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Oni can ignore the 90 degree cap of Demon Strike by looking up before the attack.

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Oni can ignore the 90 degree limit of the Demon Strike by looking up before attacking, causing you to land hits that shouldn't be possible.
STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Playing as the Oni, use Demon Dash and look up before hitting the ground with Demon Strike.
I hate that this is still a thing. Console Oni's are at a massive disadvantage cus of this
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it's a feature
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It's not a feature, dev Peanits himself once said that his power has a 90 degree limit.
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it is definitely not a feature, thats like saying discord calls w/ ur swf is a feature. Its a bug or its not vinilla dbd, similiar to dpi enhancements on mouse and keyboard as well, its technically a competitive advantage, therefore, cheating.
Discord calls aren't smth they can do anything abt, which is why they should just have an in game vc.
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This has been around for a long time I even submitted one about this a while back. Most Oni I see use this exploit. Kinda like the blight hug exploit. also easier if you have high sensitivity on your mouse
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Killermain morals never stop to amaze.
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U mean less fun for console players?
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I have made 2 discussions on this in the past. I have always said "In a nutshell" either make it so console can do 180 flicks to OR cap pc just like console.
Its not fair that one side should be able to do this tactic and the other cannot.
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This has nothing to do with looking up
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i think it wirks both ways. With a dpi enhancement (cheats) or the look up exploit
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DPI being a cheat is crazy mental gymnastics looking up just helps avoid collision
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Looking up is just a placebo. I can do a perfect 180° with 2000 DPI and 0% in-game mouse sensitivity. 2000 DPI is also not a cheat. However, using scripts to amplify to reach an extremely high DPI, like 100,000, as with helicopter Blight, is, in my opinion, cheating. 2000 DPI, on the other hand, is a fairly standard setting nowadays.
Additionally, it's much easier to flick at lower FPS. Back when I played on 60 FPS, I was able to get away with 800 DPI and a higher in-game sensitivity.
In my opinion, BHVR should adjust the game so that console players can achieve 180° flicks with higher controller sensitivity. Otherwise, Oni feels borderline unplayable against skilled survivors.
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And so we have to break the knees of all non-console players because PCs are a little better at playing Oni. But with exactly the same logic (at the same time swf gets many times more bonuses) we shouldn’t do anything with swf? This is hypocrisy, we either solve both problems or we don’t hypocrisy choose something one
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Dpi enhancing is in fact cheating. Its not a vanilla dbd setting and requires a specific device to perform.
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Its not "a little better" its a big advantage actually that neither platforms should be able to do. Swfs do have their issues which lots of balance changes seem obvious, but the devs don't care to make things fair. I agree both problems need to be resolved, no matter how rare Oni's are in game anyway. Also I'm no hypocrite, and i don't main survivor either
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First and foremost, a mouse operates with DPI. Without a set DPI, you cannot use the device, which is also the native input device for PC - the first platform the game released on by the way.
Second, what DPI is acceptable to you? If I recall correctly, my mouse came with a default DPI of 3200, so I had to lower it because it was too fast for me in DBD.
As for the part about a 'specific device,' that must be a joke. By that logic, the same could be said about your monitor or TV regarding brightness settings. What would be an acceptable baseline for that? Would enhancing the brightness also be considered cheating then?
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at this point they really should just find a way to do this without somehow making MnK Oni able to do 360s/720s/1080s/whatever. in general they really, really need to look at legacy/QoL stuff in the game rather than pumping out new content and caring about balance all the time.
but that's just beating a dead maurice these days.
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Im pr sure mouse/track pad sensitivity has a cap. And i and many others have definitely seen that bypassed before.
"Acceptable" dpi is whatever your pc's vanilla untouched specs have as their cap. Which on all pc's im pretty sure is the same, so everyone can move their cursor at a comfortable pace.
A specific device is required to perform such exploits. Meaning not everyone can do it, meaning it's not fair for others. Sure you can buy a pc to gain a competitive advantage in a video game, but you run the risk of getting in trouble in accordance to some TOS or game rules.
For the record, TV's & Monitors all possess (or should) be capable of the same lumen cap. Theres no disadvantage there, the size of the screen comes down to personal preference, AND its outside of BHVR's control. Therefore, not cheating
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You heard it here folks, having a sensitive mouse is cheating now.
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Its only cheating with the use of third-party enhancers to surpass the cap. Maybe read next time
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Make it easier for console players to reach that degree and that's it
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That sounds reasonable to me. My mouse goes up to 26,000 DPI without third-party software, so all good.
Most mice produced in the last decade support at least a moderately high DPI, especially gaming mice.0 -
lmao it’s not about pc players being “a little better”, they are literally able to perform actions that console/controller users cannot. And then comparing that to SWF, when anyone on any platform can SWF but MnK users can do stuff with Oni that is literally impossible on controller. What a take.
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Agreed, the comment was a little, odd and not relative tbh.
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You heard it here folks, utilizing the software for your mouse is cheating now.
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Icl thats always been considered cheating. Also im not suprised an oni main who probably abuses this is trying to defend the bug's erasure
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I like Oni but he's not my main. I'll be just fine if they squash this bug, Oni is so easy that one shouldn't need to abuse bugs to succeed as him in the first place. But adjusting dpi is not cheating + once someone passes a certain amount of dots per inch I find it unlikely for it to be possible to control the mouse anyway.
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Using the software designed to configure your device is not cheating.
Mice could have buttons for all kinds of configurations, but due to factors like weight and simplicity, they typically don't. I’d also refer to monitors and TVs with their DDC/CI setting, which allows the PC to communicate directly with the display and change settings - should that also be considered cheating?
The only thing mouse software does is write to the mouse’s internal memory to adjust certain settings that the mouse allows the software to modify. Once those settings are changed, you can even uninstall the software, and the mouse will retain the configured settings. The software itself is in no way actively controlling the device.2 -
The thing with monitors and tvs is that no one knows which ur using, but whatever you use is personal preference, your not creatingif you use either sonce anyonecan get either device. Dpi enhancing on the other hand is blatant and obvious in game, its not hard to tell who's got it and who doesn't. Also third party software is third party for a reason, its not the device's software, its an add on which for other uses is ok if you're just comfortable with high sensitivity. In games like dbd or fortnite, this is an obvious competitive advantage, especially when used to bypass features like Oni's 90⁰ rotation lock.
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For the record I figured you were talking about a mouse's intended software. I haven't even heard of 3rd party software that allows you to bypass dpi caps, and I still find it hard to believe that would give you an advantage anyway. But since this discussion is occurring under a bug report - probably soon to be closed by staff due to redundancy. I do not disagree that if Oni has a bug where you can bypass the 90 degree turn radius while preforming a demon strike, then it should be fixed no question. Sorry to the console players who can't turn very fast, how ever I will continue you break your ankles.
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- It is not third-party software. It is first-party software provided by my mouse manufacturer, specifically designed to customize and set up my input device. Those who bought mice from other manufacturers cannot use the software from my mouse on theirs. Honestly, I’m quite done explaining this. Everything the software does could also be done manually with enough extra buttons added to the device.
- On, for example, 60fps, I need roughly 800 dpi, maybe even less with more in-game sensitivity. 800 dpi is considered relatively slow, far slower than controller sensitivity on 100%. Still, with the mouse, you can still do 180-degree turns. This is just the game acting weird in terms of different input devices, not the player actively abusing it.
I would also like to be able to slow-walk as a survivor to better maintain momentum, but with my keyboard (which is not analog), that’s not possible. Please fix this too, because I am at a disadvantage. Thanks.
And before you come back saying, 'Oh, just buy an analog keyboard,' my answer will be, 'Oh, just buy a PC.
It should not be the PC players who have to suffer due to your choice of platform and, consequently, input device.
2 - It is not third-party software. It is first-party software provided by my mouse manufacturer, specifically designed to customize and set up my input device. Those who bought mice from other manufacturers cannot use the software from my mouse on theirs. Honestly, I’m quite done explaining this. Everything the software does could also be done manually with enough extra buttons added to the device.