hope (hate that perk), few other random stuff. But I eventually went to just tracking maps, killers, my escapes, team escapes, gens, tunneling, camping, DCing, and hook suicides.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367

    My excape rate 45% this month but I'm sure it will plummet back down after grade reset. For some reason all the clowns just abruptly stop killing themselves in my games but I'm sure it just a lucky streak. Out of my last 100 games there been very few suicide but my opinion on solo q remain the same. The mode complete dog s*** and that the nicest way i could put it. I mainly stick to just killer and 2v8 survivor when it available.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    Why are you down on solo survivor? 45% is pretty good, not far off 50/50 which would be perfect balance. I was at 48% escape rate as solo survivor yesterday, but I've been on a bad losing streak today, so its down to 45.8% and falling. I think the game is well balanced and mostly fun, even solo survivor. My only criticism is I wish it was more consistent. Instead its more like I will go a day or two winning nonstop, then a day or two of straight losing. It comes in waves.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367

    Because your skill and build doesn't matter enough in solo q. You at the mercy of a terrible matchmaking system. The games is already decided 9 out of 10 times before the match start. If it's four competent survivors on a team you probably win and anything else will probably likely be a L. Rather the Killer tunnel,slug, camp, or even marco pressure it feel the same in my opinion. All these things constantly test the decision making of every teammate. Do u understand the killers camping or you going to waste time looking at them do it? Someone just got push and chase away from a nearly completed important gen will any other survivor rotate to pressure that gen? Do everyone understand to die away from objectives (hooks and nearly completed gens)?

    One bad player in this game is way too much of a detriment. All it take is one person dying right under a hook survivor and the game fall apart. It's way too easy to snowball off of one mistake. A lot of times you don't even feel that the killer was any good in chase they just won through playing smart.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Your was low? Mine was 26% of games for aggressive tunnelling. Every server is different though and probably every MMR level (of which I have no idea where I am of course).

    If you want to see my spreadsheets there under my post history in my profile under the thread titled 'Decline of Survivor Games' or something like that. Or I can post a link here. They're already on the BHVR forums anyway if you're interested in looking at them.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367
    edited January 12

    just play 20 games. went 8-12

    Nine people DC/suicides in twenty matches. only one match had two DC's. Most of them did it at four gens. Three survivors DC, two kill themselves, 1 oni left, a pig, a sadako, and one Prestige 100 blight streamers. Again the mode a complete joke

    Honestly I should start a petition protesting solo q conditions. Please bring shuffle or 2v8 back soon.

  • WholesomeNebula
    WholesomeNebula Member Posts: 16

    I will take a look, thank you! And yeah my experience with tunneling is pretty low. Of the last 160 matches I've played, there were 15 matches where the killer hooked the same survivor twice in a row. But some of those barely counted as tunneling imo. I guess my region or the time I play is just lucky, as I've never had a big problem with tunneling. Of course when it does happen, it basically ruins the match. Its pretty horrible and I feel for the people who experience it more.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 496

    I wouldnt say ive been tracking it but it feels like 80% of my matches in solo que have either the whole team getting slugged, someone being triple tunneled at about 4-3 gens leaving everybody helpless or just completely demoralized and unwilling to bother anymore, being camped to death, or totem meta causing everyone to get moried since they couldnt break the totem. Otherwise it feels like 20% of the time i have a fun round and make it out the gates or hatch. Interested in this statistics email they are supposed to send.