Do you guys have Killers you wished you can enjoy playing but you dont

I really wished myers was enjoyable to play. He’s so iconic and a modern game that lets you play as him and although the stalking is cool and it does feel like him it’s so irritating that hold w is so effective on him and it gets old holding down the joystick on my controller especially how bubba who also insta downs people has slight movement and anti loop without needing to stalk. I hope one day he is looked back and that the tweaks were just the beginning. After seeing what they did to Freddy in the ptb and although he’s a bit undercooked the changes they did on him was pretty substantial and that’s with the Nightmare on elm street chapter which is probably the hardest license holders to work with so maybe we will see something else in a much later time
Nurse. I know she is a forced to be reckoned with but I just don't see how people get there. I find myself looking at my feet 90% of the match. I've been playing this game for several years now, I only have three achievements left and one of them is "In the void she walks" I'm 73/500. Shows how bad I am.
Another is Pinhead. When he came out I even said I would main him and I did for a while. After seeing how painful he can be to go against in SoloQ I just can't bring myself to enjoy him anymore. I rarely play him now.
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If I was feeling catty… Skull Merchant… 😉
The killers I tend to have a frustrating time with is Spirit and Wraith. Due to their (well earned) reputation as hardcore tunnelers, even when you play them with a fun build and not super serious… there is a decent chance someone DCs just because you MIGHT do it.
Even games that don't see a insta DC, I've had instances where I've deliberately ignored a survivor who is injured off hook on 2 separate occasions, but they've kept running in high traffic areas or played for hotly contested gens (without healing), then when I finally down them, they DC like I was being an uber sweat… 🤨
Comes a point where it switches from being laid back and trying to make a game of it to "How many times have I got to teach you this lesson old man!?"…. So Spirit and Wraith tend to be difficult to get a real game of DBD going :/
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Oni; i love my Armoured Titan but He's very obviously a PC killer.
Oddly enough I miss old 110 Trickster. He sucked and was even worse for console but his 115 changes sucked all the soul and fun from him. I see him less too so I can't be alone on this. I play a ton of Legion, Pinhead, Plague and Nemesis so when I played Trickster I had 0 interest in using his bat. But at 115 I find myself asking "why power when bat do trick?"
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Probably Artist. Bird slingshot tech is fun but gets old and I just don’t really enjoy any other part of her gameplay that much.
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Singularity. Indoor maps kill any desire I have to play this killer
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As a console player, almost all of the high skill ceiling killers like Blight, Wesker, Oni, Nurse, and Chucky. They're too difficult to play effectively on controller. I would also like to play Spirit more because I love the character and cosmetics, but Iron Will is too meta that I get frustrated too much.
The biggest one for me though is Pyramid Head. I'm a gigantic SH fan, but I just find him too clunky to play. The range attack is extremely easy to dodge for good survivors that I have more success just constantly faking the range attack with isn't that fun. I also don't enjoy hardcore tunneling which he's the king at
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I just cant play him without his unique POV music, it fit him so much better.
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"How many times have I got to teach you this lesson old man!?"….
The Spirit. Unless I’m using headphones but that’s rare.
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Oni. His movement is too terrible on console. Turning is like you're trying to turn a cruise ship. And hitting is like trying to hit a flea with a baseball bat.
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I wish I could play Huntress and go for those cross-map snipes but I can barely hit people standing still 3 metres in front of me.
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I’ve been wanting to try Oni but I’m on Ps5… Is he at the near “unplayable” level? Or is he still somewhat viable? I’m a fool for his whole art presentation and sound design.
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Yeah having to play with a controller is frustratingly limiting for so many killers. Most cannot be run anywhere near their full potential.
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Trapper is cool but terrible. Would love to play pig more but she feels pretty helpless.
I wish pyramid head was also a bit better especially when it comes to add-ons.
Most painfully of all for is Chucky, he's been nerfed far too much. I used to main him but recently dropped him.2 -
Xenomorph. The tail attack still feels terrible to use, and I just end up frustrated by the end of the game. Alien is one of my top movies, and every time I play Xeno just makes me sad.
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I play on controller and I don't find him too bad to play. Can be a little frustrating at times but I still get enjoyment out of him.
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Probably Xeno is the main one I wished I could enjoy more. You need pinpoint accuracy with the tail and that just isn't possible on controller (not to me, anyway). Meanwhile, Huntress gets 7 chances to hit you with a hatchet the size of a bus… I sometimes wish BHVR didn't have to balance Killers for both PC and console / controller players, because I'm sure the comparatively high skill ceiling on PC is the reason for quite a few of their nerfing / buffing decisions.
And I also don't play Pyramid Head at all. He's trapped on my Switch and I'm not enough of a masochist to subject myself to playing Killer on Switch.
I enjoy Chucky and Billy less than I used to since their most recent nerfs. And there are a few other Killers that have very fun powers (Demo, Huntress, Slinger, Oni) but I'm so bad with them I end up losing and feeling frustrated. I just play these guys for the daily rituals now.
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Alien is one of my top movies
I just watched it again last night! Seriously! The director’s cut version.
Which Killers can still be played to their full potential with a controller?
That’s great to know, thank you for replying. The Oni is so cool and scary, I’m glad he is manageable on controller.
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I don't think Trapper, Wraith, or my beloved Piggly Wiggly are terribly different, as most basic attack based ones are close.
The problems arise when you must have snappy camera movement and very responsive movement to excell, and the controller cannot keep up.
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You won't be able to hit people with his power. Maybe they just don't dodge and run in straight lines. Maybe then you hit them. And it's not just the inaccuracy in the joystick compared to the mouse. When I go to hit someone who's near a window or an obstacle, what does the game hit? The wall, not the survivor I clearly aimed at. This is why the devs shouldn't be so stingy with killer hitboxes, because no other game with melee combat has such demanding aim requirements.
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I wish I could enjoy Xenomorph and Deathslinger more, but I play on console. I still try Deathslinger once in a while and I can do some decent shots sometimes but it is a struggle against any survivor who can juke.
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I like the ghost theme, the time and flying through walls
but I can't enjoy the gameplay as or against a nurse.
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Spirit. I'm hearing impaired and generally stay away from headphones after damaging my eardrum once due to needing the volume at a higher level. I don't find any point in playing her without headphones as much as I'd really like to
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I cannot play Wesker, I tried and it's too hard for me to make consistent. :(
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Singularity. I like the power in theory but actually playing Singularity is just not my cup of tea.
Chucky as well. I really liked Chucky when he was released because the flicks were extremely fun for me but now that they're gone I just find him pretty boring.
I tried playing DBD with a controller before and for me Oni felt weird but not unplayable. He is definitely not as precise as with M&K but I think you can still perform pretty well. Maybe you'll be lucky and get to test him soon.
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The Demogorgon is such an iconic and legendary killer, but he feels bad to play. I played one match and then never again.
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Demo is fun once you get the timing down on his lunge charge. I can usually win chases effectively unless I get the 10k hour homies swf, and that's probably more on me not being the best at killer.
He has good anti-loop and it has enough counterplay for survivors to keep it interesting and fun. His teleport is a little weak with the time it takes to set up, but you can always just plop some portals by gens for free information and a little extra slowdown.
I think he's stronger than he's given credit for and one of the most fun killers to play against.
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The Nemesis.
No matter how many times I play him, I just don't see The Nemesis or feel like I'm playing or playing against The Nemesis. He is nothing like the Remake or the OG.
He doesn't know how to sprint. He doesn't have a rocket launcher. The zombies are vastly different. He only has one mori animation when he has multiple different kill animations especially the most popular kill animation is when he grabs them by their head and pierce it with his tentacle.
I mean the zombies can stop The Nemesis in dead by daylight even though in the RE3 Remake, the zombies get pushed aside by nemesis if they get in his way and nemesis continue to move forward.
There are no synthesizing machines that can create a vaccine instead you loot them from a crate.
This chapter is lackluster and doesn't feel interactive enough, so that's why most of the players who joined in on the first release never bothered to stay.
The 1 thing I really do like is the music.
He isn't The Nemesis. I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way.