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General Discussions

A generator is added to the basement of each map. What changes about the gameplay?

Let's say a generator is added to the basement of each map. This generator is worth 2 completed generators once complete. How does this effect the core gameplay?

What strategies would present themselves if this were implemented? What downsides are there?

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  • Member Posts: 13

    I do like the idea of some form of objective with a high risk high reward being implemented into dead by daylight. Currently we have invocations, which are perks that provide decent reward with a decent risk attached to it. Possibly making the generator in the basement have some pretty high negatives to counter-act the reward of 2 completions, like auto regression or 1.5x the amount of charges. It'd make perks like Specialist and Scavenger have a little more niche to their name.

  • Member Posts: 148

    gen rush

    games over in 3 flat everytime

  • Member Posts: 13

    Territorial Imperative might get some more use, similar to when invocations arrived.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    'A gen is added' - if by this you mean there are now 8 gens on the map, it would be a massive boost to the survivors.

    If you mean one of the 7 gens always spawns in basement - having it be worth two, the killer has to three gen. He has to defend this gen and the area around it. It would be far too easy for survivors to bring prove / toolboxes and just wait for the killer to get too far away from the gen and go down and smash it out.

    It would also require massive reworking of maps because where basement spawns is very different to get to depending on the map.

    Invocations would also be more pointless than they already are.

    I do like the idea of some form of objective with a high risk high reward being implemented into dead by daylight.

    You could add something like a golden generator into the game. Every game one gen is golden. Completing it counts as a regular completion, but it conveys some type of benefit (not as major as what you suggest). You probably don't want it to be basement, because basement already serves a number of purposes, instead having it be one of the more central gens. It would probably be necessary to also have it take some more time to complete, how much depends on the level of benefits we are talking.

    This could impose a type of 'I know, he knows, that I know, he knows' type of game where the killer knows that the survivors want that gen, but the survivors know the killer wants to defend it, so both sides have reasons to go there or not.

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    One thing I kind of wanted to have them do as a fix to 3 genning was to add an 8th generator under the stairs that only became accessible if gen progress stalled in the game.

    Basically, after a certain number of minutes, if the generators didn't progress by some defined amount, the 8th basement been would need available to help break the stalemate.

    Kind of moot now, and didn't really fix the issue if the basement was already included in the 3 gen to begin with. But interesting to consider either way.

  • Member Posts: 251

    In Scott Jund's latest video, he discussed the concept of a new game mechanic where survivors would scavenge for generator parts, which could function similar to the Brand New Part item already in game, just to a bigger degree. I think it would be very interesting if your idea was modified with this new game mechanic in mind. Survivors should go to a dangerous place to get something that could help generator progress. Sitting on a generator all game gets really tiring after a few years. Introducing new ways to add progress to a generator, and then having survivors explore and interact the map for items would revitalize gameplay similar to Chucky/Dracula. Maybe this would be better tested in the 2v8 game mode.

  • Member Posts: 339
    edited January 21

    Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad idea.

    No generator should ever be worth two generators, and no generators should ever be in the basement thus forcing Killers to always waste time patrolling there. All that would happen is that a few Survs would hide in the lockers down there from the word go and make it so they ALWAYS got the super generator. Plus how would it interact with perks like Weaving Spiders and addons like BNP?

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    3 Genning as much as possible... or 4 Genning if need be

    Then they would have to add other ways of getting into the basement

    Then they would have to make the basement bigger

    And it will snowball from there

  • Member Posts: 820

    Would probably necessitate much more campy gameplay from the killer, especially at high level. Can't afford to risk losing two gens at once if basement is being pressured, but you also don't wanna give up the ones opposite the map.

    Honestly, I think the game would be a lot less fun in this hypothetical scenario.

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    I dont feel it should count as 2. But the addition to basement seems interesting. I'd be willing to try it, but seems more dangerous for survivors than killer. Not quite invocation dangerous, because those all suck tremendously.

    Killers wouldnt like it, Im sure. It would be a gen likely to just write off. Some maps already have 'those' gens, ya know?

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    I saw Jund’s video… his idea was to essentially create extra passive slowdown for killers. With the kill rate at 60% I just can’t see a game mode where now survivors have extra stuff to do before starting or completing gens. Survivors kind of have secondary objections with boons, hexes, and invocations which we know slow matches down. And when you think of killers who have secondary objectives built in (Pinhead, Plague, Doctor, etc) we see that their kill rates are comfortably higher than the average. It’s a nerf to survivors and a buff to killers which isn’t needed currently.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    As a survivor? I don’t want other survivors in the basement unless they’re going for an unhook; full stop.

    As a killer? I love the idea of survivors in a closed space I can physically block with no pallets or strong vaults.

  • Member Posts: 251

    I guess I saw things a bit differently than you. I thought the idea communicated was that survivors could contribute to the outcome of a match in different ways than just working on generators.

    Not discussed in Scott Jund’s video, but here are two general thoughts I've gotten from the community as a whole lately:

    1. Baby Meg goes around the corner of the map. Baby Meg does not contribute to the outcome of the match. What if we gave Baby Meg a way to contribute to the outcome of the match?
    2. Veteran players that have played the game too much are tired of the core gameplay loop. The last gameplay change was the endgame collapse, which happened over several years ago.

    New Game Mechanic: Levers

    Similar in function to a Black Ops 2 Zombies Easter Egg, levers would be placed around the perimeter of the map. The levers would look and function similar to exit gates, where they light up and generate a reasonable amount of noise. When all levers on the map have been completed, survivors would receive credit for one generator. Or the power mechanic could be reworked, and a certain number of energy points could be required to open the exit gates. Levers would give a lower number of energy points. Generators would give a high number.

    Baby Meg wanting to stealth and move around the map to complete levers would contribute to the game. Survivors want to move around outside chase, not sit down all the time.

    New Game Mechanic: The Basement in the Basement (Dangerous Catacombs)

    The basement could be extended, with a basement in the basement. In this idea, the concept of Territorial Imperative would be applied to the basement within the basement as basekit to killers. I want to be clear with this idea, it would only trigger when entering the second basement. This means that invocation players would not trigger it, as the salt circle is in the first basement. When a survivor enters the dangerous catacombs, they can get a toolbox with an original brand-new part add-on, which would allow them to complete the generator instantly. This applies a concept of high reward, high risk, high danger. The developers would need to make the survivor do something within the 2nd basement that takes a certain amount of time. There needs to be a reasonable chance the killer could interact with this game mechanic. It should not just be running in, and running out. Maybe they have to push open a stone door. There needs to be risk, and that “oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god” tension that this game desperately needs for veteran players burned out.

    At a minimum, alternative power solutions and mechanics should take a similar amount of time and risk to complete a generator. The goal here is just to make gameplay more interesting without making the new gameplay mechanic the best option. Skill checks are kind of dull 8 years later. The other power mechanics could introduce different kinds of skill checks. Generator skill checks should never be changed. I am going to repost the gameplay mechanics I wrote under Feedback and Suggestions.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    Well maps that are okay defeandable will be less defeandable, and the ones that are already horrible will be even worse. gl defending badham, eyrie, garden of joy, mothers dwelling or the game with that xD

  • Member Posts: 587
    edited January 21

    What if the basement gen could only be worked on by 1 person, and toolboxes/perks that help with gen speeds can’t be used on it? Those would add considerable downsides, along with it being in the basement, but no longer exploitable by SWF. Base game gen speed, only 1 person, no perks or tools to assist in its completion.

    Could be a very interesting “comeback” option in games with only 3 survivors or so, giving them a better incentive to stick it out despite having lost 1 survivor to DC or Tunneling or what have you. High risk and high reward.

  • Member Posts: 230

    I don't think that gen in basement should worth more than 1 normal gen.
    But it would be fun, if there will be a gen in the basement for brave guys

  • Member Posts: 12

    I'd be ok with it if they add another way to get in and out of basement. If not then they should not add this, even if it were worth 2 gens

  • Member Posts: 897

    not a good idea

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    This would kill my Invocation build; i want people to LEAVE the basement not have more reasons to come check me out!

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    how would that be fun in anyway for survivors? it just a noob trap that potentially give the killer a snowball basement hook

  • Member Posts: 227

    There was a bug with gens where they counted as 2 and it completely broke the game

  • Member Posts: 603

    Make it worth one generator and only spawn when one generator is left to complete and I wouldn't mind, but it would definitely shift gameplay in favor of stealth towards the end of the game. Killers would camp basement even harder than usual.

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