Adrenaline is Overtly Strong at Times

I have played DbD since summer 2017 with Adrenaline sitting there for so long. Though I don't see it every round and it's been nerfed over the years, when Adrenaline comes into play it can literally kill the killer's game sometimes. Last chance for at least one kill near the end and then they have Adrenaline, healing the survivor and giving them a boost ahead. And that one survivor getting healed can change a killer's chance for multiple kills to no kills.
The perk is very situational, but in the right moments, Adrenaline is still very strong, and both saves and kills games. It's been nerfed a lot, but it's extremely frustrating when someone gets an in-chase use of that perk.
And PLEASE, don't post if you are going to complain I am a killer main. I play a lot of both. This was sort of a vent post, as someone just killed my game with it.
“I don't really know what they should do to it, but it's extremely frustrating when someone gets an in-chase use of that perk.“
The perk is healthy like no way out
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Idk, it already got a huge nerf recently where they removed it working if you are hooked when the gates are powered and the boost is only 3 seconds now from 5. I don't think it should really be nerfed more than that.
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Dude, I play survivor a lot. A lot of killer perks need nerfs too, I don't deny that. Don't assume things so fast. This was sort of a vent thing, TBH.
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Yeah, but it's still just frustrating to face. But a lot of killer perks are too; I don't deny that. I sort of posted this as a vent thing as someone just killed my game with it, but a lot of people seem to be taking it a bit seriously, no offense.
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Yeah, but it's still just frustrating (like many perks). Sort of posted this all just to vent.
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Use Terminus
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Ooh, yeah! I forgot about that one!
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the comments here are astounding
bro is just mildly annoyed on how good adren can be sometimes and yall are acting like he said it's the best perk in the game and doing whataboutism left and right with killer perks
one guy even said "Use Terminus 😎" like bro he didn't ask how to counter it or ask how to waste a perk slot
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Any one perk can "ruin" someone's match. But if you're argument is about how you had no other potential kills/hooks during the game, then it probably had more to do with your tactics. Adrenaline is designed as a last chance life saving at end game perk. That's the whole purpose.
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That seems very common with people here who seem to take more of a Survivor-favored approach. A lot of complaining and overreacting to vague vent posts about stuff when Killer concerns are raised, but eager to defend, deflect, deny, and reverse blame when it's Survivor-related.
At some point, regardless of who is doing it, it's all just holding the patties of the people on your favored side and wiping away salty tears over nothing while going "there there, we all know it's not fair and BHVR favors [Opposite side] anyway, you're so right bestie" when it's really just being upset that a broken toy got fixed to be more balanced and less abusable.
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Yeah, it is a bit rampant in the community to respond this way. (I’ve been guilty myself) It can be difficult not to compare things in a game designed with counters for both “sides” I guess.
Honestly I sometimes have some trouble with identifying the correct way to answer/discuss things at times. Someone brings up “X” and they don’t like it but “X” needs to exist because of “Y” so then you’re either gonna start to bring up “Y” which could upset people because it wasn’t what they talked about but could be important to consider as it’s the bigger picture, or you could just only agree/disagree with the statement about “X” and not bring up anything about “Y” which does stay on topic and potentially prevents arguments but then you run the risk of the post being nothing but an echo chamber that provides no solutions.
Do you have any advice on how to differentiate between those two options and when it’s appropriate to use them? (I know theres a possibility you may not exactly want to engage In a discussion and simply wanted to make a comment on this post so if you this annoys you or you have no interest, I apologize and I will not bother you)3 -
Dude, I got about everyone to second hook. I don't tunnel or camp; that's why it frustrates me a lot when facing high MMR.
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TBH, at the beginning I did not mention to not take it seriously or that it was a vent post, but they still took it a bit overly seriously, especially the "Okay?" person. Even the guy right after you, saying it might be my tactics.
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Okay then I really don't understand how it ruined your game. I think you would have to explain more because 8 hooks sounds like a pretty successful match, even if you didn't get a kill.
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No worries. I actually play a lot on both sides, so I know the frustration for a lot of perks and playstyles.
The only way to get people to understand it all is to get them to play both sides, it seems. I don't really know if there is any specific way to bring up something, because there are always those tryhard mains that hate each response against their side.
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I mean, that's kinda the entire point of the perk. It's meant to give a heal in endgame as a reward for finishing the generators. Sometimes that happens mid-chase and it can destroy the killer's pressure, sometimes it triggers on a healthy survivor far away from the killer and the perk basically doesn't do anything, that's just how it is. It's very high risk high reward.
It certainly doesn't need any more nerfs, it already got the changes it needed last spring.
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Yeah, but as I said, I'm just venting a little. As you know, the perk can get extremely annoying, so I'm just letting it out a bit.
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Fair. It does feels pretty when it gets you... but it is fair.
A Story
when you have a game going to the wire, you have 1 player dead, 3 players injured, you down one player, can't hook cause he's under pallet and his teammate is nearby... you try to down him... 3k imminent... potential 4k if you can do it fast...
Last gen pops and all 3 gain a health state. Slugged player is now sprinting off into the map, you're out of position on them, they are your only viable target, so you have to go for them... the best you can now do is a 2k... and even that you're gonna be fighting for over a hook camp that is still the survivor to lose... you've probably only got a 1k... which is whatvhappened in my game... I couldn't believe I had a 3-4k become basically unwinnable in an instant xD
Doesn't happen often... but when it does... man... that feels harsh... Adrenaline is in a good spot though. In the above scenario the survivors played well and used the benefits of Adrenaline optimally. The fact they could all afford to stay injured to fight for the final gen is one of its main strengths.
While frustrating, this scenario is entirely fair...
An Alternate Universe
What isn't fair is the exact same scenario where I actually caught the second survivor and then hooked both of them. The last gen pops and the 3rd gets their health state.
I need to guard 2 hooks or find the last survivor... I pick wrong and they manage to slip by me unnoticed and I'm late to interrupt the unhook. They get 1 unhook... both are now full HP, even with me there after them, they unhook, all 3 full HP. I take an m1 and its just not enough... its simply not possible to win this scenario unless they make a catastrophic mistake.
Survivors didn't play well in this scenario, they both got caught, and yet I still lose a 3-4k purely from a perk.
The nerfs were justified to my mind for Adrenaline. If we get caught by it now, it's simply survivors out playing us... but it feels awful when it happens 😅
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Like Killer's dont do the same thing whenever slugging complaints are made and it ways use ub and expo cause they are so strong right?
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Before, that was horrid. If you were on a hook during the last pop, you just come off fully healthy. Gosh, I'm glad that was removed.
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Okay, reexplain your point here….
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Difference is though with slugging in almost every post here talking about it the guy who made the most usually asks for it be removed somehow and is asking for something like UB base kit
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As in, if I got that one person I was chasing, it'd let me quickly go stop the others. But, because they healed, I had to turn around for another nearby injured person (which I couldn't end up finding) while it gave the person that healed the ability to get the exit gate, helping everyone overall. If that person didn't have Adrenaline, I could've soon downed them and hooked them quickly, letting me get to the other people before they reached the gate.
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Five minutes, buggybug.
Can you stop bringing needless us vs. them about how your side has it OMG sooooo hard😟into discussions that are completelt measured and polite and have nothing to do with the issues Survivors face… for five measly minutes?
The answer to seeing Killers complain, buggy, is not to immediately derail the conversation and make it about your side, but to empathize with the possible ways the game could be difficult for the Killer side, ideally because you play Killer and know how crappy being hit by a perk you didn't expect feels, but even more ideally because basic human empathy for others makes the world go around. Like it or not, Killer players exist and sometimes the game feels bad for them, and despite what you may want, they also have the right to vent and have discussions about it. Survivor related issues existing has never changed that nor ever will.
My guy… We know they exist. We all know by now. Bringing it up in discussions that it isn't being discussed in does not make your already valid concerns more valid, it actually cheapens them and makes Survivors look like a bunch of whiny crybabies instead - which we all know isn't true.
We all know Survivor Mains have it hard too, and that there's BS they deal with too… because there are posters that apparently make "I'm an oppressed Survivor Main, boo hoo" their entire persona on this forum, the same way there are Killer Mains here making "I'm an oppressed Killer Main, boo hoo" their entire persona. And it's annoying either way. People are over it.
No wonder nobody takes people seriously around here when so many of us post like this!
Shame on you for derailing the thread, you are way too old for this behavior. Either add to the discussion or post your complaint elsewhere in a thread about Survivor complaints. It's not all about you and your side, bro.
You're better than this. BE better than this.
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A bit of a delayed response from me, but again, I said I'm just venting a bit. Yeah, it probably shouldn't get another nerf, but sometimes you just want to let it out when one perk ruins your entire chance at any kills all because you took the time to balance the hooks.
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Exactly. If a survivor mentioned how frustrating something like Deadlock can be, I entirely understand that. Though I honestly use it a lot and consider it a more balanced slowdown (I use it in place of ones like Pop and Pain Resonance), I have faced it, and it is indeed an annoying slowdown perk.
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You were the first to make this us vs. them. Your comment was the first I saw talking about how survivors react to things. I’ll quote it for your reference:
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At the beginning, some really got aggressive actually. Like this one:
"Okay? And NOED or camping during end game can change a killers chance at no hooks to multiple hooks/kills? Do you want every survivor perk to be nerfed into the ground? Like adrenaline literally gives you 3 perks for the entirety of the game and only activates if you make it to the end game and is useless if you're fully healed at end game.. the "speed boost" doesnt even matter since most of the time you arent near the survivor when it activates."
This was the first person flip it to the "Us vs. Them" thing, but they deleted the comment, it appears.
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I didn’t see that. But regardless the person I responded to made an “us vs. them” comment before Buggy did.
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I see your point, but I have talked to them before and there are indeed not one that tries to do that. The true "Us. vs. Them" type people are ones that get extremely serious on their side, like the quote I sent you, who acted like I… you'd know if you did read it.
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Where was I making this Us vs. Them, Ayodam? Did you mix me up with buggybug whose comment was deleted? I didn't start this fire at all, you were late to the party. :(