Survivors yelling as they fall?

I dunno if this was always the case but recently, I've heard David King give a small yell as he fell from a high height. Decided to play Claudette to see if it was also for her and she gives a scared yell too and the yell was audible because a Meg fell down with me and she yelled too.
When did they add this small change to falling? Is it only audible to survivors because I haven't heard it yet as killer?
Best Answer
They all yelp now as they fall - in case the killer didn't hear your grunt as you leapt or the slam of your feet into the ground on landing, now they can more easily hear what you did and where you did it.
I hate it.. It sounds so derpy
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It's probably a bug tbh.
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I think it was a bug when it was not implemented. I think it was intended because the yelps while falling have been found in the audio files of the game
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If it is a bug then it's not likely to get fixed, ever.
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It's so annoying, that's not fair. You can fall from a tiny little area of stairs or rock and they yell all extra loud. That's the devs trying to make the game more tense and dramatic for us to be more engaging in horror or whatever. Because they're not the ones who freaking play this game regularly and know what should and shouldn't be in the game, and anyone who does test this game for them is obviously nothing more than a yes-man.
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I kinda like how Quentin sounds when he falls. Like as if he was on a rollercoaster. wwwwwwwow
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oh god, now i need to know what this sounds like.
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You have me curious lol, imma make a list now of the best yells based on this comment now!
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Meanwhile this totally by passes calm spirit and iron will.
RIP Mechanics
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Such an unessecary change. Litterally no one asked for that.
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No one asked for the having to click the button to retrieve an item from a chest you just opened if you didn't have an item already, medium vaults, or numerous animation changes. They like fixing things that aren't broke until they are.