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Solo escape streak perks for 2025

Member Posts: 201

what would yall say is the best build/perks for a solo escape streak in 2025? I know the usual deli, sole survivor and wake up will always be there but ik dh used to be very helpful for solo escape streaks but ever since its gotten nerfed I'm wondering what’s been the next best build for a solo escape streak. If you have any suggestions on builds/perks to run please feel free to let me know I really appreciate it!

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  • Member Posts: 189

    No Mither, Plot Twist, Scene Partner, Tenacity

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Probably DS/Deli/Exhaustion/Deja Vu

    It's tempting to throw on Sole Survivor+Wake Up, but you're playing against your teammates in those situations too. Most killers will slug for the 4k, and there are tons of solo players who will rat you out if the killer is slugging for a 4k. Or they'll struggle on the hook for no reason to deny you hatch. They take grave offense to the fact that you're not saving or doing gens in a 3v1 or 2v1 with 3+ gens remaining. It's a truly touched/mentally cooked community.

  • Member Posts: 372

    Botany/Kindred/Strength in Shadows/Wicked

    Botany let's you heal teammates fast when you go for unhooks giving you more meat shields and combined with SiS gives you very fast self-sufficient heals, Kindred makes randoms brave enough to actually save you and Wicked is good anti-tunnel and the ability to unhook yourself if you go down near basement. SiS also has aura read so you know where not to go after healing.

  • Member Posts: 631

    I would put main build to try win and escape and 1 perk to find hatch.

    So Lithe, Kindered, Deja vu is my main build for soloQ. Last perk is usually OTR…

    To find hatch I guess best is Clairvoyance.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    You can offset the survivor suspicion by bringing a toolbox (doesn’t need to have any attachments) and working on gems whenever someone else is in chase. When no one is in chase stealth a bit until someone else is. The other survivors tend to focus on the HUD more when the killer is occupied so they’ll see you doing something productive and feel more inclined to believe you’re not playing to their detriment.

  • Member Posts: 964

    Best perk for solo queer would be “somehow fix the busted matchmaking system” perk

  • Member Posts: 557

    First and foremost, run distortion. Even after its nerf, you need it for consistent soloq streaks. If you don't want high snowball killers to sprint at you from the get go and drastically decreasing your chances of survival (mainly blight), you need that initial protection from lethal pursuer every time. Second, run kindred. When you do get caught, giving survivors all the info about where everyone else is in the match while you are on hook is necessary if you want to actually be unhooked in this game. I would not recommend deliverance because 1) it requires you to unhook someone safely before you are hooked, and 2) the killer usually runs right back to hook, and even especially more so if they see the broken status effect on someone who just got unhooked.

    This is where your skill as a player comes into play. If you are confident in your looping ability and tile knowledge, run lightweight and left behind. If you are not confident in those two, run lithe and windows of opportunity.

    Lastly, you can try to run a hatch offering, but the reason I promote left behind over a hatch offering is because indoor maps essentially make those offerings useless. I'm going for consistency with this build, and I think this is way more consistent over hoping the map RNG or killer offerings don't take you indoors. In terms of an item, you need to last second equip a purple or iri key of your choice. You'll need to do this last second and hope the killer isn't watching their screen. Killers that see keys usually immediately target that survivor as their first tunnel target. That's another reason to not bring a hatch offering since if the killer sees a key and a hatch offering, they will slug everyone until the person with the key is dealt with. At least this way, the killer could MAYBE think you're running it only for the killer aura reveal addon. Placing the key down when you spawn in at a hidden location is another way you could increase your chances of using it, as if the killer does not see you with it during chase, they will quickly forget or misremember who they thought had the key.

    Lastly, I'll put a quick heal after unhook build below because of the frequency in which a killer will run back to hook.

    Long story short, these are the few builds I'd run if you're looking for a more selfish style of escaping with some consistency:

    1. Distortion, Kindred, Lightweight, Left behind + Key (equipped when the lobby timer is at 6 seconds left)
    2. Distortion, Kindred, Lithe, Windows of Opportunity + Key/Medkit
    3. Resurgence, Off the Record, Lucky Break, Unbreakable + Medkit

    Based on your skill level, I would recommend these builds in the order listed, from high to low.

    Remember, the key to soloq survivor streaks isn't increasing your chances of completing generators, it's outliving your fellow survivors and finding hatch.

  • Member Posts: 189

    Distortion, Kindred, Lightweight, Left behind + Key (equipped when the lobby timer is at 6 seconds left)

    Brother this is the sweatiest thing I've read on these forums.

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