No changes in Chaos Shuffle?

Am I missing something or is Chaos Shuffle exactly the same like the two previous iterations?
I really hoped that at some point Map Offerings and Items/Add Ons are disabled. The first version was really fun, the second version a lot less since people started to sweat by bringing the best Items, best Add Ons and Map Offerings.
And I fear the same will happen again. In general, I dont really understand why no changes have been made - for 2v8 there were changes and the last time there were no Changes to Chaos Shuffle because the Devs wanted to bring the mode back as soon as possible, yet months later it is again the same?
(This under the assumption that I did not miss anything, I did not play in the mode yet)
I am disappointed that there are still no random items or offerings.
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Im a little saddened there was no randomizing of add ons or just completely removing them. People will bring in strong stuff and remove the purpose of a randomizer gamemode.
Also wish they would've made Endurance and Haste timers longer after a unhook, like with Lights Out, considering how easy it is to tunnel survivors. The odds of getting an anti tunnel perk is so small, so it's something killers have already taken advantage of. :/
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Zero bloodpoint incentive
Nothing new like random offering and itens
Daily login is , daily login? embarassing
Dude, why? the same again, they will wait to everyone leave this game to bring a decent events and rewards?2 -
I don’t like this mode.
Can we get 2v8 again🙏
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I expected AT LEAST no map offerings, but seems like they wasted all development time on animations on perks in the start of trial.
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Exactly. The main fun in Chaos Shuffle is that you dont go against Meta all the time. But having a bad build yourself and then getting send to Badham by Survivors or to Midwich by a Nurse just makes it frustrating.
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They have the coding to turn off addons, items and offerings since they do it for lights out. I don't get why they don't do it for chaos shuffle too. It's not really a chaos shuffle when players can still choose part of their load out.
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My only hope was for no offerings, random items+ random addons. That would be nice and chaotic.
Like, of course I'm going to spam The Game +Blight serums and needles when everything else is random :/
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I can think of one reason why perhaps they don't want random addons and it's because some addons on certain killers can completely change the way a killer is played and/or are only beneficial with other addons/specific loadouts. For example, Scratched Mirror on an outdoor map, or Scarred Hand (Hag addon that gives collision to phantasms and takes away teleports) without Waterlogged Shoe (the addon that makes her 4.73m/s and makes Scarred Hand actually good) would feel awful if you were forced into that and would probably be less fun in the long run, like I would just avoid playing those killers in chaos shuffle if that was the case. It wouldn't be as big of a deal if survivor items/addons were random, but it wouldn't be fair to force that on one side and not the other. There's not really anything like that on the survivor side except No Mither, which imo should not be in Chaos Shuffle at all, but that's a topic for another discussion. But I don't think it would really be as fun if items/addons were completely disabled either.
As for offerings, I feel like this again just comes down to map offerings needing to be removed and not much else. There's no real issue with being able to choose any other offering especially if you just want to bring bloodpoint offerings.
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Probably in february (from what I've heard).
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I mean you say this, but have you played killer is Chaos Shuffle?
It's actually quite hard, because you are very reliant on your perks as killer to shore up your killers weaknesses... like you get something like Starstruck on Hag? It's like... good luck getting value out of that...
I mean think aboit it, your perks on killer are 4 times more important than survivor perks are... so the loss of your important perks is a pretty big deal 😉
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I can think of one reason why perhaps they don't want random addons and it's because some addons on certain killers can completely change the way a killer is played and/or are only beneficial with other addons/specific loadouts.
That would make sense, but:
1: No Mither exists and can still be randomly drawn, its not just a weak perk, it outright hurts the team
2: They could just disable those addons
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The mode itself is a mess.
Survivors just rush gens because there's no gen defense
Killers just tunnel because there's no tunnel defense.
It highlights the problems with the game in that it is balanced around killers bringing gen defense perks, and survivors bringing anti-tunnel perks.
The mode MIGHT be able to be salvaged if they created some semblance of synergy between the perks, like, ensure killers get 1 gen defense perk and survivors get 1 anti-tunnel perk. Then have 3 random perks assigned based on a "strategy" or build that sort of synergize together. So maybe one game you play as survivor you get like a healing build where you spend time healing your team, or another you might get a chase build where you want to spend time being chased by the killer. Or as killer you might get a heavy hex build where you spend time defending hexes, or maybe you get a bunch of undetectable stuff, so you try to play sneaky-like.
Something a bit more than just "pure random"
Post edited by Reinami on5 -
How is it genrushing when the perks are literally random.
Do you guys ever think before you post? It's like complaining that CT rush to defuse the bomb in CS.
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I feel like you are thinking i mean it in some "insulting" sense. I'm stating that simply:
- gens fly because there are no gen defense perks
- survivors get tunneled because there are no anti-tunnel perks
- The game is balanced around both of these types of perks being in play, and simply highlights the issues of balance.
What exactly is the problem with that statement?
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"Genrushing" is a specific strategy. Simply doing your objective can hardly be called "rushing".
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Please explain what is wrong with the statement other than trying to drum up more "us vs them" type stuff on an alt account with 18 posts. Otherwise i see no point in engaging with someone on something like this.
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I explained it in plain text brother. You need me to spell it out or something?
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I am disappointed that there are is not base BP bonus for both sides….
Events usually have 100% BP bonus default, no?
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I would like a fully random experience.
Too bad BHVR is too afraid to tweak the formula.
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Well, at least i tried.
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Don't get me wrong, I am really happy about Chaos Shuffle because it is my favourite modifier but I am a little bit disappointed that there is nothing new. They said it would be a DnD Chaos Shuffle but we only have a banner, charm, and badges. That's it. nothing more DnD themed - yes of cause new cosmetics which I am happy for the mains but we would get them anyway.
Maybe my hopes were to high but I was kinda hoping for random themed builds (healer, chase, info ect.), that could be pretty cool - they made seven unique builds for halloween and something like this I was hoping for. It would be also cool if we had the temporary events back which we had during the anniversary event (speed, healing, exposed) but for DnD where after a hook/gen something happens based on the dice. Even more funnier if after a gen/hook either the killer or survivor builds switch to a new one - I wasn't hoping for this because that would be too much for the devs but I find the idea funny.
It's also a bit sad that map offerings are still allows and not disables even though in like 2h of playing, I had only one map offering but still there are 11 days left. I really hope they will diable them because no one likes them. It is also really easy to disable them because the developers can disable something specific. The BP Bonus was also mostly +50% on killer which was nice but basekit +100% would be really cool for both sides.
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I'm not too bothered about the map offerings this time around, because since they made sac wards a brown offering I have plenty on most of my mains now. I also thought it would be a bigger deal than a handful of cosmetics to unlock in the tome and some new outfits to buy in the shop. I though they might add a load of vecna's chests to the trials and make is so they rolled a dice to determine the rarity of the item inside. At least a little something to add a bit extra to the mode.
Although I do think BHVR should make add-ons and items totally randomised, I also feel pretty thankful that as a Legion main I can bring the Fuming Mixtape add-on (to guarantee some gen regression) and the Stolen Sketchbook (for when I see a lobby full of flashlights). I know not all Killers are so lucky with their add-ons, however.
To be honest, in Chaos Shuffle I rarely ever do well with my other Killers. I'm probably just not skilled enough with them to remain competitve without much gen defense. Especially not since they got nerfed, anyway (Chucky and Billy are my next most played Killers).
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I’d personally be fine if the Chaos Mode was thrown into the garbage bin. I’ve never been interested in it, have never played it in the past, and don’t have any interest in playing it in the future
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That's fair. I guess rushing out a survivor 1,2,3 on a hook aka tunneling is okay too since its an objective.
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It's a tactic, not an objective. That wasn't even the point I'm making.
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Its not an objective for a killer to kill the survivor quickly?
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I have many brown hands on my mains too but I also have hundreds of cakes and BPS that I wanna rather wanns use because everyone loves BP and it makes the leveling much easier. Mal offerings always leave a bad taste and ruin the idea of Chaos Shuffle.
Year, I guess we were too hyped when they said it is DnD themed but Vecna like chests are a cool idea and funny but I guess many players would ignore them after the first day because they can bring items and chests are often a time waste - unfortunately.
Random items and addons would be cool too. Items are easier because they never change the way survivor plays and they can also trade their items. Some killers, however, become either a completely new one or worse, so it is more difficult - Myers, Hag or Clown. But still, it would bring players out of the comfort zone which is not a bad thing.
Nah don't sell yourself short! Yes, having no slowdown in Chaos Shuffle is difficult but it also depends on the map, your and survivors perk luck as well as what the survivors bring to the match and how experience they are. So don't say you are not skilled enough without regression on your other mains - I'm sure you doing good with your other mains, especially when it's chucky who got hardly nerfed and Billy who is strong but requires a lot of experiences.
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I suppose it is his objective to kill the survivors although that can be debated.
Not sure where the idea of killing quickly came from.
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People complain about how Survivors Gen Rush and as you said I believe, is it really rushing when its the objective for survivors?
Same goes to when survivors complain about being tunneled out of the game so fast.
Point being neither side should complain about this other than "its annoying"
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My point is that the term "Genrush" is used in rather ridiculous ways.
A guy without gen perks or toolbox just holding M1 on a gen is already genrushing for some players here.
On the other hand when I come in with commodious toolbox and hyperfocus I enter the match with the intend to actually rush gens.
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It really is awfully curious that they haven't yet randomized items, add-ons and offerings. It would make things a lot more chaotic and fun, and less "sweaty" with everyone optimizing the loadout slots they have at their disposal (i. e. tons of people using the strongest items and add-ons available, as well as offerings for imbalanced maps). Disabling these entirely would also be an option, although I think randomizing them is much more fun and interesting. I reckon one concern for BHVR is simply that a fair few players would be overwhelmed with having to figure out their items/add-ons on top of their perks, especially since they are not shown in the overlay. But not only can these be included in the overlay info (which they should be anyway), but part of the appeal of the modifier is precisely that chaos of only finding out what your stuff does and how to use it on the fly.
Hell, they could even randomize cosmetics and characters (or at least giving a "random character" option), even including ones the players don't own. Would also make for a sort of "try-out" aspect that would lead a fair few people to buy some of those characters and cosmetics.
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Map offerings should not be allowed in Chaos Shuffle, points offerings only.
Items and addons should be randomized both sides.
That is randomness.
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I wished they at least disabled map offerings
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i also wish they randomized items/addons too and completely removed map offerings from this modifier, at this moment people are just bringing strongest items, addons and map offerings almost every match just to make up for not reliably having perks they want to have
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Actually pleased to see a lot of people in this thread pretty much agree. Its a rare sight, but it happens now and then lol, trolls not withstanding.
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I'm guilty of offering a coin incase the randomiser decides to give me chest/item perks but I haven't been bringing in items
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What do you mean there's no changes??? Of course there is compared to last time…. This time the perks were at level 3 from the beginning
This is joke, btw
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Randomized everything sounds fun. Throwing add-ons into the mix (maybe barring meme add-ons), and randomized items will lead to a lot more craziness. Random offerings could be fun too, since you never see stuff like the Mist bottles get used.
I do like the mode as is, but a few actual changes would be nice.