Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why Blight is still 4.6m/s plus op add-ons?

Strong map mobiliity, strong chase power, short cooldown.

Why this killer has normal killer speed? Why his op add-ons still allowed after his last patch?

BHVR is nerfing Chucky to ground for no reason but this overpowered killer is still allowed with no changes? It does not make any sense.

His last update barely changed his power level. He is still broken level killer, he and Nurse will always be problem until BHVR fix them.


  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,512

    The general issue is how players play as/against them.

    Blight is a strong Killer, but requires a lot of mechanical skill and knowledge to play correctly. "Bump-Logic" can take hundreds or thousands of hours to get an understanding of due to the large amount of tiles, collision, and situation you and the opposing Survivor can be in.

    Blight is a pub-stomper, but it takes a lot of work and time to reach that point due to the skill required.

    Chucky is a basic M1 Killer with a very simple to understand power. Due to them being short, they are hard to see, and their stealth is fairly on demand which can be incredibly useful. The can also leverage their 3rd person camera for mindgaming and checkspots which other Killers cannot do.

    Chucky is a pub-stomper, but the skill required to play them is far less compared to Blight, despite the fact that Chucky is inherently weaker than Blight.

    This being the case, BHVR probably panic-nerfed Chucky based on public match kill-rates paired with pick-rates. It's also the reason why Blight has remained untouched for awhile now.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,512

    Even if the Blight player is bad, he is still a normal speed Killer with crazy map mobility

    Okay but cant that same argument be applied to Billy as well? And even still, Blight is never problematic to play against with a new or less-experienced players playing as him.

    The issues that people have with Blight are players who are actually experienced enough to take full advantage of their power. It takes a lot of skill to reach that point but even when considering such, I still think their addons are an issue, more specifically the speed addons since they reduce the window for counterplay from Survivors too much.

    None of this is to say that I disagree with Blight getting nerfed, but in the same regard I think the arguments you are making are not really the best when you consider the wider DBD landscape, the aspects you want to nerf only affect new players and do not affect the people who are already dominating matches with him.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 504

    The question as old as esports. Should you balance for the top or the average gamer? Considering how pointless soloQ Blight games are if Blight is half-decent then he needs to get hit by the nerfhammer so hard he ends up in the planetary core because as it turns out changing alc ring and C33 was a light slap on the wrist.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 495

    He is not really difficult to play against now, just learn it. Watch someone good and copy, or go play Blight yourself.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,057
  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 495
    edited January 16
    • while he is dashing, try to find some small-ish object like those rock loops, or even gens and just keep that object between you and Blight. It's very difficult to get hit there when hug tech is gone, so use it. Tree can be used too, but that's more of a 50/50.
    • don't try to get distance unless Blight lost all his tokens, you simply can't
    • crouch tech (so far doesn't seem devs fixed it). Works best if you are lower than him like stairs etc.
    • use the fact he can't hit you on first rush (block the corner for him, run behind him, stun him with pallet)
    • watch out for BBQ hits, it's very bad if Blight gets hit on you, when he used rushes to travel around the map
    • watch out for his mind games, just because he used rush away, it doesn't mean he won't use it to get back. Survivors are often hit when they leave their safety trying to go to different loop.
    • last resort in open is kinda running in zig zag pattern (not always work, but it can save you if Blight use the lunge from rush)
    • if you see Blight can flick, run wide as soon he lost LoS (he won't hit you on flick around the corner)

    As with any killer, best way to learn how to play against the killer is to learn how to play as the killer. You will learn killer's limitations and then abuse them when playing as survivor. Sadly not possible for most players…

    You can also watch some 1v1, where they play Blight, or just tournaments. Playing 1v1 against decent Blight (if you know any) is also very good to practice.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 495
    edited January 16

    If I remember correctly, that wasn't random Blight. That was another comp player….

    Edit: never mind, that was Elysium playing survivors, so probably different games.

  • Na1ts1rhc
    Na1ts1rhc Member Posts: 135

    It took me 5 games, possibly less - to understand what you've coined as "bump logic". With alchemist ring and adrenaline vial you can run across the biggest maps in the game and back. That is undeniably stupid op when the thing that is supposed to be holding blight back is his cooldown after charging… I don't want to see blight nerfed into the ground or anything but playing as him makes me laugh uncontrollably as I practically teleport behind people and watch that cooldown fly by at the speed of sound.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 602

    A 4.4m/s movement speed "nerf" is not going to do anything to anyone that actually uses blight's power, you'd be hurting new players that don't understand rushes. If you want blight to be less oppressive, you'd probably want to look at his cooldowns first. IMO his addons are fine after this most recent set of changes.

    It took you 5 games to understand the concept of bump logic, sure. Do you know where to bump at each tile to force the survivors to path in a way that gets you a hit? Do you know where around each tile obstacles can spawn for you to look for to bump off of? Do you know the collisions at each tile where blight can bump/slide on something that appears you wouldn't? I don't think so.

    The fact that you act like adrenaline vial + alchemist ring is a problem is also somewhat telling of your knowledge as blight, the adrenaline vial after its most recent nerf is a complete meme and not an issue at all because it so severely handicaps his turning and flicks. It turns his power from one you can use almost anywhere in chase to one you can really only use for mobility and at select loops + to counter shift W.

  • Na1ts1rhc
    Na1ts1rhc Member Posts: 135

    "A 4.4m/s movement speed "nerf" is not going to do anything to anyone that actually uses blight's power, you'd be hurting new players that don't understand rushes."

    I agree

    "If you want blight to be less oppressive, you'd probably want to look at his cooldowns first."

    That's literally what I said - "watch that cooldown fly by at the speed of sound."

    It's seriously not that deep gamer. You could argue that having picture perfect memory of every possible tile gives you an advantage with blight but you definitely don't need to do all of that to force people into hits or away from tiles. It's less about knowing the pixels on specific rocks and more about knowing how survivors typically play.

    I guess I don't pay a lot of attention to nerfs (especially for items) but using adrenaline vial feels good to me. I don't necessarily think AV+AR is a problem I do how ever think it's very powerful especially in the hands of a competent player. Like I said I don't necessarily want him to be nerfed to the ground. He just might need some more checks and balances, he has been s+ tier consistently for a while. Admittedly I'm not a blight player by any means. I enjoy him from time to time, killer in general is not that hard to steamroll as of course (power role duh) but with blight it's just mindless, you seriously do not have to try when playing as him. Add-ons or not.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 602

    I'm not arguing with you, I know we agree there. That's why the first part is before your quote, sorry if that seemed confusing, there is no way to multi quote on this forum.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 811

    I feel like an argument can be made for Blight to be made 110% to ensure he relies on his power more (like Huntress). Given it is a mobility power as much as it is a chase power, he should still be able to get a lot of work done. That said, there's also the chance a change like that would make him incredibly clunky to play. It ultimately depends on what hypothetical testing shows.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,807

    His power can't really be used at most loops, his power is good BETWEEN loops. Ever since they took away "hug tech" it cant' really be used inside any main structure or other things. Compare this to the other killers who are slower than 4.6:

    • Nurse
      • Nurse is nurse is nurse, i shouldn't have to explain why she moves as slow as she does
    • Spirit
      • Spirits power creates a 50/50 pretty much every time you use it, and she is designed around her power being the main way you hit people
    • Huntress
      • Huntress has big range, and her power is very good at loops
    • Hag
      • Hag can completely shut down loops and is designed around traps being her main method of getting around, she isn't really a "chase" killer.
    • Deathslinger
      • Deathslinger again is ranged, and his power is mega, anti-loop at many many structures
    • Chucky
      • Chucky has slower movement speed, but he has the hitbox of a survivor, this means that he is able to loop much more like survivors can rather than killers, and his power lets him move around quite well. I'd argue his power can function similarly to blight, but a bit weaker, in return he gets 3rd person, survivor hitbox, but moves a bit slower.

    Of course there are killers that have anti-loop and ranged powers that move at 115, but the point is that there is a very specific reason that some killers move slower than others.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,333

    Would you stop complaining if he was 4.4? Because I doubt you would.

    I'll take the other approach, don't nerf Chucky. Because clearly nerfing Chucky is justification to pull down other killers.

  • Dark_Vorahk1
    Dark_Vorahk1 Member Posts: 52

    Blight has too much going for him. Low cooldown, frequent and high scoring events, many corrective dashes, high mobility as part of the chase power, and no shortage of good add ons.

    To start, I will say the commonly suggested change of 110% movespeed will not solve his issues. He will remain strong in the hands of strong players and will only make them more frustrating for more casuals. When balancing any killer, we should consider not just the potential of the power but also minimizing frustrations playing them. This would also lead to the question of do we change his terror radius to 24m to standardize across most other 110% killers? I would say no as his insane speed coupled with shorter terror radius would buff him by giving 8m less warning of the killer approaching.

    Changing his Lethal rush is key to making the killer accessible, powerful, yet not frustrating for the player or their opponents. I propose changing the speed to 7ms and restricting Lethal rush to 2nd and 3rd rush. This provides pressure to hit accurate slams, while restricting further rushes to only mobility.

    As for the add ons, Blight has 4 speed add ons. We should completely rework them and focus on accommodating slam durations/slides/bounceback. This would alleviate the frustration of one of the fastest killers gaining even more speed, while allowing unique plays or creating learning add ons.

    The scoring events should be a standard across all other killers. 300 for a hit and 500 for a down. Killers like houndmaster and unknown suffer deeply from having very few scoring events and the few they have all score below average. Bloodpoint gains should be looked at across the board as well, as survivors shouldn't have the biggest scoring event tied to escape and rely exclusively on the generosity of the killer to earn well, while the killers can't even maximize sacrifice without utilizing moris and endgame hooks. Blights ease of access and high scoring games regardless of wins or losses will contribute to their pick rate, so rather than nerfing this aspect we should strive to equalize it and boost diversity.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 256

    Either/both he sells well along with skins and people at BHVR like playing him