Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Decisive Strike

MoZo Member Posts: 106

Now that ds has had time to settle since its buff last year and the immediate nerf after the buff, I just have a question. Was it really necessary to nerf the stun duration from 5 seconds to 4? I understand that 4 seconds is the base stun time of a survivor wiggles out or if the survivor gets flashlight/pallet saved but ds is supposed to be an anti tunnel perk that punishes the killer hard for going after you recently after being unhooked, the stun SHOULD be longer and more impactful than a regular wiggle out stun and also because you only get ONE use of it unlike otr,dh or blood rush. Not to mention nurse, blight,spirit,Billy, Dracula and many other killers can still catch right back up after the 4 second stun. I know they will probably never bring back the 5 second stun because of all the complaints it had but im just wondering if they never nerfed it to 4 seconds, would 5 second ds still be complained about to this day or would it have gone back to normal. Curious on what your thoughts are and if it was a necessary nerf to bring it from 5 to 4 seconds.


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,212

    Personally we don't care from 4-5 seconds. It's basically negligible in 80+ percent of cases on the killers who it affects the most. Probably wasn't necessary, but doesn't matter to an extreme extent.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,917

    5 seconds are the same thing, then and now. The only way survivors get less distance, compared to in the past, is their base sprint burst off hit is slightly less, and the killer's weapon wipe is slightly faster. That's it.

    I don't know why I keep seeing this narrative that maps just have nothing in them for survivors to use. If that were the case, completely new killers would be beating experienced survivors all the time. That's not happening, so there's clearly decent loops. It may not be jungle gym into filler pallet into jungle gym like it used to be, but there's a lot of good stuff there. You don't have to play on Badham or Eyrie to do well as survivor.

    And how is the perk a joke for most killers? You think the perk's not gonna destroy the momentum of anyone who isn't Nurse or Blight? If we exclude them, and the weakest killers, and just look at everyone in-between, those killers are still getting destroyed by 1 use of this perk. It's almost as if y'all are basing killers' performance against DS solely on matches where it was never used.

    How is DS a weak "nothing" perk? This is so crazy.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,726

    Pre 6.1.0 DS and the most recent 5 second DS were pretty much equal. They 100% did plan on making it 5 seconds since the animation was scrapped from the PTB, and it was left like that for a whole major patch. They just decided it was too strong after a little bit for whatever reason.

    I think Decisive is in a good spot, the jump from 3 seconds to 4 seconds is far more significant than 4 to 5. I'm not sure if the nerf was 100% necessary but it's still amazing despite the fact.

    DS is a mainstay in my builds and I get great value out of it. It wastes more time than OTR because they need to go through the whole pickup animation and stun. I wouldn't call it a joke against most killers at all, and the killers that can potentially shrug it off are going to do that regardless of if it's at 4 or 5 seconds.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,115

    You can make the stun as long as you want but the matter of fact is you increase the stun timer, the more you see killers that can immediately make up the distance after being DS'd. Three seconds was already strong because it's a literal extra health state. You bring one perk to extend a chase by 15-30 seconds against a majority of the killer roster. Now imagine if it was 5 seconds against an M1 killer. An extra MINUTE at least because that just allows you to W across the map. Four seconds is fine where it is and increasing it by one seconds will do nothing against nurse, blight, billy etc.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,726

    Yes, but they pushed the 5 Second DS to Live without the animation. It did not get immediately nerfed from the PTB to Live. That took ~2 months to do.

  • TwinsMain2004
    TwinsMain2004 Member Posts: 143

    yea man the top survivors are using a joke perk for the memz every match smh

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Was about to write literally the same, completely agree with every word.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304

    For the sake of M1 Killers, and because Killers all have different stun times? Yes. It was necessary. In fact the prevaling theory nbefore the buff was to just buff it to 4 seconds, It took them a while but BHVR did exactly what the community asked for.

    If your issue is Nurse or Blight? DS was never designed to work well against them, they counter it. All perks, items, and Killer powers should have a counter. Having the ability to recover faster is DS's counter and that's OK. The issue you have is not with DS anyway… it's with some Killers being able to tunnel way way way better than others. That needs a mechanic or perk solution, not a Killer nerf or DS Buff solution.

    All buffing DS further would do is disenfranchise 95% of Killers except Nurse and Blight and maybe a few others, and make the diversity of Killers you experience less varied. It isn't the solution and never will be, nor should it be considered. Stop touching DS.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 78

    And from your own posts here you sound like a pretty trashy survivor player who I definitely wouldn't want in my Solo Queue games, so I wouldn't be getting off on judging other people's supposed skills and acting almighty about your biased opinions if I were you.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 78
    edited January 15

    Nah, your opinions just indeed made me believe that about you but I held my tongue cause everyone is entitled to their opinions after all, but now that you started thinking you're a judge of other people's skills at this game cause of said opinions someone has gotta knock you down a peg cause you're def not all that either.

    Also frankly I'm sure you're an even worse killer than survivor, but cause you're likely not the type to get out of the MMR where you meet default skins Dwights and Megs you probably can't notice that ;).

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 78

    If that's true then that makes it even more sad to be stuck at the level where you're having the opinions that you do. But hey, some people play games just for fun and not be good at them. And I'm sure you don't mind that I treat you the way you treat others, otherwise maybe some retrospection would be welcome.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,897

    The extra second makes no difference to killers like Nurse or Blight but is way too punishing for M1 and weak killers. 4 seconds is a good middle ground where it's not as short as 3 seconds, but not as punishing as 5 seconds.

    Rather than increase the stun time, make Nurse and Blight not so good at tunnelling because an extra 1 second isn't going to do anything to them.

  • Daniel_Silva04
    Daniel_Silva04 Member Posts: 111

    Incorrect, you don't need the killer's cooperation for it to work, because you can use the perk aggressively to bodyblock, as many survivors do.

  • Daniel_Silva04
    Daniel_Silva04 Member Posts: 111
    edited January 16

    Yes, but obviously you'll use Unbreakable along with the DS in case the Killer slugs you. In any case, it is still an extremely broken perk if used correctly, in all situations the killer loses.The amount of ways you can use the perk to your advantage makes the stun duration an obsolete aspect.

  • Daniel_Silva04
    Daniel_Silva04 Member Posts: 111

    Unbreakable is not efficient with DS? Okay, bro. Better stop here, I believe you are kind of new to the game and don't understand how it works yet.But I recommend you watch some competitive matches, and you will see why DS is banned in most competitions.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 356

    “The perk was strong at 3 seconds. The strength of the perk comes mostly from the killer losing all momentum when he gets hit by it. It's you getting a hook or kill vs you having to chase a survivor a 4th time, or wasting a chase. Same with flashlight/pallet saves. The killer getting stunned longer than 3 seconds is just overkill, because at 3 you actually had to go down somewhat near a loop to be safe after your free getaway. ”

    No the perk was a joke. Killers didn’t respect it anymore and they just tunneled through the weak da stun. Plus a lot of killer countered this perk anyway.

     “The perk is anti-momentum, like Deliverance where nobody has to get off gens to save the survivor, and this kind of perk design is why killers don't want to hook anymore. If you're gonna make these perks, at least don't make them strong, because it creates more problems than it solves.“

    You know what you’re right. Survivors shouldn’t have perks anymore. They shouldn’t enjoy the game anymore. Only the role that wins most of their games should enjoy dbd

    come on man complaining about deliverence? I get you overrate your skill but complaining about a healthy perk is next level

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 646

    come on man complaining about deliverence? I get you overrate your skill but complaining about a healthy perk is next level

    A bit ironic is that Deliverance can actually be described as unhealthy perk, since it promotes tunneling off the hook

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,807

    People keep forgetting though that the perk was only ever originally made 5 seconds because it was affected by enduring, which made it worthless because the killer would stop being stunned so fast it might as well not have done anything. Then at some point it was made 5 seconds with the intent (as stated by the devs) that it would be reverted back when enduring was changed to only work on pallets.

    Then the enduring change was made, and it was never made 3 seconds again. Then after multiple reworks, they made it 3 seconds again, and people thought 3 seconds was too little (partially true because it was bugged for half those patches where it didn't actually stun the full 3 seconds). And then they moved it back to 5 seconds, where again, it was just too strong against certain killers.

    So moving it back to 4 seconds is solid.

    You have to remember that not every killer is nurse or blight. A 5 second DS, gives a survivor about 16 meters of distance, half a terror radius. By the time the killer can catch up, a 5 second stun means that, unless you get stunned on one corner of the map, and want to move to the opposite corner, you can pretty much head to any part of the map you want.

    At 4 seconds, it makes it about 12 meters, which means that the killer is still in a threatening range, meaning that you don't always have time to go immediately run to shack.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,064

    special Server where only very strong Players are playing.

    DbD is such a strange community, the worse you say you do at killer, the better people seem to think you must be.

    I'd believe the idea that there is some super powerful MMR I haven't reached yet and/or just isn't my region, but every time I watch a major streamer with giant kill rates, their survivors look pretty much like what I see as killer. Sometimes they are really good, usually not, and the killer players have to put handicaps / challenges on themselves to make the game interesting.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,534

    This is because at some point you reach the Soft Cap and everyone above this Soft Cap is clumped together. There might not be any Matchmaking at all if you reach that point.

    You can expect that some Killer Main Streamers like Otz are at very high MMR. But for the matchmaking, their MMR is the same as the MMR of above average players. E.g. I faced Otz a few times, but I am clearly not as good as he is. But I reach the Soft Cap. And if the Soft Cap is, lets say, 1500 and Otz has 3000 MMR, he would still be matched with people from 1500 MMR and above.

    So if people struggle a lot it most likely means they are really not that good. But if you create challenges for yourself to make the games interesting, this most likely means that you are way above the Soft Cap. And a stricter Matchmaking would just mean that players who play a lot and play good will wait a long time for a game. (As we have seen with Dowsey back then when he had a big Winstreak on Twins and had to wait for hours to find a match and only found one, when a Comp-Team sniped him)

    And this is also why you cannot really give anything about people who claim they face the best Survivors all the time. The matchmaking is so watered down that this is just not possible. (But on the other hand, for a bad player, even mediocre opponents seem to be really good…)

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304

    Personally even when I play weak M1s like Legion I have no issue handling 4 seconds of DS, it is not that punishing and I barely feel it, which is fine. 5 seconds was, as you said, too much, but 3 seconds didn't do enough. So 4 seconds? Just right.

    I agree, Nurse and Blight should be made less good at tunnelling, I just don't know how you'd do that without total Killer reworks.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,595

    I think 4 seconds is fair enough... Given that Survivors use DS offensively just to use it and them complain that they got Tunneled out

    3 seconds was to weak (for high mobility Killers) and to strong (for Los mobility Killers)

    DS should be a defensive Perk and is it ( I haven't played against any Survivor whom was using the perk)???

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 611

    DS is still a game-defining strength when it comes down to it, and it's not uncommon to bring more than one in a single game, but perhaps we're talking about different games?