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General Discussions

Does This Count As Holding The Game Hostage?

Member Posts: 3,593
edited January 19 in General Discussions

So I was playing Chaos Shuffle and the Killer (Huntress) burns a Damaged Photo (Offering) to send us to Mount Ormond. They were using the Wooden Fox add-on to be perma-Undetectable for most of the game.

The entire game they do nothing by protect a 3-Gen set-up near the Main Building and the Generator spread is so tight that you practically dont have time to get any repair progress unless you are willing to dodge Hatchets. 2 of the Generators are located in Deadzones as well, so working on them in insanely risky.

One of our teammates realizes that they are protecting the 3-Gen set-up, runs into the Killer intentionally, gets hooked, and gives up on hook. So we are forced to deal with a 3v1 against a 3-Gen Huntress.

This Huntress, btw, would not dedicate to any form of chase, they would drop chase to go and check on the Generators and 95% of their time was spent on a balcony overseeing all the Generators and would only occasionally jump off to pressure a Generator if it got above 20% progress.


And it was the result of a teammate giving up, pushing us into a 2v1, an easily winnable position from the Huntress, they can just dedicate to a chase and be fine, and guess what… she STILL wont leave the 3-Gen set-up.

At this point, I was considering on just running into the Huntress because this game had been a massive waste of time since it is abundantly clear that the Huntress does not care about actually chasing or downing Survivor and just wants to guard the 3-Gen for as long as possible.

Keep in mind as well that the other Survivor was not repairing Generators, they were too afraid to enter the 3-Gen. I was the only Survivor actively pushing the Objective forwards and trying to progress the game, but because it is my progress versus the Huntress's regression, I cant really make any meaningful progress. I do have Deja Vu to get an extra repair bonus but it is meaningless.

Eventually, around the 40-minute mark, they actually dedicate to a chase and down my teammate.


Screenshot was taken because I had to take a really round-a-bout way to pick them up, which means going the opposite direction from the Generator I was repairing. Since they are perma-Undetectable from Wooden Fox, the most information youll get is the Haze instead of the Heart Beat.

The Killer did eventually kill all of us, but the game lasted 40-50 minutes, but it easily could have been shorter had the Huntress left the 3-Gen to dedicate to chases.

Would this be considered "taking the game hostage"?

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  • Member Posts: 649

    It's not, you are free to end the game at any point. Just work on the gen in front of her. It's up to you if you want to try break 3-gen, or give up. It's easier than ever before, but still hard for soloQ.

    Funny is if you don't try to push gens and just wait(hide), you are the one, who can get reported for it…

  • Member Posts: 3,593
    edited January 19

    Funny thing is, if you dont try to push Gens and just wait (hide), you are the one who can get reported for it…

    So technically the Kate could get reported then?

    She never touched a Generator was too afraid to get close for most of the time. I was the only one actively doing Generators the entire game, but after it was a 2v1 she basically just clocked out and stopped doing anything.

    Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on
  • Member Posts: 14

    Wait, aren't you holding the game hostage? You decide to hide for more than 30 minutes and here you are blaming others for the choices you make.


  • Member Posts: 649

    It's kinda grey zone, if 1, or 2 players decides to hide with hope for hatch, they won't really get banned for it.

    You would need to basically have group of people doing it from start clearly not trying to play the game.

    Hiding is technically reportable offense, but just waiting for hatch is not going to be enough in most cases.

  • Member Posts: 3,593
    edited January 19

    You decided to hide for more than 30-minutes and here you are blaming others for the choices you make. Interesting.

    You didnt read any of that did you?

    I did repair Generators. In fact, I say this multiple times throughout the post.

  • Member Posts: 14

    There are 2 generators remaining but you made the choice to hide. I don't see how you have been repairing generators ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You don't need to get so mad. Relax.

  • Member Posts: 3,593
    edited January 19

    But you made the choice to hide.

    I literally didnt hide. She would constantly push me off the Generator and would sometimes have to sit next the Generator and watch it regress. Keep in mind while she did it, she had LOS of the other Generators in the 3-Gen.

    I dont see how you have been repairing Generators.

    2 of my teammates gave up, the Kate did basically nothing, and I have been trying to chip away at the 3-Gen since the start of the game since I had Deja Vu.

    The only time I didnt repair try to progress the objective is explained below the screenshot. I was trying to pick my teammate up since they were being slugged.

    You dont need to get so mad. Relax.

    When I spent 40-50 minutes in a game because Huntress wont leave a 3-Gen and someone says "you are the problem for not doing anything" even though I was trying to progress the game, and was the ONLY person progressing the game, I am, of course, going to be a little upset.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Well it is your words but I haven't experienced your match. Besides if you wanted to not stay for so long you could of just repair the generator and accept the loss.

  • Member Posts: 1,154

    Nope no hostage holding because you could do the gens in theory and there was a timer to end it even if not. They don't take your fear of getting killed (or better trying to do the gens) in consideration xD

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    This isn't holding the game hostage, but I can understand the frustration, I was on the receiving end of a release SM 3-gen and it was one of the worst experiences ever

    However, I don't feel like this should have taken almost 40 minutes with just this strategy, given the gen kick limit if all 3 of you were each pressuring a gen or 2 were pressuring gens and one kept people healed if they got injured I feel like you could have burned through her kicks and slowly chipped away at the gens, this was more a case of survivors both being inexperienced and the result of one ######### quitting a situation that provided a small modicum of challenge more then anything else

  • Member Posts: 4,897

    Same vibes as OG hostage doc honestly. Might've been considered holding the game hostage years ago, but the fact that we have the anti 3-gen mechanic is probably enough for the devs to pretend this is acceptable.

  • Member Posts: 2,220

    No, it isn't. I definitely would not want to be in this game though.

    Killers can't be reported for exploiting BHVR's bad map design, anymore than survivors could be for making themselves unhookable.

    I disagree with @PetTheDoggo on who can be reported, this got covered back in the Chess Merchant days. Survivors aren't obligated to rush into a defended 3 gen, just like the killer is not required to leave it. I'd post the comment from then, but this forum feels impossible to search.

  • Member Posts: 708

    While this situation is awful for everyone involved, Hunty was unfortunately just guarding her gens and playing the game. Same with all the survivors who did the gens a little and retreated repeatedly.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Survivors aren't obligated to rush into a defended 3 gen

    I am not saying if you keep prerunning and healing, or waiting around is bannable.

    But if whole group decide to go hide for rest of the game instead of trying to win or giving up, that would be holding the killer hostage.

  • Member Posts: 16,669

    Not going for chases and just holding a 3-gen is holding the game hostage, yes. Confirmed by the Devs.

    However, this applies to both sides, at some point the Survivors need to try to repair the Gens and the Killer needs to try to chase Survivors. At some point the Survivors have to risk dying to get the last Gen done and at some point the Killer has to risk losing the last Gen to chase Survivors.

    If you were not trying to do the Gens, you were holding the game Hostage. If you were trying and the Killer chased you away without any intention to ever leave their 3-Gen, they were holding the game hostage.

    Personally, I would blame the Devs for this - their Map Reworks resulted in some really strong 3-Gens and instead of fixing this, they invented a system, which works only in the most extreme cases.

  • Member Posts: 215

    I don't see that as holding anyone hostage. Just do the gen. There is a kick limit that prevents the killer from doing exactly that.

    This huntress could've come to the forums here and asked if the Survivors are the ones holding the game hostage since they weren't doing gens like they were supposed to.

    Back in my day, taking a game hostage meant something. Nowadays, every game seems to be a hostage situation.

  • Member Posts: 1,063

    It's not holding the game hostage. It's just a player using the tools that BHVR has given them. It's obviously a miserable experiences for the survivors, and the Huntress is aware of that. But it's part of a gameplay loop that BHVR includes. So it's acceptable.

  • Member Posts: 215

    Maybe it's not miserable to the huntress at all and that player just likes throwing hatchets? Maybe he's practicing shots because he wants to play more huntress. I'd say if she just stands there and throws hatchets, she's probably chill af. I've done that and a lot of survivors catch on, then they do goofy things like popping in and out of obstacles in a distance I want to practice.

    To me it's amazing when a survivor plays along with this and I often end up letting them go. If they are boring and just hide I kill them for the sake of the survivors who at least either play along or do gens.

    As a huntress player who does this, there is no malicious intend at all. I'm just throwing hatchets because I enjoy the process of getting those really good shots. I get bloodpoints, you get bloodpoints, maybe we even end up adding each other on steam.

    Why always assume the worst in others? To me all of these things just add to the unique nature of Dead by Daylight public matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,063

    I'm not assuming the worst, I'm assuming that the Huntress player has basic cognitive functionality. When we play games with other people, we have to weigh up how much our enjoyment matters when compared to how we are making other people feel. Some people are prepared to give up a lot, other people are prepared to give up nothing.

    My limit lies at people who are only happy when they win. I'm not giving up ground to those people. But I'm prepared to be flexable for everything else. If I'm aware that what I'm doing is making everyone miserable (a fair assumption after fourty minutes of defending a three gen), I wouldn't do it. Simple as.

  • Member Posts: 215

    You can just walk up to her and make her hook you if you are so desperate to move on from this experience.

    Can some games be annoying and less entertaining than others? Yeah sure, same as in every other game. Just force the next best exit from the match.

  • Member Posts: 2,074
    edited January 19

    Yes, this is reportable.

    The devs confirmed that if the killer is not making attempts to down or hook survivors for an excessive amount of time, and just holding gens, that this is considered holding the game hostage.

    30+ minutes imo certainly counts as "excessive".

    Here's my receipt. Mandy also confirmed that this applies to 3 genning when that was meta.

  • Member Posts: 767

    With the gen kick limit the killer can’t hold gens indefinitely; also you could’ve made more progress on the gens and forced the killer to do more if 1 of your teammates hadn’t given up on hook and a second teammate was not touching a gen which is the only survivor objective.

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