Suggestions for Ghostface Tweaks/Changes

ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

Since BHVR announced they'll be making upcoming changes/tweaks to Ghostface in November, I thought I'd give my ideas and suggestions for changes I would like to see. For anyone who doesn't know me, I have 6700 total hours in DBD and 29,220 marked downs as Ghostface. DBD Top 15. Here are my ideas below👇️


-Reduce the range that hooked survivors can reveal you OR just entirely remove the ability for hooked survivors to reveal you. It's a universally known fact that it's harder to be stealthy as Ghostface on most outdoor maps, and the fact that survivors can reveal you while on a hook makes it even more difficult to sneak around the map without accidentally losing your stealth mode. It seems kind of overkill that a hooked survivor can reveal you from 32 meters away despite the fact that DBD now has an anti-camping system in place to discourage players from camping to begin with. Another alternative suggestion would be to make the "Lasting Perfume" addon basekit.

-Reduce the range that BOT survivors can reveal you. From my experience, bot survivors usually have near perfect reveal accuracy even at maximum range, and they can even reveal you through small openings. This makes playing against bots as Ghostface feel like a nightmare because of how easily they can break you out of stealth. Reducing their reveal range would make them less obnoxious to play against.


-Instantly recharge 25% Night Shroud after downing/hitting a marked survivor. I think it would be cool to have some kind of Night Shroud recharge as a reward for successfully hitting/downing a marked survivor. Being able to reduce your cooldown by 25% would also encourage newer players the to use the stalking/exposing part of Ghostface's power.

-Nerf the addon "Walleyes Matchbook". This Common Rarity addon offers way too much value with absolutely no downsides and no specific activation requirements. This addon also allows many Ghostface players to get away with using hit-and-run playstyles, which can be unfun and annoying for survivors, especially on indoor maps where Ghostface already has a huge advantage. The entire point of Ghostface is to wait for the right moment to strike, and to avoid getting broken out of stealth. This addon significantly reduces the impact of losing your stealth with no downside. I think changing it to only give 2 or 3 seconds of faster recovery (instead of 6 seconds) would make it overall healthier for the game.

-Give 0.5 seconds of Exhaustion after marking a survivor. Ghostface is great at catching survivors off guard, but sometimes survivors can easily slip away if they're using an Exhaustion perk. Having 0.5 seconds of exhaustion basekit after marking a survivor would make Ghostface less reliant on perks and addons that apply exhaustion, and also reward Ghostface players who sneak up on survivors.

Those are all my suggestions and ideas I have for Ghostface. Whether the upcoming changes are buffs, nerfs, or reworks to Ghostface, I can't wait to test out the new tweaks. Thanks for reading! 👻🔪


  • Cheque0826
    Cheque0826 Member Posts: 35

    Wow, all your ideas seemed really good to me, in fact the Walleyes Matchbook one came true. I would add that: Ghostface should not lose his power after missing a hit (that would make him more comfortable to play); and reduce the distance at which he can be revealed by a survivor in any situation (32 meters can allow someone to keep following you so you can't use your power, without being viable to be chased, which is similar to playing Trapper).

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    the one change that i'd suggest to improve him is that survivors marked suffer a 10% hindered penalty for first 5 seconds of the mark. this would combine well with drop-leg sheath to give him nice boost of power.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    My wishlist after 10k hours of mostly playing Ghostface.

    • After 4 successful marked stabs, gain the ability to throw the knife once.
    • While crouched and in Night Shroud, the Ghostface will not trigger chase.
    • Accrued stalk points do not drop off on injury. (All accrued stalk points drop off when put into the dying state)
    • All reveal progress is instantly lost when losing sight of the Ghostface while Night Shroud is active (Current time to reveal is 1.5 seconds).
    • Add slight speed burst when revealed.
    • Make directional indicators more accurate when in the process of being revealed.
    • Cut cooldown of Night Shroud in half on successful marked stab.
    • Make effects of current 'Chewed Pen' and 'Lasting Cologne' base kit (Increases reveal time for dying/hooked survivors to 3 seconds).
    • New Chewed Pen: Marked targets become blind for the duration of the mark.
    • New Lasting Cologne: For 80 seconds, survivors injured while Night Shroud is active take 1 second longer to reveal the Ghostface.
    • Marked Map: After performing the damage generator function, survivors within 10 meters of the affected generator will have their locations revealed for 3 seconds upon the next interaction with the affected generator.
    • Cinch Straps: Night Shroud remains active after successful 'Silent Stab' scoring events. (Putting survivors into the dying state ends Night Shroud)
    • Victim's Detailed Routine: (In addition to it's current effect) For 80 seconds, generators being repaired by marked survivors will be highlighted in Yellow and marked survivors receiving or performing healing will have their locations revealed .
    • Night Vision Monocular: (In addition to it's current effect), auras of all survivors within 10 meters of the revealing survivor are shown for 5 seconds.
    • Telephoto Lens: (In addition to it's current effect) stalking has no range limit.
    • While Night Shroud is active, if a survivor is 'stalkable,' their portrait will animate to indicate they are 'stalkable' (unintended marking can be extremely detrimental).
  • Bluhd
    Bluhd Member Posts: 2
    edited February 17

    edit: made a error.

    Post edited by Bluhd on
  • Bluhd
    Bluhd Member Posts: 2

    My Proposals for Enhancing The Ghost Face

    Reveal Changes
    1. Improved Directional Visual Cues.
    2. Crouching should decrease the hixbox area for revealing from 30% to 20% - 25%.
    3. Reveal Time increased from 1.5 to 2 - 2.5 seconds. Another Idea is to adjust the reveal time based on distance, making it longer to reveal Ghostface at maxumum revealing range 32 meters.
    4. "Lasting Prefume" Based kit (Survivor's on hook take 3 seconds to reveal The Ghost Face)
    5. "Marked Map" Based kit (Increased Duration of Killer Instinct after being revealed by 2 seconds)

    Night Shroud Changes
    1. Marked Survivor's put into the dying state reduces cooldown of Night Shround 15-20%.

    Stalking Changes

    1. Stalked Survivor's lose 25 - 50 stalking point's when injured. Instead of losing all progress.
    2. Survivors put in dying state lose all stalk progress. (Credit Anti051)

    Add-on Changes
    1.(NEW) Lasting Prefume: Survivors hit by a "Suprise Attack" suffers from Mangled for 60 seconds. (Just like wraith's add-on "Blind Warrior")
    2.(NEW) Marked Map: After damaging a generator, it's white highlighted for 60 seconds, turning yellow if regression stopped Survivor gains 50 - 75 stalking points, and Oblivious status effect for 20 seconds.
    3.(NEW) Telephoto Lens: A Survivor that reveals The Ghost Face is inflicted with Blindness for 60 seconds.
    4.(NEW) Cinch Straps: Night Shroud remains active after a succesful "Silent Stab" (Credit Anti051)
    5. (NEW) Victim's Detailed Routine: After being Marked, Survivor are inflicted with Exhausted for 10 seconds (was 5 seconds)
    6. (NEW) Night Vision Monocular: After putting a survivor into dying state reveal the auras of all survivors standing within 8 to 12 meters of the survivor or killer for 4 seconds.