Despite all the issues with DBD atm I’m looking forward to the next 4-5 months

We got the March killer PTB coming around February 12 if previous PTB Dates repeat the pattern. We’re getting the Freddy rework next week. We got the solo OG survivor that might bring something new because Mikela was the last OG half chapter and she brought boons. In may the FNAF PTB will come out which is going to be insane. Then the actual release date of the FNAF chapter with the masquerade event ( or something else plz ). On top of all that we will see the most likely insane amount of skins for FNAF. Also events like blood moon and 2v8 ( with new killers hopefully )will be sprinkled in. Soon the roadmap will release and maybe some old stuff gets some love. The survey mentioned something about slugging which makes sense to implement before the influx of players with FNAF. Lot of stuff which is cool because personally the Houndmaster chapter was really lame. Only cool thing to come out if it waa scourge hook jagged compass but there is still so little SHs that do anything cool so hopefully they make cooler SH,S. Myers buffs were underwhelming and chucky was nerfed bad plus there was no hype around it.
The only exciting thing for me is FNAF, Springtrap is going to join the gang with Pyramid head and Alien for sure, whatever his kit is.
Im done with survivor for now, it's way too miserable to play for me, i take no pleasure whatsoever facing Blight/Billy/Wesker tournament over and over again. I'll pick it up when FNAF comes up to play against Springtrap for a while.
Just in case he gets forgotten instantly like Alien, i will enjoy the first two weeks of overexposure and then go back to killer when he fades away.
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When FNAF chapter comes out I'm taking a huge break from DBD
And then I'm pretty sure my internet is gonna start being really bad everytime I see the "facing this killer" message during load screen…
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They're counting on us to look forward to licenses of course as the game itself has nothing new coming aside from that. Licenses keep the game afloat. God forbid we get any substantial game mechanic additions like we did back when End Game Collapse was added to spice the entire experience up. Imagine if FNAF fails to garner the amount of attention they hope it does. (I doubt it fails to be fair) But if it did severely underperform what would they do? Maybe they need a surprise like that to put a fire under their asses. Then maybe they'll start fixing/adding things that actually make the game better instead of continuously stacking bugs on top of an extremely shoddy foundation.
If BHVR never gets around to working on DBDs core, everything else will continue to suffer because of it.2 -
Same im hoping dbd gets better, the last quarter of last year i feel like was pretty rough, the gutting of skull merchant and chucky have made me quite bitter towards the killer balance in the game. Houndmaster launch was also rough and feels quite overtuned yet still buggy at this point. Also not enjoying chaos shuffle, bringing it back for the 3rd time with no changes is sour. Just not feeling the respect from the developers right now that i was feeling in the middle of last year.
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I'm looking forward to the 2v8 as always which i prefer over the base mode. DBD still goated no matter how much $hit i talk about it so I'm always hype for new chapters. They pretty much updated the whole killer roster at this point and i feel the next major focus need to be solely on the maps.
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Not sure why you would be.
There's no indication that they'll actually innovate. Next two Killers will probably be remixes and blends of old powers. We'll have a new busted perk in one chapter, there will be a "crisis" of some kind and business will continue as usual.
It's been the same since the turn of the decade, not sure why it would change now.
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I mean that is DBD and yeah it sucks but it has been this way forever but we all still come on the forums to talk about DBD one way or another so i would assume everyone on here is looking forward to at least one of the things i mention despite its problems. If i didn't like or get excited for the updates I would of left DBD the first hundred times i was tunneled/ Bullied and not come onto the forums to chat about DBD. I dont expect them to change but i learned that this is who they are and for the most part i have accepted it but of course things can always be better.
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Hoping that he is unique. Nemesis and alien have been the biggest disappointers and would hate for springtrap to be the trifecta. Scott is like super protective over his IP so maybe he wouldn't let him be dash killer number 89 or mash up of old killers. Solo survivor is tough, i play a duo and i hardly win but that is the Non-swf survivor life. Decent chases and 1 flashlight save are enough to "win" a game to me nowadays.
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How come, unless your irrationally scared of animatronics then power to you
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I wish they can work on the core of the game. They got to work 4 chapters a year + mid chapters + yearly events and now they got game modes/modifier's that need attention to look at. All if any free time to work on pre existing problems were eaten by stuff like 2v8 which is always changing.
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I feel you 100%. DBD was on a role changing all those long cooldown perks, healing perks, buffing weak killers slightly like bubba and deathslinger, other perk changes etc but by October nothing just waiting for the Freddy PTB which released and looks rough and i wish they would show us the changes they are going to make instead of just shoving it into live immediately. I think the worst part is behind us and that the next couple months till June are going to be great. Maybe the skull merchant rework will be on the new roadmap for march or april.
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As I get old and have more stuff to do and less time to talk and play video games my only games that i bother to keep up is this game and GTA online. Both games to me are casual when you want them to be and tryhardy if you want it to be or at least playing killer. Its crazy how there was barley any map changes in 2024. We got the red maps turned into a blueish tint and new maps that kind of sucks. They haven't touched the old maps in forever and release greenwood square which is really big for no reason since no one goes to the grave or movie theatre area and Vecnas map that has terribly designed gen spawns/ those terrible portals. Hope maps get changed sooner rather than later.
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I can’t speak for the console players, but the DBD player count on Steam has been stagnant for the past few years. New licenses around anniversary events have helped the game temporarily peak in terms of player count, but that player count is not retained once summer break ends despite developer effort and events. It is very important for Dead by Daylight to expand for the game to remain profitable long-term.
With that said, I personally think FNAF is different – and is a bellwether for the fate of Dead by Daylight. I’m not sure how I can best express this without getting my account immediately banned from the forums, but the type of player that is drawn to FNAF is largely neurodivergent, pattern-based, and highly detail-oriented. Based on the way the Dead by Daylight community treats the developers, I genuinely believe a significant portion of the DBD community also belongs to this same neurodivergent, pattern-based group. I really want to hammer this point home, so I am going to take a small detour.
This screenshot is from Five Nights at Freddy’s 4. In the black circle are three toys. Next to the yellow toy, you will see what looks like a carrot on the ground. The carrot on the ground is the toy’s beak. This scene from Five Nights at Freddy’s 4 is so important to the story that Scott had to call it out on a live stream. If you showed this screenshot to any FNAF fan, they would tell you an entire story about that small detail. The kind of players who have survived FNAF are the exact type of player that DBD wants to advertise to. What was once a Venn-Diagram with other licenses seems to become a full circle with FNAF. On paper, I do not understand how a player who likes patterns/details/strategy could dislike DBD’s core loop.
I definitely belong to the FNAF community. The only horror icons in DBD I recognized when I started playing the game were Resident Evil, Saw, and Stranger Things. I never watched Elm Street, Alien, Child’s Play, or any of those movies. I am sure a large majority of FNAF players feel the same way. If the FNAF community truly rejects Dead by Daylight’s calming repetitive-but-unique gameplay, that means DBD attempted to enter a new market (18-28) and failed to capture and retain highly-compatible market share. That is catastrophic from a business perspective. I would mentally start dissociating from the game if that actually happened because there just isn’t another license like FNAF besides Jurassic Park. I once went on a date with a guy who had Jurassic Park everything (even shower curtain/couch cushion covers!!!) in his house because his special interest was dinosaurs. My special interest is now DBD. 😊
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While Nemesis was somewhat disapointing, i heavily, heavily disagree that Alien was.
Let me explain it before taking the shotgun out:
Alien is one of my favorite IP, i have novels, comics, roleplaying games ala D&D, video games that i have 100%'ed like Alien Isolation (next is Dark Descent), figurines and all kinds of things. So im at least invested. By the way, i recommend reading Aliens: Phalanx, it was trully incredible (Aliens vibe).
Now, since i am the one writing and designing my RPG story with the Alien packs, i like to create things and in 2020, i started to create dbd chapters for the fun of it, after that, i would usually show it to my friends to gather feedback. I started with Fnaf and then Alien.
And let me say, Alien was really challenging to do:
- I started with the "everyone idea", let it crawl everywhere, but it was a just not possible in dbd, too much incoherences and oversights. So i scrapped that quickly
- Ovomorphs are also plain terrible. You need to butcher their legacy to implement them into the game and they take too much power budget for the Alien itself, you can't have stealth, mobility, lethality, slowdown etc. So Ovomorphd are a no-no.
- Acid spit is just no, it came with arcade game and the need of enemy diversity, it's not relevant to Alien and even Aliens so just no. Acidic blood is a concept trap, nothing in dbd will seriously injure a Xenomorph, scrapped that except for a meme add on.
- The vents were by far the best idea, it implemented the Alien behaviour really well and was just working for the game.
In Alien Isolation, the vents are everywhere and mind you, the Alien is not stealthy at all, you hear it physically crawling in vents and you have the Motion Tracker that is way more accurate than the one in dbd, the terror of the Xenomorph comes from it's sheer lethality, if it sees you, you are as good as dead (except flamethrower, does that ring a bell ?). You are encouraged to fear it because you associate it's mere presence with a game over, and the tension come from hiding from it. In dbd that is impossible as it would break game balance. Alien can't be that dangerous, maps are too open and lacks hiding place.
To make the Xenomorph in dbd use the tunnels and not just walk around, we need to not give it perma stealth (we could have an add on for that). Having a lower terror radius is smart because it intencivise to use tunnels while making the Alien "Danger Radius" a little bit smaller.
The tail attack is a great idea, and the consensus that the Alien does not use it's tail that often is just... false. In Alien 1, you know, THE Alien, it never, ever crawled on a wall or a ceiling, but it did use it's tail and even if not always using it like a weapon, it was always put in your face (even in Brett's death it's the first thing you see). The tail is the most lethal weapon of the Alien, it's used in every game, movies, books, comics and even in board games.
In Aliens, which already deters from the whole Giger vibe, the Aliens crawls like two times on the ceiling, the scene where they blocks door and Burk betray them, and the nest scene where they are all around the walls.
In Alien: Isolation, the best Alien game ever made up to 2025, the Alien never even crawl around anything but the floor, even in vents it's just crawling straight, not on the side or at the ceiling of it.
The real "crawling around fast" is from AvP which is not canon to the Alien universe. Alien is it's own franchise, and personnaly, i dislike the general association of those two. I think AvP does not do justice to the Alien and is generally just a cool action movie ala GodzillaVKong (probably a very controversial take, but yeah, i don't like AvP) and also Alien 3 with the runner alien (which was why the power in ptb was called runner mod btw).
That does not mean that the Xenomorph isn't capable of doing it, what i want to say is that is not that important, it's a cool feature but it's not the Xenomorph identity.
To summarize a bit, the Alien is dbd is a perfect depiction of what it is in Alien Isolation and in Alien 1. An extremly lethal organism that stalks it's preys unseen before emerging to strike a lethal blow. The terror of the Alien comes from the unseen threat and the fact you know it's here, somewhere.
Dead by Daylight design implements:
- Tunnels to replace vents, with footsteps detection giving the stalker vibe, a complete silent and undetectable pursuit, a way to move around the map extremly fast and the absolute pleasure to admire those beautifull tunnels (i know they are from Aliens with the hive resin, but it is just gorgeous and i think it does the giger vibe well enough).
- A very threatening presence, once it's on you, you are in danger. The mobility route would have been difficult, you either make it a Billy knockoff which would not warrant the turrets or a somewhat Chucky dash which would also be pretty dull. So what we have was a fairly cool compromise, we wanted a crawling killer ? Done ! The eerie vibe from seeing it crawling in the distance is great.Tail attack is also better than a OS mechanic ala Ghostface or Myers.
- Turrets are iconic, they completly change the pace of a trial making the Xenomorph the first killer of it's kind and a trully unique design. The motion tracker could be tweaked around but never deleted and the flamethrower is just perfectly done.
The Alien chapter is, for me, one of the biggest disapointment in term of people reaction and i do think the backlash it gets is unwarranted. Alien is in an identity crisis with fans of the first one (Giger and myths vibe, horror of the unknown), the second one (ants behaviour, action paced) and the AvP one which is the biggest from what i've seen. The amount of people saying they are harscore fans and also disliking it is surprising to me as it is perfectly in character for the Xenomorph. Yeah, it can do more, but you can't have it all and what we got is perfectly adapted to the game you are playing.
Instead of saying:"Behaviour failed", i think it's more accurate to say "Each people wanted something different from this identity crisis franchise and it would have been disapointing no matter what or how". With have i've read since this chapter inclusion, i think Alien was bound to failure and should have maybe never even come to this game in the first place for how people react to it. It would be an "around the corner license" that people would keep awaiting, because the delivery was never ever going to be as spectacular as the unparrels anticipations.
What is actually wrong with the Alien chapter in my opinion ?
- Ripley is sadly not Ripley, i can't say it's BHVR fault so i'll pass, but i understand the disapointment.
- Alien is limited and it's design should be pushed to the limit, by that i mean, only 7 stations ? The biggest change Alien could get is more station to really play with the tunnels a lot, it is it's whole design and 7 is too little ! Plenty of time, you have to get of your way to use them and that is a very big design oversight. Imagine Alien Isolation with 1/4 the vents, yeah, way less threatening.
- Add ons should have more transformative effects like a no crawler mode, not turrets giga stealth experience.
- The dbd design is not adapted to Alien. There is no claustrophobia in maps (you can see from on border to another) or darkness at all, the red stains is weird, dbd is a cat and mouse game and with the Alien vibe being: When you are seen, you are dead. It was certain that the Alien implementation would be weird.
- Take the same design, with more tunnels, in a dark map that is also very calustrophobic and you would have a design that is scary. Putting Alien in Coldwing was gling to be weird.
- PTB terror radius was perfection, and it's removal is very sad. Chase music should have been tweaked
- Alien Queen is ugly, the mouth is wrong, the legs are wrong, the little arms are wrong, it has a human tongue and even the neck is wrong. They transformed the amazing Queen design into this, bad wish version. They can keep the cake i don't care but fix the mouth, the neck and the arms please.
For a game like dbd, i can say that the Alien chapter is by far my favorite, i would give it a 9/10. Missing one point for the "missing stations" part and the PTB music. The skin is non important at the end lf the day and "map design" is not Alien's fault.
As for Springtrap, i will main it no matter what, i trust Scott and Behaviour's decisions and design choices, at the end of the day, i love fnaf and Springtrap, he can throw an axe or have a simple power, i don't really care, my only priority is that it make senses for it's character. (so for exemple my personnal limit is Alien with a gun doing dances in Fortnite, that's a fat no for an Alien fan just out of sheer respect for the franchise).
I expect Fnaf to generate a lot of money to BHVR and for dbd to gains a lot of players, some will stay, most will leave because of the core problems of the game. As for the dbd community itself, i expect a huge failure akin to Alien but worse. Those who despise the IP basekit will spit venom like they always do, the fan will be disapointed just like with Alien because Springtrap is also a complex character than can do a lot, and just like Alien, every Springtrap concepts are different (suits-trap, phantom like power, stalking, vents, remnats, so on and so on). So yeah, probably another Alien coming.
The best IP succes are the unexpected one because there is no expectations. Castlevania has Dracula. Dracula could be complained because "Hey dracula can do this and that, it's not accurate, Wolf form is not that iconic to the character" but no, because almost nobody in the community knows what even Castlevania is about (the games i mean). Big awaited IPs have it rough because people want something particular, and that's why Nemesis was disapointing.
Wesker wasn't expected in dbd, almost no one asked for him, they wanted Birkin, Mt.X, the Bakers or Dimitrescu. He was a great surprise, a very simple and goofy character, cool lore and simple goals. His powers is not entirely accurate to his character but i guess he is not Alien so it works for him. Wesker was nerfed from RE and does not have access to all of his arsenal, does that make in any less good ? No.
Are Wesker players RE fans ? No, most of them have never played a RE game in theor like and just like the gameplay. What is the point of saying that ? The IP in itself is more of a weakness than a strength, when dbd was small, Alien would have massively succeded, but now, a new IP is not that attractive because everyone already knows dbd. The only thing staying are tremendous expections. Terminator, Predator, Candyman, those chamters would bring no one, because the people liking those are most likely already in the game. But you can be sure everyone and their mothers would scream and complain about how Predator is unfaithul, or it's power is a recycle etc. There is no point in this anymore. Fnaf is good thing because it does not catter to the same community, it's for a new generations of horror enthusiast, it is the most iconic horror IP of modern era.
Apply all my takes to Freddy now :
The character can do so much and his powers are so vast and great, he is bound to failure, no Freddy power concept will every satisfy the majority and he will always be a disapointment.
Long post, but i always do this, cheers, have a good day !
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Yeah this game is easy to get obsessed too especially with the amount of perks, killers, maps, metas etc to know and understand. Its like people are into trains, history, cards, RPGS, MMOS etc there a bunch of complicated stuff that they love. FNAF is one of those with so much games and stuff. Id imagine they fit right in dbd.
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We'll see what FNAF brings it's a chapter I've wanted for a while just cuz I have good memories of watching Game Grumps and Two Best Friends Play videos on it even though I think I personally only played the first one once but I'd say FNAF and Slenderman horror gaming phenomenons I grew up with (Idk if grew up with is actually the right wording I was in my early 20s already by then lol). I always thought a cool power for FNAF would be to have all the animatronics on the map and you'd be able to switch between them like Twins and it'd sort of have the feel of the animatronics roaming around and then stopping but maybe that would be too much map presence lol.