Slugging is a point of controversy causing many discussions in the forums, being a rather unfortunate state of affairs many players (mostly survivors mains) demand a way to pick yourself up to "fix" the problem.
Many seem to ignore the reasons why killers slug, and to resume it:is easier,gets more pressure,you don't have to deal with sabotage, flashlights saves, pallet stun,body block ,walking to a hook, getting gen rush, and the survivor escaping because you weren't close to a hook,etc.
All these things make the simple task of hooking a survivor a disadvantage in most situations causing them to slug.
behavior have remove offering in the past so let's do it again, the oak offering greatly break the game balance being far more useful for survivors that it is for killers, they make the problems with hooking survivors even worse than before,if a oak offering is use rest assured that the killer will and must slug to even have a chance.
However it isn't the offerings by themselves that are the problem because the mix with:
The sabotage mechanic is a very interesting and fun interaction that I wish it remain in the game however the perk saboteur makes the "risk" of sabotaging a hook a cakewalk. A survivor is capable to use this perk along a flashlight so now they have multiple opportunities to either blind the killer and sabotage the hook for free,along the offerings this perk worsen the game balance.
Yet the solution is very simple ,remove the ability to sabotage without using a toolbox the perk no longer grants a free sabotage opportunity, it just highlights every hook near the killer you either use a flashlight or a toolbox not both.
Removing these two features will make the game better trust me the need of slugging will be reduce and games will be more fun for everyone.
Finally so you don't cry for nerfing survivor side here a fix to avoid 4 man slugs and toxics killers letting you bleed out.
Very simple if a killer downs you and leaves you, you can recovered slowly,if another survivor is down same thing will happen whoever if a third survivor is down you will be able to pick yourself up once you bar is full.
This effect will only work if 3 or more survivors are down (or 2 survivors are down and 1 is getting Carry to a hook), if a killer is able to hook then you will no be able to pick yourself up.
However this effect becomes more forgiving and stronger with each survivor death.
If there only 3 players alive then you will be able to pick yourself when 2 are down or 1 down and 1 being carry to a hook.
If there only 2 or less then you can pick yourself at any time even if one is hooked .
This system will prevent slugging and allowing the survivors to play around slugging killers,killing the slugging meta,and not giving a free win to either side
These changes will makes the game better as I said before but still I wish to hear your opinion,thoughts and recommendations .
Saboteur never was an issue. Oak offerings are on their own not an issue too. If a highly skilled 4-man SWF intends to sabotage all game, yeah this game is really bad for the killer, unless the killer is prepared. But both is not very likely to happen at all. If sabotage would be this easy, it would have been meta at some point, but it wasnt/isnt. Still I wouldnt even care if they removed hook offerings at all. For 99% of the players its just a bloodpoint dump.
Also I dont get it why killers should be allowed to prolong games like this without any disadvantage. And no, the survivors getting back up isnt a disadvantage to those just wasting play time by slugging.
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If survivors bring oak offerings and sabo builds and then complain about slugging, they can be safely ignored.
I don't really think oak offerings should be a thing, it's true. They're one of those things that are likely to put the killer on alert and make them play nastier. It's why I don't run them even when I really want to win, it's just going to make the killer play meaner and have almost no effect on anything since you need several of them to actually be an inconvenience.
But they're not part of why people complain about slugging. Nobody with a brain should be complaining about slugging after incentivizing the killer to slug. It'd be like bodyblocking with your off-hook protection and then complaining when you get tunneled. Which does happen but those people are dumb, too.4 -
Even with tunneling being a thing survs being able to bring a full loadout of 2nd chance perks (in which most of them activates after unhooking) is stupid.
It's much more efficient to slug survs to make them stop working on gens. The issue here is, of course, not survs doing their objective, but speeding it up in a way the killer simply has no time to do theirs. And to be clear, Tunneling/Camping is braindead as much as Gen Rush is.1 -
Who the hell uses Saboteur?
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I play on both sides, but I think sabotage is a pretty stupid mechanic and shouldn't exist, it's pretty ridiculous that you can take the killer's down just by holding down a button, has no merit whatsoever. Besides, it's a mechanic that has been and continues to be easily abused by SWF, getting downed into the corner of the map and sabotaging the only hook there, and the only counter is slugging.
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Survivors brought this on themselves.
They cried and moaned and cried some more about gen regression perks.
They were nerfed into the ground and now it's moaning about slugging.
Hooking has zero advantage to killer and until that changes you reap what you sow
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I've used the perk Saboteur for a forced tomb challenge. The killer hit me before I completed the action. I then went down, and the killer still got their hook. I just ruined the game for the team doing my tomb challenge. Saboteur is sloooooooooow. Are you really sure that using Saboteur is as "free" as you believe? This might just be an issue with perception.
I really think SOMETHING needs to be done about slugging when it serves no purpose. When I get slugged just to prevent the 4th man from getting hatch, I do not appreciate my time being wasted over something so trivial. My body should not be used as bait.
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Oak offerings do nothing
Nobody uses Saboteur6 -
Say slugging is done because people bring Oaks offering and Saboteur is pretty bold.
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True words
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"Just balance the game so that survivors have only one hookstate and gens take roughly five minutes to complete each and killers just might stop slugging"
In truth, camping, tunnelling and slugging are just beatsticks killers use to try and force balance their way even further.
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The Blight who is currently bleeding us all out and no hooking in chaos shuffle is definitely doing it because of our perks.
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Since the hooks regenerate now there is no problem with sabotage. At most, they should review tanking one hit to perform a guaranteed sabotage.
I still don't understand why survivors should be rewarded after leaving their teammates abandoned on the ground. Their job is to worry about picking them up, if everyone gets knocked down they are the only ones to blame.
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This is accurate. If I sabo a hook, the killer is right to drop their slug and try to down me instead, or to guard the slug a little for extra pressure if someone else appears to be going for the pickup. And if the whole squad is hovering around the slug, then everyone should expect a slugfest.
Also, if a group is doing lots of hook sabos and flashlight/flashbangs, the killer should be expected to be slugging at least until they're clear for a pickup.
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Poor bait.
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I believe not a single sane survivior will complain about slugging if they are playing for sabotage.
In fact, they mostly should be ready for that.
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I'm sorry but you using the perk poorly doesn't mean it's poorly implemented,just get good in that department?
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