racial discrimination??please give me a reply

Chinese players can't buy the skins of the Ito Junji series. We need an explanation. Is this racial discrimination?why!?racial discrimination?????
Its a bug.
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Even if it wouldn't be a bug you can be sure that it is not about race, much more some regional problems with a license
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Developers aren't the ones who made a regional lock on these skins.
It's the license holder Junji Ito or Japanese government forcing Junji to do so.
And it's definitely not the racial discrimination, I would assume. (Since I don't know the reason of the locks in the first place)
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We can't tell why Junji Ito, or Japanese government don't want to sell the skins for listed countries, so players are only left to assume.
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I'm gonna bet it's political rather than racial.
I read (or heard) somewhere that Ito themselves dictated it, but I'm not sure it's accurate. Maybe a combination of factors depending on the countries/regions in question. Regardless, it's not BHVR's doing (though the way they've handled it in store has been totally dubious).
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There are certain countries that don't allow for certain content being sold to their people. They have different rules and regulations when it comes to International transactions/products (digital or in any other form). One example of this is that certain types of Mori's aren't allowed to be dipicted in numerous countries. The same could be the case for Skins/animations.
That aside Licence holders also have their own rules/list of demands. So it might be either one of these two reasons as to why it's not purchasable in your country/region. It is, however, up to the seller to state where it can and cannot be purchased.
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The more I've read up on it, the more I think it's because of crunchyroll. They were involved in the collab as they have the licensing rights to the Junji Ito Collection, but only in certain countries. Like most streaming services they have region locks for certain licenses etc.
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The reason can be frankly anything, but probably not what OP is suggesting.
But, posts like these are a good reason why BHVR should make a statement about it to clear things up. If they won't, people will start creating theories.
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Many links of Junji Ito can be sold in China. This is definitely DBD's own problem. They deliberately don't want players in these areas to get these skins.
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Their practises hurt the feelings of Chinese players. Chinese players are crazily asking for reasons and demanding explanations and compensation, but the Chinese proxy media didn't say a word.
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There are many linkages of Junji Ito in China. This is definitely not the reason.
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Really? Where did you hear it? If it weren't for the problem of DBD, they should have explained that Chinese players are very angry now.
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Ask your own government.
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There's a more likely chance that Crunchyroll is the one responsible, since they're part of the collab and how they region lock animes on their own site.
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I have already said that there are many similar products in China, and the Chinese government has not banned them.
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Sure you can criticize them for not being transparent or maybe even agreeing to a collab that isn't available in all regionss but I still don't think it is a Bhvr decision. If it was them and they had an issue with China why would 90% of their other content be available there?
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Junji Ito has hated China since he did a crossover with Identity V and Netease said the skin was too graphic to keep a 12 and under rating. So out of retaliation since then he hasn't allowed game licenses to go to China. Not kidding btw this really is the reason lol
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Sure. But it is not changing my statement - BHVR (probably) will never sell or not sell anything to people based by their race.
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Discrimination? Kidding me? You're talking to people that removed in-game cosmetics permanently because of racist trolls trolling Twitch streamers.