Post your yearly stats here!
Apparently: -
- A 33.7% Escape Rate.
- A 8.33 Hook average per game.
- 68.75% Survivor / 31.25% Killer.
- 10 mins 52 secs game average.
- 2.02 tikes average hooked per game.
Not bad as bad as I thought to say I play off meta builds and SoloQ mostly. 2.02 average times hooked per game is a little dire... but at least gives an indication I practice what I preach regarding DCs and SoHs 😅
Survivor/Killer split is surprising... to say I mostly follow the BP bonus... but then again I guess weekends are usually Survivor BP bonus in the EU.
Fun 😁
Post edited by UndeddJester on4 -
They send me stats like from 3-4 years ago lmao
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Hello Mandy, I'm not sure if the stats have been bugged a little, but I got sent stats from like 2020 haha, with my most player Killer being The Blight (which I haven't touched in years) and Nancy, which used to be my main in around that time.
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For reference this year I didnt run perks on any killer and haven't been using add-ons for huntress (chaos shuffle and a very small amount of viewer builds aside)
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I literally never play survivor just a heads up lol
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Check your Junk mail!
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I play almost every survivor at least some (only surv I never play as is Leon) and I play most killers, but I did correctly guess Feng and Wraith were my most popular, I doubt it's by a lot though. Based on games played looks like I played around 65% survivor 35% killer which is about what I expected to see.
43.3% escape rate as survivor, and an average of 7.79 hooks per game as killer, not too bad I guess especially considering probably 80% or more of my survivor games are solo queue and I usually never bring full meta builds on either role when I play (I like trying all different kinds of perks and addons to mix things up, it makes the game more fun for me even if some builds aren't as strong).
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@Rulebreaker good shout on spam folder, found my stats there.
Can’t upload image right now but I had 10.4 minute game average, 8.21 hooks avg as killer, and 43.3% escape rate on survivor (majority solo queue). Seems about right to me.
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So how long will it take? I still doubt i will get this things cause thats how it always went.
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I feel like my stats are slightly off, at least for killer. Survivor I 100% believe that David who is P88 when my second highest leveled survivor is P15, that David is my most played survivor. However I don't play that much Doctor anymore. I haven't played him seriously as one of my mains in like 3 years. Sure I still like playing him, but there's absolutely no way he's my most played killer.
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A lot of people are saying that the most played character stat is based off of all time playing. It would make sense since I mained Zarina for years, but swapped to Sable when she came out in March, but got Zarina as the most played in the stats anyway.
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I got new stats
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Cod:WaW let us link our forum accounts with our gamertags even on the Xbox 360 back in 2009. We had detailed info such as damage heat maps, accuracy, all our gun stats etc.
It's a shame that never stuck around though, Infinity Ward never cared about that until they tried to monetize that.
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I still haven't got mine yet. ☹️
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Thanks for posting this, I would have missed the updated stats message otherwise. I can now rest assured that I'm the Sadako main I always believed I was.
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It’d be interesting to see total kills next time too. 🙂
Post edited by Fuzzycube on0 -
I got mine too. It changed most player killer from Billy to Nemi. No other stat changed. That was the only stat I was questioning though since I was sure I played Nemi a lot more than Billy last year.
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85% escape rate while mostly playing in a trio. I feel like it could realistically be 90%+ if I actually cared enough. Most of my deaths are because we get a killer that manages to get basement or a far from gate hook in endgame and I just want to go next so I text my trio to take the 3out or 2out if the random got wiped. I wish they would make matchmaking more strict, maybe then I’d take this game semi serious. The current one is a snooze fest full of mismatches. I versed Momo a few times for example and 90% of the time with the most clueless random imaginable while he played his main blight or oni. Then when I catch him 4 stacked it’s his onryo that he doesn’t play and gets 4outed or billy getting 3outed with like 3-4 stages max. 2025 needs to be the year Bhvr gives us the matchmaking we originally had when it was first introduced 🙏🏽
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Well, I got a new email with updated most played characters for the year. I guess it was sending the most played overall instead of just for the year.
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for posterity’s sake, I got a correction as well. Though, the only change was my most played killer. Unknown, of course.
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I got a corrected email for the PS4 account, so I used that one.
A few notes: These accounts are shared between me and my friend. If we play survivor together, he's on PS4 and I'm on Switch. Solo survivor on either account is me. Killer is usually me. These two emails say more about how miserable playing killer on Switch is than any of my previous posts on these forums could convey.
I used to play killer and survivor equally or even mostly killer. Man, how things change over six years. I think playing killer on Switch has sucked most any enjoyment I might get from the role no matter which platform. Plus, the loss of BBQ really sucked, and now they're taking away more of the BP bonuses from perks, so yeah, the only perk I even care about any more is Lightborn, and that leaves three open perk slots which I can't motivate myself to fill.
My/our survivor escape rate is a bit better than I expected.
Edit: Turns out, the stats exclude events, modes, and modifiers. That's almost the entirety of my playtime. So, while my killer stats give a pretty good indication of how painful Switch is, my survivor stats are way off. My hours played are horribly inaccurate and I really have no idea how my survivors matches were overall. Wow, how utterly useless these stats are for anyone who mainly plays for events and what not.
Post edited by TragicSolitude on0 -
Correct! I am glad you were able to get the 2024 information on the updated e-mail!
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Well, that was my last tome and..
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Not sure how to post the full page like everyone else is doing lol it said Xenomorph / Aestri
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There is a link you can follow in the e-mail that you can open in a browser that gives you the image. If you're on a phone switch to desktop mode and you get the single image you can easily screenshot and copy. 😁
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Does anyone know why the stats stats exclude events, modes, and modifiers?
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The stats would get messed up if the other modes were included.
For example, 2v8 had 8 survivors, so a killer could get more than 12 hooks per game.
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Show us your stats Mandy
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That's just the first one! :)
I wish I could see my lifetime stats in game
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I don't get those stats on email what most post here but here my console last year stats pretty accurately.
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How do I get my stats? I don’t find something on the website.
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You had to sign up to a mailing list before January 13th. I'm afraid it can't be done retroactively.
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You mean to the newsletter? Because I was for that.
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No, it was a specific mailing list. It was associated with a/your BHVR account.
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Okay thank you 😭. Then I’m just too late.
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Don't know how these two characters are my most played when they released halfway through the year and I didn't get Trevor till like November but ok