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General Discussions


Why we have 38 killers if u just face against double iri blight, nurse with predator and all block gens or spirit with all gen block perk? I never see other killers when i try to play. How i supposed to play against this as soloQ? Nurse tunneling at 5 gens up. Every single game dude, when the DEVS will make something about these broken killers and broken game styles? 4 matches in a row and i simple closed the game already, u cant try a fun build, u can try nothing, u dont have time to test something, nothing, every single game like a championship where their mom's life is on risk.

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  • Member Posts: 148
    1. You are just as sweaty as they are if you want variety, stop sweating every game with your SWF and lose more (I assume you have one)

    2. They are old killers with dedicated, a large fan base some of the most popular killer streamers main them

    3. They are some of the only killers in DBD where you actually can have control over chases While also avoiding the Pre Run And Pre Drop simulator that is high level DBD

    I'll end off by saying there is nothing wrong with wanting to go against more killers, but at this point it's a dev issue that more killers are not viable at the top

  • Member Posts: 72

    They have weaknesses just like any other killer.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Add billy to the list, Singularity and Wesker sometimes.

    Playing more solo que lately, my playing hours dropped by 50% because of it. Half of matches are blights.

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 20

    Nah. Ill blame the ones who made any and all of this possible, as well as the only ones who can do ANYTHING about it: BHVR.

    I understand and agree with this. And hot take I suppose, but I am just so confused why Blight is still complained about. Repetition of a killer, yeah I get. Is that the big gripe? Is he considered OP still, because lol, no, no he isn't. (imo)

    -And Trapper / More Trapper player. <3

  • Member Posts: 3,138
    edited January 20

    I just don't get this mindset at all. If playing non-S-tier killers is "hard mode" as you say, is only playing on "easy" mode really anyone's idea of a good time? Because that seems to be what you are implying.

    I would argue that only simple minded people religiously stick to those three. I mean, how fun is it to do the same thing on repeat? It'd bore the crap out of me. At a certain point of playing the S-tier killers for thousands of hours it becomes like burning ants with a magnifying glass, especially in public matches.

    DBD played at its highest level is DBD at its most boring, imo. Same killers, same tactics, to the point where it almost plays out as if scripted.

    The closest I ever got to quitting DBD altogether was when I was playing mostly killer and winning the overwhelming majority of my matches. Every game felt like the last, especially if the survs were good. Tactics get really predictable the better everyone gets, as it becomes about going through the motions of the most established tactics. Less about skill, more about rote memorization of game mechanics (which I guess could be considered a kind of skill), repetition, and coin flips.

    I mean everyone is free to do what trips their triggers, but for me variety/fun > winning every match (especially in this mess of a game, where winning really doesn't mean that much). Knowing my opponent(s) are essentially at my mercy within the first couple minutes of a match is not my idea of fun.

    I like variety and unpredictability, but that might just be my ADHD, lol

    Of course the overarching problem is that all of us and our various sensibilities all get thrown in the same pot, which leads to threads like this one where everyone has divergent but equally valid positions. It's less the fault of players than of BHVR trying to cater to everyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Why would that be, Ricardo? Take a guess?

  • Member Posts: 633

    but I am just so confused why Blight is still complained about

    That's easy, most survivors don't know how to play against Blight.

    Against most killers hold W is all you need to do and you will get usually decent chase, but that's one thing that doesn't really work against Blight…

    My favorite killers to chase against are Wesker, Blight and Billy. Against those it's not just hold W around the map, you actually have to play loops and there is high skill expression for both sides in those chases imo.

  • Member Posts: 149

    I play Trickster too and do the same, you preaching to the choir, but I also play Nurse and if you want easy mode? Nurse or Blight, I have to mind game/play around loops which takes more than just blink blink hit or bounce bounce hit.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I am not sure what region you are in, but I can assure you that I don’t have this experience playing survivor. Hell, Nurse and Spirit in particular are so rare for me these days.

  • Member Posts: 710

    every time I approach the first rank, I just end up with tournament survivors in every game

    If you mean every time you approach grade 1, then this is not the reason because grades aren't used in matchmaking. Your MMR is not shown in-game.

    This sounds like a case of back luck and confirmation bias to me.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Because there is no reason to play weaker Killer against high Rank Survivor also alot fun Killers got nerfed to dead because Survivor Loves to complain about everything look at Chucky there was no reason to nerf him this Hard he is unplayable now

  • Member Posts: 259
    edited January 25

    The DBD community once again showing that they have no idea what "unplayable" and "unviable" mean.

    It's like y'all still think we're living in the era of early DBD with infinites, old Dead Hard, etc.

    Post edited by Zakon05 on
  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Facts 💯🐽🐷

  • Member Posts: 237

    A full Nurse rework should happen this year + Blight nerfed to 3 bumps instead of 5

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