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Nowhere to hide

Listen up nowhere to hide is for terrible killers. Like you cant find survivors so you use the perk and it plays the game for you like it is op no cooldown nothing you just kick gens and see all survivors like crazy to me if survivors had a perk like work on gen for 5 secs to see killer for 5 secs and keep regetting on the gen killer mains would be going crazy.

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  • Member Posts: 567
    edited January 12

    Also this perk entirely kills any stealth (and perks that were about being stealthy) aspect of the game, back in the day you could hide near generator and it was fun as you tried to not be spotted by the killer.

    But now it's meta, so killer just kick the gen, apply Pop ofc and you are instantly revealed, because why not.

    Nowhere to hide doesn’t make chase easier or make the game easier

    Sure, this perk makes game actually HARDER for the killer.

    And killers bring this perk so much because - of course - they love to waste perk slots and love their games to be harder <3

  • Member Posts: 567

    Sure because it only works on 24 meters from gen and it's not tied to your location, so on high mobility killers like Blight, Wesker or Billy it's not free almost-wide-map survivor reveal perk, right?

    Oh look, it's not tied to gen but to your location. 🙃

  • Member Posts: 895

    yeah but let's be honest, stealth is also strategical part of this game (stealthing 4th stack of Grim, stealthing during Oni's power, stealthing while on death hook etc.).

    NTH removes any gamesense related aspect of killer tracking survivor by logical clues near a gen, and is just a pure nuts on killers like Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Nowhere to hide doesn’t make chase easier or make the game easier

    Aura reading is one of the most impactful in terms of making a game easy actually, because it gives you perfect gamesense for free and your opponent can never truly know you can see them. If a survivor positions poorly and you see their aura, that’s a free tag/down. If a killer positions poorly and you see their aura, that’s free distance. It also is useful in chase on killers with mobility like nurse or blight since for some odd reason the aura range follows you.

    Don’t get me wrong - I love my aura reading and I don’t think it is only for bad killers like OP suggests but let’s not downplay how good this perk can be.

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    Well… I mean, almost no killer perk actually makes the game harder for them. Some do almost nothing. I love to run stbfl and shattered hope together (stbfl because I cant live without that perk and shattered hope to get its pickrate above 0)

  • Member Posts: 142

    Got it! Use more No where to hide! Maybe ill play nurse more as well :)

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    "Back in the days…"

    … survivors played more casually and did totems and chests on the side.

    … survivors felt safe enough with multiple layers of safety nets to fool around.

    … survivors in general didn't hardcore split up and prioritized gens before everything else.

    … one gen would pop per chase, till the gaming area shrunk down to size with two gens remaining.

    … killers could stake out three close gens in the start and soft-patrol them.

    The game has changed alot and both roles have pressured into more "perfect" and "efficient" playstyles, by the ongoing arms race, leaving very little room for error or playfulness on the side. A modern killer just hasn't the luxury of searching for a survivor behind every bush, in some games they will fail the game if they don#t find the next survivor and start a chase within 20s.

    The meta of the game is ever changing and evolving and stealth now plays very much second fidel to everything else. I enjoyed the more relaxed playstyle of 3 years ago, but its gone now, and we must evaluate perks in their natural environment now, not in some artificial situation.

  • Member Posts: 758

    Perhaps while playing as a survivor you noticed these inconspicuous 2 meter red lockers, maybe you didn’t know, but they are not just for decoration, if you have problems with the killer’s auras, try using them

  • Member Posts: 372

    When you're bad in chase and get destroyed by this perk and you're typing real hard in the post game chat to let the killer know you're mad they got value off the perk but then the server closes and you're still mad so you make an account on the forums to type about how you're still mad about it and how much you hate the perk.

  • Member Posts: 405

    It gets chases started. I can run this on myers and chase will not be any easier. Coup and bam will makes chase easier. nowhere to hide just gets chase started rather than just holding w looking for someone. Killers don't like being bored so surprise surprise stealthy players bore them and are willing to sacrifice 1/4 of there perk slots for that not to happen.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Yeah it is strategical part of the game. If a killer has no aura perks and only slow down and you decide to stealth the 4th grim stack they are out of luck. Killers also know this strategy and are willing to bring a perk for that not to happen. Myers and oni playes know that players will hide so nowhere to hide is a smart thing to bring. The second the survivors here the terror radius they walk away to a rock or somewhere and the killer goes there and looks around while survivors shuffle around rocks. That is the smart thing to do if you know a killer doesn't have NTH but killers know survivors do this. Everything is nuts on nurse. When considering if something is balanced nurse cannot be part of the equation because everything is good on her even bitter murmur is good on her.

  • Member Posts: 3,935


    Nowhere to Hide is a strong aura perk, but it is dependent on taking the time to kick the generator, which gives the survivor time to make distance/make it to a tile. It's only an issue for Nurse since it gives her basically a free hit no matter what the survivor does.

    Distortion and OTR also counters this perk, and Distortion is still a very good anti-aura perk if you can get over it's soft boycott due to being rightly nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 405

    This perk is good obv. Its good for not wasting time looking for stealthy survivors who have fixated and walk the second they hear the terror radius. It get chases started and keeps the killer engaged instead of wandering around. BBQ gets chases started, FTTE gets chases started, alien instinct get the chase started. If you are good at chase they can have 4 aura reading perks and you can loop them while they lose all the gens because of lack of gen perks. After the initial surprise hit from the killer finding you standing near a rock you shouldnt fall for it again. Even with the moving aura you will hear them walking thus start chase with no surprise. Aura perks that you should be complaining about that do make chases easier are im all ears, predator, zashin tatics and weave attunement. These make chase easy due to no mind games working. Everything is better on those two thus being permeant residences and only residence of S tier.

  • Member Posts: 603

    This perk is still amazing in chase (not just for starting it) on non S tiers because the aura reading follows you, and lingers, for even longer with lethal. If you have stealth, any speed, or both, you can utilize this to basically require perfect positioning from survivors at all times if they don't know your exact position (or that you are busy) and get free hits. For example, unknown can kick a gen and teleport to a clone to then have NTH aura reading everywhere. This also works on other teleporting and mobility killers.

    The start of a chase is just as important and also part of it, if your chase is starting with a hit then that is very bad. Of course, you can say "always assume the killer could have activated an aura perk and play optimally", then you end up with what gameplay looks like vs scratched mirror myers, where everyone is holding safe corners by the strongest possible loop until someone is in chase. I find that very boring personally.

    And you can also say it's not an issue to get found if you like chase or are strong in it, sure, but there are plenty of times where you need to rotate toward an important objective without being seen, such as a high progress gen or hooked survivor, or maybe you're on death hook, and the alternative is just hiding in a locker which is zzzzzz.

  • Member Posts: 603

    By the way, the fix for this is very simple - show both sides an indicator when your aura is revealed, like it was in 2v8.

    New players still don't understand what that indicator is and will hide anyway, so newer killers still get their value. And the survivor doesn't necessarily see you, so you can still utilize stealth and good positioning to surprise them from an odd angle. And as scratched mirror myers, you can reveal someone and not chase them (the reveal range is large), so there is still no guarantee he is nearby. But now you don't have to worry about always holding shift W away from the killer at all times and can make risk-reward stealth plays and rotations, and the killer doesn't have to worry about "does that guy have a key or wiretap, can I afford to try a mindgame at this tile".

    This of course is a very hot take that many people disagree with, I like starting chases with aura, but I never feel like a hit I got on a survivor that doesn't know I can see them is deserved, whether it's a blight rush from the other side of the map, hatchet hit, or free mindgame at a tile.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Just changing the code from "Killer position" to "gen position" would make it not better on Nurse than on any other Killer. But this has been suggested for along time now and nothing has changed. They just like keeping Nurse in her current state.

  • Member Posts: 600

    Completely right, immersed survivors are boring to find. Yesterday I had to tunnel poor Ada (not off hook) but put her on second hook because her 3 teammates were all hiding and she was the only one I could ever find.

  • Member Posts: 745
    edited January 12

    Pretty much… And truth be told, if the survivor hasn't realized after the first time they get hit after gen kick, the blame is on the survivor alone.

    Even I do realize when the killer is using NTH when they come to me right after the gen kick. It's so obvious

  • Member Posts: 159

    Nowhere to hide is the Killer's Windows of opportunity.

  • Member Posts: 458

    Im more comfortable with playing against nowhere to hide as survivor because it triggers more chases in exchange for less slowdown, which is more fun imo

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Nowhere to hide as plently of counterplay after it's used for the first time. See the killer kick a gen and immediately find you? Now you know they have the perk. Next time they come near a gen either run away or go in a locker. If you are urban evading next a gen after that it is on you

  • Member Posts: 631

    Well, only survivors who want to hide have an issue with information perks. If you used your time to gain distance instead of hiding, Nowhere to hide wouldn't do anything, but when you are waiting behind a rock, then it is free hit for the killer…

    Like you cant find survivors so you use the perk and it plays the game for you

    Yeah, it reminds me one of survivor perks. Not like either of them needs a nerf, they are not broken.

  • Member Posts: 3,582

    Like you cant find Survivors so you use the perk and it plays the game for you…

    The entire point of Aura Reading perks is to counter stealth, you are trading off slowdown or chase perks for information.

    Also the perk doesnt "play the game for you", you still have to chase Survivors. The only time it does anything effective is if you are playing Nurse or the Survivor is crouching behind a wall and not running away (like they should be doing, since kicking the Generator wastes time and gives you free distance).

    …It is OP, no cooldown, nothing, you just kick Generators and see all Survivors…

    You see Survivors with 24-meters of your location. Not all Survivors.

    Also you have to take the time to kick the Generator, and the Generator needs to have progress. It also comes with the downside of having limited uses per Generator, meaning there are limitations to how many times this perk can proc.

    …If Survivors had a perk like work on a Generator for 50 seconds to see the Killer for 5 seconds… Killer mains would be going crazy.

    Fogwise is already a perk that exists and outside of people fearing it would be problematic, you literally never see it. It's definitely an underrated perk but it effectively does what you just mentioned.

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  • Member Posts: 43

    This is a joke right? A bait post? You CAN NOT be serious!

    Hiding is a survivors GREATEST STRENGTH and something they are VERY GOOD AT especially lingering just out of sight or carefully circling that tree as you search behind it praying you give up without doing a full 360 degree check or hiding in a jungle gym.

    It's incredibly hard to find survivors without perks like nowhere to hide and said perk exists to punish survivors who linger too close to a gen.

  • Member Posts: 317
    edited January 13

    So yall complain about gens being boring but when killers want to find you quickly to start a chase (assuming that chasing is more fun than gens) then you still complain? Lets be a bit more consistent in our complaints here pls. Also they're wasting time kicking a gen. Surely that's really good for the other survivors that aren't hovering around the kicked gen? People will complain about literally anything now.

    NEVER did I think that "nowhere to hide" would be in the little survivor book of complaints.

  • Member Posts: 148

    It's a lie that survivors want more chases

    Most of them would be 100% fine with 0 chase time per game if it meant they could just sit on a gen all game

    The ones that want chases dont actually want a chase

    They want it to be a no trap trapper chasing them in main buildings and other busted loops with 0 mind games

  • Member Posts: 16,659
    edited January 13

    Whats your point? Or are we just sharing random screenshots now?

    (I mean, obviously you think that you have some "Gotchya"-moment here, but I dont think that you understand that this is not really the point of this Thread)

  • Member Posts: 149

    Aside from Nurse; I don't see how this perk is op for other killers… maybe Blight and Wesker, definitely need to be someone with high mobility to be broken (imo).

    Other than that, hiding 2in within a gen isn't a good habit to make anyway.

  • Member Posts: 87

    Yeah, but survivors don't need to bother with perks like Fogwise cause unlike killers they have stronger perks than that. So it's not a surprise they even forget that such perks exist …

  • Member Posts: 5,921

    That is a result of MMR pushing games to be sweatier and sweatier.

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    Nowhere to hide has counterplay. If the killer finds you when you are hiding near a gen, you should know that they have it, in which case, you simply don't hide near a gen anymore and simply hold W whenever you see them approaching.

  • Member Posts: 39
    edited January 13

    that’s why I bring blast mine most of the time. You’re going to waste your time kicking that gen twice to get any value. I’m so tired of aura reading this aura reading that but yet ohhh distortion is terrible it needed a nerf. At the rate of killer aura reading it should be buffed to 10 tokens LOL it’s just so funny. I wish I could go back in time when aura reading perks were few and far between. Lately it’s every single match at least 2 or more aura reading perks or add ons are equipped. What happened to listening for footsteps? Listening for breathing? Looking at scratch marks. Nope not enough we need aura and killer instinct too… I just hope DBD devs would do something about all Aura

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