BHVR is scamming their patreons
Give that guys his cells back.
Well, that's just awful to hear
Literally gives this man his money back
16 -
I agree - that is horrible…..
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Shame on BHVR, allowing this kind of stuff to happen and not only not apologise for it, but continue to play along like thieves… Lost my respect…
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Even Youtubers are joining this thing.
Apparently it's getting some more recognition.
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"This will be fixed in a future release and you will be able to equip the outfit once the fix is out."
No timetable on that, just "future." Which, as a Switch player who trusted them when they said "cross-progression is here and working," I trust "future but no ETA" from BHVR absolutely zero percent.
I managed to return a cosmetic head once because BHVR changed it immediately after I purchased it. They removed it from my inventory and gave me my Iri Shards back. The player can't even access the outfits, they should be removed from his inventory and the Auric Cells returned. If and when the Junji Ito outfits become available in his region, he can re-purchase them if he so chooses.
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It was in the original Reddit post:
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It's bad to read something like that but unfortunately there are several areas that happen like that here.
In summary, you should simply not spend any money on the game in any way, because if you do, you are continuing to support it.
Post edited by Rizzo on12 -
Great, then you'll just be banned.
Don't get me wrong, it's basically ok to speak up against...
However, if you invest real money in this at the same time, you have to be aware that you yourself are part of the problem.
And this gamer type is very common these days, much to the advantage of the gaming industry.
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Not spending any more real money on this game until this situation has a good closure
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Nah once is concerning but twice is disgusting. Admitting to gutting Skull Merchant on purpose and just leaving it at they'll fix her in the future and now taking people's money for cosmetics that they can't use but not refunding it because it'll be available "at some point". BHVR is getting way too comfortable taking people's money and then being sneaky about what's actually being purchased.
I used to say BHVR isn't perfect but at least they're not scumbag developers like EA and Blizzard but that's getting less and less true by the day and it's sad to see.
BHVR you can't do ######### like this and then ask for things like "labor of love" votes when you're way too okay with deceiving your community lmao.
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Apparently after some backlash, this case was brushed off as a "bug" which they're going to fix (in A future release so it could be years from now). I wonder how they're gonna bring the skins to this guy back if they are region locked.
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Seems like everybody is becoming really disillusioned with BHVR as a whole at this point. If this were an isolated incident then we as a community would have a lot more reason to just wait patiently and see if/how this gets resolved, since large businesses are complicated and it's not the most unreasonable thing in the world for them to take a while on putting out an official stance/solution on this. But this is one of a long line of decisions really testing the good will of their playerbase and now everybody is questioning whether their money is well spent here… I'm kinda worried that the studio/game as a whole will go under if they can't start cleaning up their act, since even really dedicated fanbases won't keep taking excuses forever.
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If the cosmetics were bought by people in regions that can't use them BHVR should just remove the cosmetics from their inventory and refund the cells. If they make the cosmetics available in those regions eventually then those players can just rebuy the cosmetics when they can actually use them.
When the RE cosmetics released and you could buy pieces separately no one bought the heads that were identical to the default heads. BHVR had no problem removing the cosmetics from everyone's inventory and refunding the cells so they could make those cosmetics linked. Anyone that wanted to rebuy those now linked cosmetics did so.
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Unfortunately my own experience with Support has been hit and miss. I'll sometimes get someone who actually looks into my issue and is incredibly helpful, but sometimes I'll get someone who just gives me the run around. Looks like the original poster has copped the latter. These people need to understand they are representing the company as a whole and it's not a good look to not care when a paying customer is being outright deprived of a refund they are absolutely owed due to a mistake on the companies behalf.
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Even trying to play devil's advocate as hard as I can to think of a way to rationalize this, I can't think of a good reason why they can't remove the skins and refund the cells.
This is simply indefensible.
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This is how they treat the community after pleading with us to vote for them in the "labor of love" category.
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Can we not all just agree to stop putting money into the game till this is resolved? I myself am now fearful of any money I might have put into the game in future. BHVR are really letting themselves down with this, not a good look & not a great situation to add to a growing list of recent problems.
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Ok BHVR, come on... usually one gives benefit of the doubt, but I have to say, this is quite abhorrent...
The response from Alexander was a little poor, but at least an attempt was made to assure the customer their purchase will be available at some point. Providing context on the nature of said issue and what needs to be resolved would have been appreciated I'm sure... if we're talking days, maybe a couple of weeks, that's a little more understandable, but if we're talking months (or possibly never), that's disgusting...
Mark's response is just baffling. We have a bug that allowed you to purchase region locked content, then locked that content and removed it from your account after you bought it, but without returning the currency you bought it with... you've now lost that currency...
The consumer here has been entirely reasonable, and only asked for the bare minimum of expectations for such a blunder (a blunder of your system btw, not his), the return of his auric cells... and you are saying you can't even provide that!?
What the hell man? The man isn't even asking for a refund (which he even has a goid argument for that)... but this is just a credit note, which any basic retail system should be able to provide. I can understand that perhaps it's not possible to actually refund the actual auric cells back into his account because its beyond your personal powers to do so and/or is tied up in the system... but for God sake you've at least got to have some kind of auric cell code you can provide to redeem in the store to return this man cells, or something?
I refuse to believe you don't have a contingency of some kind for a situation such as this...
Also please advise your customer service team not yo say "thank you for your understanding", when you basically just tell the customer to go eat crap... even the most reasonable of people would be livid at this response.
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My experience also. Either you get someone who is very helpful and solves the issue first try or points me towards someone who can, or you wait 5 business days for a response only to get nothing of substance in the reply.
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i can think of one very weird reason
performing a refund would kinda be admitting, that they sold Junji Ito cosmetic in "banned" country, that could lead to much more problems for them2 -
well they've already admitted it in the support ticket so
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😤wow just wow
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This is horrible. Take responsibility, admit that it was genuine mistake and offer refunds. That is the only ethically tolerable course of action. Everything else looks like fraud (though legally this is a bit more complex).
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This is just being a thief. At the bare minimum they should've given him his AC, because it doesn't even comst BHVR anything, they already got his money. That being said BHVR needs to state WHERE what is purchasable and isn't.
Why are you selling something in regions you're not allowed to/can't due to regulations? The only possible answer to that question isn't a nice one and will mostly definitely not reflect kindly on BHVR.
Shame on you and your corporate greed.
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if you watch this and still thinks BHVR cares about players, and not just your bank account, you are willfully ignorant and stupid.
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By the mistake of the developers - these skins went through to the region locked country, that player bought the skins, they are in his inventory, but he can't use them.
Since it's a developers mistake - there are only 2 solutions:
- Let him use the skins he bought.
- If 1 is impossible - give him his auric cells back.
No other options, you took his money (even mistakenly) and (practically) gave nothing in return.
The government laws > developers personal laws.
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This is genuinely upsetting. I can’t think of a single reason why cells shouldn’t be refunded. We’re constantly debating between using the stick or the carrot to balance things for survivors and killers. Maybe it’s time to apply that same logic between consumers and developers—because right now there’s certainly no carrot.
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Maybe my opinion will sound ridiculous, but if there are regional issues due to the license agreement or other factors, what's the point of including this license in the game in the first place? This could lead to serious problems if they don't address it.
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How abhorrent
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No, that's not ridiculous at all. I've been saying the same since the info about these cosmetics were released with region lock.
Why even making such cosmetics? Could it be the devs didn't knew, because the license holder haven't informed them till the release day?
This could lead to serious problems
Dude, the serious problems are already happened. And a lot of it.
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Honestly this is just one of many reasons why they don't deserve labor of love and we shouldn't be spending any money in dbd till this issue has been resolved. I get it mistakes can happen but their response is so damn ridiculous.
There are studios who are always trying to listen to their community and have been very customer friendly. While BHVR has improved when it comes to listening to players, you still have things like this which I simply cannot understand.
Give. Them. Their. Money. Back.1 -
Option one is not possible I think, but they need to give them a refund and IMO additional auric cells as an apology
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He said he doesn't even care about the skin anymore, he just wants his money back
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They should give him a full refund AND an apology. What they did is literally stealing from him and others.
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This is unacceptable…
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It sucks that this has happened and I am certain it will be resolved shortly. Also it is clearly an error and NOT A SCAM
"Scamming" is a planned illegal, malicious act for stealing money.. And BHVR obviously does not do this. The misuse of the word is crazy here
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Yeah, this is all shady as hell. If their system won't allow it, they need to fix the system. And I refuse to believe no one in support has the authority to make this right.
And the items appearing erroneously in the wrong regions' shops is entirely the fault of BHVR, and they need to be raked over the coals until they remedy the situation. When your jank systems actually cost people money, you have a problem in need of fixing.
A "whoopise doodle, sorry about that but we can't give you a refund" is totally unacceptable.
I am a huge Ito fan and I've bought two of the cosmetics and planned to buy them all, but I'm holding off on the rest until I hear the affected parties are duly compensated.
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BHVR gives auric cells to Fog Whisperers monthly, they could absolutely give this guy the cells back if they wanted to.
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My best guesses on the devil's advocate:
1: They don't want to give any ground on a no refund policy. None of us actually own what we buy, we have virtual copies until one day the servers close, and they don't want to create a legal argument for future refund possibilities.
But this seems like such an extreme situation that it doesn't make sense.
2: There's some detail that isn't revealed related to the country / region / BHVR / license etc that makes a refund impossible from a legal standpoint.
Except if that was true, I would think they would explicitly say 'we can give so and so a refund because of this legal reason'.
There's a possibility they don't want to cast the blame on another party they are still trying to work through, but that seems like an incredibly slim guess.
3: The purchaser tried to avoid the region lock with a VPN or something like that.
Again, I'd expect BHVR to just tell us that if it was true.
2 -
BHVR stated they weren't going to refund him anything, but they are going to "fix" the issue where the dude cannot see the skins in his inventory. So I'm assuming they are going to unlock those items for him even though the licenser who doesn't like eastern europe prohibited sales to their region.
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In regards to 1: To my understanding, they've removed cosmetics and refunded auric cells in the past. The Resident Evil skins were originally unlinked and people bought just specific pieces of them. They eventually had to link them so they refunded the cells and removed the skins. I can't confirm this, it's just what I heard.
In regards to 2: They aren't refunding money, they're refunding auric cells. Everything is contained within their own ecosystem. The player doesn't buy the skins, they buy the auric cells which they then use on the skins. I find it hard to believe they can't issue a refund in this circumstance.
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I think it's more likely the Support rep who said that wasn't aware of the region locking. He addressed it as though it were a bug but it's more than that.
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This is absolutely unacceptable, if he paid for something and it is in his inventory right now and he can’t see it because of a “bug” he should get a full refund, apology, and bug fixed ASAP. Zero excuses, skins are the primary form of monetization in this game. No comment from any BHVR staff on this thread too is not a good look.
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Terrible in the devs
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Refusing the guy to give back the items he paid for or the currency 3 times in a row, then give in and promise to fix his issue only to later respond with "lmao just kidding nothing for you" would look incredibly well for them
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If you've had any experience with Support then you'd know it's par for the course
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Hope the developers respond to this. Such a terrible look.
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I haven't and hopefully never will.
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Maybe. Then you can call it as fraud. Since they selling to him something, which is not available to use after it. It is a scam, not matter how you try to hide it. Even if it is from an error now they know it, and they still not do anything.
Imagine you bought a washing machine, and not give it to you, but place in a room and throw the key saying "we sorry that you cannot use it, at some point you will". What would you call it?
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I haven't spent money on the game in a long time, and after seeing this, I feel even better about that decision. Even if BHVR reverses course on this, it's pretty sad that it will only be due to community backlash instead of them doing the right thing for the customer in the first place.