Game should be balanced around 4k

This game is called Dead by Daylight... Survivors should expect to be dead.
A good survivor horror game should make players fear the killer, because they know they will definitely die if spotted. None of this "catch me if you can" nonsense.
In order to bring back this soul of this game, chase mechanics should be eliminated. Survivors should not be allowed to run nonstop. 5 seconds of running at most, then only walking and slow vaults are allowed while making loud panting noises.
Survivors who don't play ball shoud be banned.
you really thought this was gonna funny 🤧
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This is a serious topic
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Lol is this a troll?
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Serious post please
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I read your first sentence and I'm not gonna bother to read anymore. using ur same horrible logic survivors should expect to survive and killers should expect to kill JUST because it's in their names. but that's not always the case, wanna know why? its an asymmetrical game with 2 sides competing to win, not a single player game vs bots
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this can't be serious topic I mean if the game was like that game wouldn't of lasted as long as it is no one would play survivor.
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If the punishment were severe enough, people will be forced to play
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Would you play shooter with an aimbot?
You're bascially asking for free kills now.
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calling it this joke thread.
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You're not entitled to a 4k, you're also not skilled enough to get a 4k and thus want it handed to you. This game obviously isn't for you if you think it should balanced around you getting a 4k.
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We punish people who cheat with aimbots, the same as punishing people who cheat death
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Actually, it shouldn't because what would be the point of playing survivor just to lose every game? It's like giving meat to hyenas, they will gobble that meat practically instantly and that's not fun to watch, ya know?
However, the game should be balanced around a 2.5k games IMO. This means killers get an average of 2.5 sacrifices/kills every game.
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This is bait, ladies and gentlemen. I've seen this dude pushing survivor main agendas on other threads. This is nothing more than a bad attempt at getting attention.
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Don't feed the fire guys.
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Obvious bait is obvious