Who's going to main Freddy?

l would if only they buff his power a bit. I hate how there is a delay to his power. Bring back teleport cancelling too. Also why did they made green Blue Dress addon so useless?
Why anyone would main a c tier killer is beyond me
But i guess hardcore elm street fans probably will
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Meh id still rather play Legion
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That would be me. I am comfortable in his skin after all these years. Every Killer feels different. I can get up to Iridescent II with him before depipping was removed.
He'll always be my number one.
I'm grinding bloodpoints into him like crazy this month.
I enjoy playing as Freddy and in the end that's all that matters I guess.
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I mean you main Twins if your user name is true. They're one of the most unpopular killers in the game pick rate wise. People main killers primarily for fun factor not strength. I say that as a Mikey main.
If you're not having fun with a killer then it doesn't matter how strong they are.
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I think he'll be fine in his current context if they fix Dream Pallets. It's so weird to me you can the pallet outline and they appear in the real world. Having them be indistinguishable fakes that were sometimes there and sometimes not were both a lot more useful and a lot more on brand for Freddy.
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I'm just not like that
Back in 2016-2017 possibly 2018 Iplayed trapper only but when I actually started to get into the game I just couldn't "main" weak killers or even play them multiple games in a row
It's not like i enjoy all high tier killers and hate all low tier ones
For example i dont like playing blight or singularity but i actually enjoy clown
It's just if I'm going to be putting time into DBD I'd rather play characters like artist twins and dracula because they can compete vs good survivors and usually always have a chance at winning when the map doesn't **** them
If i were to main say pig legion ghost face or (Hot take?) Knight i'd have to accept that some games are completely out of my hands no matter what I do and i find that unacceptable even if the survivors don't bring XYZ