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General Discussions

Changes you don't missed for how bad it was

Can be any changes you're really glad it's not in the game

Here's mine:

Never have been this angry over a change like this, one of if not the worst changes from last year given how much of a positive feedback she was given during the ptb

And I am so glad nerfs she got were set back heavily and hope she doesn't get any more

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  • Member Posts: 4,879
    edited January 16

    One change that comes to mind was the one they wanted to add to Pig with the 2.7.0 PTB Patch, but ultimately decided against it:

    I'm a pretty big Pig hater but this would've straight up murdered her, glad they didn't go forward with it.

  • Member Posts: 403

    I’ll do both roles

    For survivor I don’t miss skull merchant at all. Dont care that she got gutted as her player base just used her to make games miserable

    For killer I do not miss old nemesis as I think this most recent buffed version is so much better to play as. Also happy licker tongue does something

    Honorary mentions: old eruption and old dead hard

  • Member Posts: 7,056
    edited January 16

    I forgot which PTB it was, but they tried giving a buff to Legion (OG Legion btw) which made it so if you hit a Survivor that was already injured, their Deep Wounds timer would be 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds.

    Now, 2 things to take into consideration: Stab Wounds Studies which decreased the Deep Wounds timer by 5 seconds, and Franks Mixtape that took off 15 seconds from the Deep Wounds timer instead of 10 seconds when stabbing a Survivor already inflicted with Deep Wounds.

    If you havent pieced it together already, you could literally just 2 tap people.

  • Member Posts: 1,032
    edited January 16

    I remember this. The devs were already nerfing pig because of the addition of Endgame Colapse, but they also wanted to make RBTs stop on the same way the Deep Wound timer did "for consistency".

    On the same update, they also wanted to decrease the time it took to open exit gates by five seconds.

    I'm glad they listened to feedback and reverted those changes before they went live.

    Post edited by Malkhrim on
  • Member Posts: 309

    Completely forgot about those changes, this is rework twins levels of bad

  • Member Posts: 309
    edited January 16

    From what I recall, in the same update legion got nerfed heavily in his og state, and they made it so legion can't even open lockers during frenzy which was easily abused by survivors and thankfully reverted back

  • Member Posts: 880

    1.9.2 when they removed all timing from flashlight and pallet stuns. Thanks goodness they immediately reverted it.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Remember when we had 24 second default healing on a PTB?

    That was so bad

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    Well, the first one that comes to mind is quite recent: the original idea for the finisher mori.

    When it was suggested by the devs and put on an earlier PTB, the base-kit unbreakable mechanic seemed to take most of the backlash, which took some of the attention from how bad even the finisher mori itself was.

    On that version of the finisher mori, once all 4 survivors were downed, the killer and the last survivor downed would be instantly transported by a specific place on the map, the mori would automatically happen there and the match would end. At the same time, all the other ways of getting an actual memento mori animation would be wiped out, not only the offerings, but even Devour Hope and Rancor would be nerfed by having their "kill a survivor" feature removed. The only 3 ways remaining of killing survivors by your hand before the end of the match would be Sadako and Pyramid Head's mini-moris and Myers' tombstone add-ons (just imagine, the only actual mori kept would be the one from the most broken killer add-ons in the game).

    Not only this would have made so every mori always happened on the same time and place on each map, which would have soon become boring and repetitive as hell, but it would also have removed many little things that add a little bit of immersion and/or fun to the game. Finding survivor corpses, watching from nearby while the killer moris your teammate, moring multiple survivors in a match, crawling to the hatch when death seemed inevitable, and even some funny things done by some players and especially by content creators, like Ghostface mori photo-bombs and slug races. All of that would have been wiped out. It felt like something from a boring competitive-game mindset that considers that "if it doesn't affect the balance of the competition, it doesn't matter and it doesn't have to stay". So I'm very glad that DbD's dev team DOESN'T follow such a mindset, and actually listened to feedback and implemented the version of finisher mori we have today. The only thing I miss are the first-person moris from the oldest killers, but that's way less of a loss than what the original finisher mori would have brought.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Not sure if many are still around that remember it, but the awful red flashing VFX when you got stunned around GhostFace's release, iirc.

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    Oh god, yeah that was a pain. Glad they cut that one out.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    I actually thought about that while I was writing my comment, that was really awful.

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