How long should modifiers last for

This means
Lights out
Choas shuffle
Note indefinitely does not count unless you have a proper suggestion fix que times because 2v8 destorys that. Events like Winter Solstice, Anniversary and Hollowed Blight do not count as those are events that got turned into modifiers.
Indefinitely for 2v8. There is a reason it destroys queues because everyone wants to play it. Its clear that people want a more casual DBD experience.
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For chaos shuffle and 2v8 I'd say 2 weeks.
If they ever try Lights Out again I'd only give that 1 week since it's been generally unpopular the last two times (personally I hope we never see it again).
As much as I initially wanted chaos shuffle to be permanent I don't think it's feasible for any modifier or game mode to be permanent in the long term since separate queues messes up the queue times too much (and bots are not an acceptable solution imo).
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it could last forever if the majority of killer perks weren't straight useless
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Okay I'll give my two cents for the whole bot thing I feel like if your going into a modifier like 2v8 where que times can be fairly long have bots can help and a way to help balance it is that if someone let's say a survivor is searching for a match boom a bot in that lobby is removed and replaced. The timer will not activate is more the 45% of the lobby are bots or 3/8 of them are players at a 50/50 split the timer will start but extended as it's a back up in case more players join in. So for modifiers bots I feel like can help with que times but permanent no not in the slightest.
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Your not wrong playing choas I realized that man some perks just require others to work well or some are just not good. Insidious I don't see much value to since it was for meme builds but since those are not as common well Insidious needs a new ability most of Huntress's perks are a need to tweak like territorial works if your doing a basement build if your not then boom no use. I have better luck with survivor because the perks at least have some value alone....minus no mither I will never enjoy that perk.
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Two weeks seems to be a good length, with the option to extend it an extra week if the player count for that modifier is high. I think that gives BHVR time to work on the mod before the next version, gives us time to play it, but doesn't overstay its welcome.
If they ever get 2v8 to a place where they are aren't making radical overhauls to it between releases, that might become the indefinite exception.
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2v8 as indefinite could be fine if they fix the que times for the game when 2v8 shows up