Ranking killers based on how threatening they would be IRL

So I was Azhymovs' video on which killers would be the biggest threats to Humanity, and it got me thinking, if we were to take the Killers in-game and place them back in our modern world, how would they fare realistically?
My thought process on this was simple, we take a killer in DBD, cut them off from the Entity and place them from where they were taken but in today's world, if they're from a License they follow that world's lore.
With that, here we go
Lets start from the bottom
Artist's feet, hands, eyes, and tongue are all held together by Entity magic, she gets cut off from the Entity there is a non-zero chance they just vanish or melt into Ink, leaving her with no way of moving or communicating, if she is placed back in the middle of the Chilean desert then she's just dead.
Plague's resistance to the plague she carries is largely implied to be because of the Entity, she'd rot to death before coming close to anyone due to her remote location, and running under the assumption that Plague's disease is either the Black Death or a variation of it, we already have antibiotics and cures for it, meaning that the death toll would be minimal even if it infected anyone.
Pyramid Head would go back to sleep until he's needed and that's only if we bring Silent Hill into the real world, otherwise he would just cease to exist entirely.
Twins is a bit iffy, Victor in-game is pretty obviously a Entity creation given that the real one explicitly died during a escape from the Black Vale, if this means that it just completely disappears from Charlotte's body if she's cut off from the Entity, then she has a gigantic hole in her chest with minimal she can do about it, odds are she'd die as she lived, hiding in a sewer, alone and on the run.
Hag, much like Artist, is held together mostly by Entity magic, cut her off from that and she has nothing keeping her going.
Demogorgons in Stranger Things are shown needing a connection to the Upside Down in order to live in our world, the Upside Down doesn't exist IRL, meaning that Demo would be instantly cut off from it upon leaving the Realm and entering our world, dying because of it.
Doctor would just explode, the Spark in his heart is given to him by the Entity and the absurd amount of scarring he has would probably kill him.
Next are minimal to no threats, these are the killers who would either cause no damage at all or would get caught almost immediately.
Nurse in all likelihood ends up in a psyche ward if she even manages to survive and get the pillow case off her head, she's weak physically and mentally broken from her years at Crotus Prenn, it would be a sad end for her but that's honestly all I can see for her.
Deathslinger I think would honestly integrate back into normal society, America is a lot more accepting of Irish Americans then in his day, he lost his will to kill at the end of his lore, and only kills because the Entity makes people look like Bayshore and other people who wronged him, if he doesn't continue bounty hunting then I honestly could see him opening up his own workshop, finding a peace he never got in his own time, hell he could even retire and become a teacher, who knows.
Wraith would probably just quietly disappear, the only reason he kills is because of the Entity, with it gone and with his vision no longer being warped he would probably just fade away, maybe even travelling back to Nigeria and living a quiet life there
Vecna might raise a few eyebrows, but hear me out, all magic in DnD comes from the Weave, and while Vecna is a god in his Universe and DnD has a multiverse…he wouldn't be in his Universe, he would be in ours, and our universe isn't connected to the DnD multiverse and has no connection to the Weave, if this doesn't instantly cause Vecna to collapse into bones then he would be a extremely frail and extremely old man with no real way of defending himself.
Legion are a quartet of teenagers, and not particularly experienced killers at that, they would get arrested extremely quickly.
Nemesis is a tricky one, in lore he was given the task of hunting down S.T.A.R.S members and anyone assisting them, S.T.A.R.S doesn't exist in our world, Nemesis, while still dangerous due to the T-Virus, would have no targets, whether this would cause him to go into a blind rage and start killing people left and right or go completely dormant is up to you, but I'm going with the latter option.
Knight, while implied to be supernaturally tough, is still a human in outdated medieval armour, odds are he would do something like picking a fight with a bus thinking it was some large metallic demon and get arrested immediately.
Clown was a sloppy killer and really only got away with it as long as he did due to sheer luck, that luck would at some point run out and he'd get caught.
Houndmaster would be a similar case to Deathslinger I think, while she's not confirmed to be brainwashed like some other killers, I am of the belief that she is, I honestly think she'd either continue sailing the seas in a modern cargo ship, become a navigator in the navy, or possibly retire and live a quiet life with Snug in the Caribbean somewhere.
Blight is tricky, the Pustula flowers and serum are part of the Entity, so it stands to reason that getting cut off from it would kill him, however I think he might possibly be able to increase his life-span by maybe a couple of hours depending on how many vials he has with him, during which he might kill someone, however that's honestly just me being generous.
Trapper has two outcomes, either he retires, being free from his dad and the Entity and living a quiet life on the Macmillan Estate, or continuing to be a ######### like his dad, getting found and probably arrested quickly.
Bubba's another tricky one, on the one hand he is dangerous and a cannibal, but on the other…he's completely helpless without his family around him, he can barely communicate let alone actually take care of himself and only really kills people because he's scared. Honestly? I think Bubba might be able to be at least steered in a more wholesome direction if the right people with the right attitude find him.
Finally for this tier, there's Trickster, Trickster is a famous K-Pop artist and would be almost instantly recognised, he was also already suspected by Yun-Jin of being a killer, and improvements in Forensics would likely find the screams in his performances, put two and two together, and arrest him.
Next is Mild Threats, these are the killers who would either be difficult to stop , or cause notable damage but eventually be stopped.
Spirit I think would do one of two things, haunt the Yamaoka Estate, or become a sort of urban legend, a Onyro who targets abusive husbands and fathers and kills them in the middle of the night, either option leads to her being uncatchable, but either not killing very many people or killing people nobody would really miss and possibly scaring a few people straight.
Oni would undoubtedly cause a lot of damage, but would eventually be stopped by the military, given that he was able to be stopped by simple arrows and farming equipment in his human life, though honestly? I think Oni would take a look at modern Japan and just die of a heart attack on the spot, dude flew into a blind rage because Peasants were becoming wealthier, imagine what Modern Japan would do to him lol
Chucky would probably be going around as he was in the movies and TV show, causing a couple of murders and other shenanigans, he'd get caught pretty quick though
Myers is just a guy, a empty guy with no soul but just a guy, he was detained twice in the movies and would likely be caught again.
Hillbilly would probably just stay around Coldwind Farm and kill any trespassers, however he'd get caught pretty quickly because of this, unlike Bubba though, Billy's intelligent and at least kind of able to communicate, who knows, he might be able to argue in court and get a lawyer.
Huntress would be much the same as Spirit, defending the Red Forest and her Cabin, but in all likelihood she'd go uncaught, the authorities not finding it worth looking into people disappearing into the woods, their deaths being written off as bear attacks or being lost to the elements.
Next is Moderate Threats, these are the killers who would get a substantial bodycount and go uncaught for a long time.
Ghostface would likely continue his murder spree across the States, the only reason he got found out in lore was because he quite literally told the entire town he was the killer, Danny would get a very big body count, but I imagine he would eventually get caught no matter how careful he is.
Unknown is in this tier entirely because of the fact that it would go uncaught, the OSS no longer exists in our world and it honestly wouldn't shock me if the files about it were lost and not backed up on a server, Unknown wouldn't kill a huge amount of people, but it would never be found and the murders would go completely unsolved.
Skull Merchant would continue as she was in lore, making millions, causing vast amounts of human suffering, and being the absolute worst. She might get caught eventually but would probably get away with it through the power of money.
Pinhead would continue the same as he does in the first movie, only going after people that open up the box or otherwise chilling in the Labyrinth.
Next are the Substantial Threats, these are the killers who would likely cause a very high amount of deaths, and possibly change how the world works in order to deal with them.
Sadako’s threat level depends entirely on if someone finds the tape with her curse on it, but if someone does and ends up sharing the clip online…yeah that has the possibility of causing a death toll in the hundreds of thousands, however I don’t think it would become something that causes a world-wide extinction event, Governments would be racing to scrub any and all copies of the original tape from the Internet, spreading the tape would in all likelihood carry a severe prison sentence, Sadako would undoubtedly cause a lot of carnage, but if people figure out what’s going on fast enough then she would be effectively contained.
Freddy would be the same as he is in the movies, a unkillable and unstoppable dream demon
Dredge has the potential to cause a severe amount of carnage given its potentially infinite size, but…I don’t think it would really cause a truly massive issue, Dredge is a Tulpa, a creature born of people’s collective belief in it, and it took weeks of a entire community being under forced sleep deprivation and witnessing the murder of a innocent in cold blood for the Dredge to actually manifest, what this says to me is that you need to cause a lot of suffering on a fairly large scale to actually attract Dredge, not just any suffering of any kind, I reckon Dredge IRL would be a form of nuclear deterrent if knowledge of it was to spread, especially for a soldier recorded a video of it just hovering around a battlefield, incorporating dead soldiers and discarded equipment into itself, and now that I say that that would make for a amazing skin BHVR, gimme Military Dredge.
The Xenomorph we got in game is the one from the first movie and Alien Isolation, while the lore on Xenomorph lifespans isn’t exactly clear on how long they can live, this Xeno is a Scout, not a Praetorian, and therefore likely cannot turn into a Queen and create its own hive, it would however still be a highly intelligent, agile, and nigh-indestructible killing machine that would kill anyone in its way, it would be hunted down and eventually killed, but between then and it arriving on Earth I reckon it would depopulate more then a few areas.
Finally, there are the truly world-ending threats that would actually just kill all of us
Wesker in DBD Lore was about 5 minutes away from unleashing Ouroboros and creating a new world order, and since Chris doesn’t exist IRL we’re all just kinda #########
Singularity would have a field day with modern day Earth, he would find us primitive and barely worth his notice, in all likelihood if he wasn’t immediately found out and destroyed then he could create a perfect body for himself, wiping us out and possibly going on a rampage across Space
Finally, there’s Dracula, he can only be harmed by the Vampire Killer, similar blessed weapons, and his own abilities, nobody IRL has the Vampire Killer or knows how to harness Chaos, so unless IRL Blessings actually work on a vampire then we are all extremely screwed
And that’s my opinion, feel free to disagree and post your own opinions
The thing is, most of the Killers would have been dead long time ago without the Entity (much like the Survivors because they keep dying and brought back by the Entity over and over). So, if we assume they're brought to the real world and get disconnected to the Entity, most of them will drop dead or fall apart immediately. Trapper has more injuries than a human can possibly endure, Hag is emaciated to the point she shouldn't be alive and sprinting, Charlotte has a dead symbiotic twin attached to her, etc. So, I'd build from assumption that the Killers retain their powers after finding themselves in the real world - mostly because the Entity's impact isn't something that can just disappear.
In that case, Dredge, Plague, and Singularity would be in the top of the greatest threats.While it took a while to bring the Dredge into reality, the thing is: it already manifested. It's not like the cult's leader goal was to sneak a peek at Dredge and let it dissolve back. So, potentially Dredge will stay in human reality and continue to feed on misery — given that the world is moving towards WW3 now, it will be eating good and millions of people will be consumed.
Singularity will have no issues with hiding its presence, opening a Build A Body workshop of bodyhorror and experimenting to its non-existent heart's content. It will probably wrap its business up with destroying the humanity to prove its own superiority.As for the Plague, if we're talking about the bubonic plague, the issue is, there is no vaccine for it. And since the Plague's disease is extremely virulent, it can overwhelm the healthcare system - given the shortage of professionals, places in hospitals, resources + the fact that the humanity is dumb and keeps making bacteria resistant to antibiotics, cures might not save the day and the death toll will be enormous. In fact, the Plague can easily wipe entire countries out, especially if she makes it her goal.
I'd also add Unknown to the list of main threats because while it's unpredictable, it has a tendency to come after anyone who knows about it. So, theoretically, if any information about the Unknown becomes public knowledge, there will be a wave of mass disappearances (potentially happening in several places, at the same time, through bizarre means). A literal Pandora's box.
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I say the big three in order is Singularity, Unknown, and Xeno for obvious reasons. Dredge as honorable 4th.
Modern medicine will take care of Plague.
A gun will take care of Huntress. Dead Tier.
Ghostface is already here IRL stabbing and killing innocent victims on the train in NYC, in the form of mentally disturbed homeless people, so the NYPD can take care of him. You gave him too much credit; Arrested Tier beneath those who are Dead.
If we are staying true to lore, Dracula would be formidable at first but eventually taken out with a stake to his heart when he sleeps during the day.
Modern medicine and coffee will slow down Freddy’s kills, until a crack team can coordinate pulling his ass out of the dream world into the real world and putting a bullet in the back of his skull.
Deathslinger wouldn’t stand a chance against modern weapons.
The public would’ve beat Skull Merchant’s ass in December of 2024 for those drone scares.
CIA, FBI, the Kremlin, and MI6 all would’ve stopped Wesker before he even started phase one of releasing uroboros
Who the hell is watching VHS tapes in 2025?? Sadako is in FOH Tier below the Arrested Tier. She’s not doing ######### but sitting in a well.
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CIA, FBI, the Kremlin, and MI6 all would’ve stopped Wesker before he even started phase one of releasing uroboros
Oh please, all these organizations are useless and cowardly. Wesker would have had world swimming in Uroboros without breaking a sweat.
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If we are staying true to lore, Dracula would be formidable at first but eventually taken out with a stake to his heart when he sleeps during the day.
Few points on this…
Castlevania's Dracula cannot die to the stake to his heart. Not talking about the Netflix series one but the one in the games.
Even if he could die, how are people going to reach him in the castle with the legions of demons that are in the castle? Also, the castle is not an actual castle but another creature of chaos and an extension of his own power. I'm pretty sure that if we were trying to infiltrate there even without demons at day, he would notice.
If Castlevania's Dracula came to the real world, we are screwed.
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You are absolutely correct about me. I am the destroyer of infinitesimal worm like colonies. You will be made into something better.
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The Pig (Amanda) wouldn't really be a threat at all, as long as you got rid of Hoffman. Something a lot of people miss is that Amanda wasn't actually disloyal, it was Hoffman. He's the one that was rigging the traps to be unwinnable and the only times she did (and the reason she shot the doctor at the end of Saw III) was because Hoffman was blackmailing her, threatening to tell Kramer that she was responsible for his wife's miscarriage (when the guy breaking into the clinic for drugs did so, he was doing it for Amanda. Kramer never knew this, but Hoffman found out somehow and used it to blackmail Amanda into sabotaging the trials because he never agreed that there should be redemption.)