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High Pings / Laggy Servers

I noticed that this whole year most of my matches were either laggy in general or having lagg spikes. It was really noticable during events, which we kinda had 24/7 this year. Pings are for whatever reasons between 80-300 and it just feels like the servers are dying. Has anyone else noticed this? Because gurl I already took 3 weeks off just to come back to another laggy event. Even the AI Snowmans look super desynced - like they movement with maybe 10 FPS its crazy.

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  • Member Posts: 293

    This poor fella had to play with +500ms ping.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    The event weirdly results in much higher ping, mine nearly doubles if I play the event mode.

    I decided to go back to regular matches as I was not getting anymore BP than normal matches (offerings apparently bugged?) and the higher ping makes it not worth playing the event mode at all.

  • Member Posts: 336

    Yeah, and even weird moments where a vault action is completely cancelled out

  • Member Posts: 293

    possible but i dose not matter. the ping limit is set by the devs. players play within the limits set by the devs.

    rizzo told me mandy is a dev (because she has a dev tag), so mandy can tell us why the ping limit is 2000ms and nothing more sane like 300ms.

  • Member Posts: 968

    The devs have never told us why they don't have ping limits, but it's not difficult to figure out. Setting ping limits means fewer people will play, which means less revenue $. It's good for BHVR's bottom line, but it comes at the expense of player experience. It's a tradeoff that BHVR are OK with because people generally aren't leaving the game due to laggy in-game experience. If enough people started leaving the game due to this issue, I think BHVR would change their stance pretty quickly.

  • Member Posts: 293

    You are absolutely right. Dev's create the game they want to play by themselves. Nobody sane would want to play with high ping or against high ping player.

    So the only game the dev's are playing is the money game.

  • Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2024

    I've had higher ping than normal since October and I've been trying to communicate this to the devs as well as other players. The devs I've talked to have been kind but they're acting as if it's inexplicable, then I saw someone say that they started using cheaper servers which is why most people have been having ping issues.

    For reference mine used to range from 65 to 75 but mostly around 70 and now it's 80 - 85 at best and it's really been killing my will to play. My speedtest . net results have been identical to what I used to get in the summer so it's not on our end.

  • Member Posts: 22

    My ping seems to be back to normal today, no idea why, back to the 64 - 72 area.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    Today it got so bad in one trial that people were literally teleporting around the map. Why is a match like that not terminated by the server before it can even start?

  • Member Posts: 2

    super laggy servers

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