Relative Newb comments
First a little background: First post here, and I'm a relative newb - played a little on PS4 last year and then joined on PC early in 2019. I really just play survivor, I just don't enjoy the game as killer but I've tried a time or two. I never play SWF, none of my RL friends play DBD, and I've basically ignored all in-game requests. Happy to play solo, I think I escape about 20% of the time (so limited skills for sure).
Killer Salt: I hate DCs, I just hate them. Ruin the game for everyone else. Even if I'm camped, tunneled I take it and die, I don't care about pips but I feel like I owe it to the rest of the team to have the killer sit there while the rest run gens. In my mind, getting the most people out is the goal, and getting myself out is secondary - again that's how I get pleasure out of playing. That said I always find it bizarre when a killer "tries hard" after two DCs in a 3 person game - as I say why not reward the guy for sticking around by letting him farm or hatch or something? You want fewer DCs, nail the DCs and rewards those who stick. When I say that in chat though - man there is salt.
I have never run DS even once, I just never felt it was worth it but I find the hate odd. Honestly, I feel like the DS gets caught within 10 seconds anyway. Why sweat it so much?
Player Salt: I find it so confusing when I run stealth builds, especially including Urban Evasion. I see comments about me not helping even though I unhook a ton and run a lot of gens - is the only strategy to run around to get seen by the killer? I don't run this exclusively, but when I do there's a surprising amount of hate. People play different ways, sometimes because that's the options they have or because that's what they're feeling on a day. - why question that?
People hating on Legion is weird as well. Sure it's hard, sure there are builds that make it really hard but... isn't that the point? It's not supposed to be easy to get out, the killers don't owe you breaks. The failures to escape make the escapes worthwhile no? And it's a different type of killer, but isn't the change a little nice sometimes?
My salt: The only thing I really dislike about this game is Billy. I hear that chainsaw and I see 5 minutes of hook, charge, hook, charge. Reading these forums in the last week or so (recent discovery for me), I understand it's to combat SWF - but honestly I see Billy as the lowest skill killer. I frequently ask in the post game chat - was that fun for anyone?
I also find the camp/tunnel a real pain, but I see that so infrequently I think the devs have done a good job deincentivizing that for killers.
Ending thoughts: 90% of players play the game for fun, and have fun. The comments above are from the 10% that seem to be playing for some other reason. Grinding for points maybe, or something I don't understand.
Community: Nerf Legion! Nerf Plague!
Hillbilly and Nurse mains:
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I like Billy, both as and against.
I personally play for fun, I love this buggy mess.
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I really enjoy playing Nurse, it's super hard and requires a ton of skill and awareness for both the killer and survivor. Again though, that's the point.
And I feel like I get Billy about 40% of the time - it makes me sad.
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Someone that probably never played Billy tells me, one of the greatest Billy mains in existence, that Billy requires no skill.
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It makes me sad when I go against Legion, just not fun at all. And I wish I went against a Billy so many times, at least it is a challenge against him. I do enjoy playing Nurse, but since I play on PS4 it's a bit difficult, I do get 4ks from time to time.
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Your 'ending thought' is not completely correct. It's definetly not 90% of the community that just wants to play for fun. The majority seems obsessed to making the game unfun for other players intentionally. Unless you play in a part of the world where people are actually mature and nice.
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At least you admit it and say that you're not proud of it. As long as people change it's fine. Issue is that many toxic players are ignorant as hell.
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I agree completely. Example: Oc**do. Thank god he's banned, toxic in game and in real life.
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@LCGaster You said the forbidden name. ;0
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DCs are too common to farm every game it happens in. If the game starts with less than four survivors I will let them go. If a survivor rage quits after a long chase, too bad, I will continue to play normally.
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I'm sorryyyy 😱
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Oh crap, I forgot about that! Thank you.
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Very true aswell.
I stopped "farming" when I realized Survivors actually expect it and don't even appreciate it anymore. Not even a "gg ty" after I wasted 10 minutes allowing them to finish the gens and escape? Nope, sorry, not gonna happen again.
Killers are not responsible for your disconnecting teammates. It's pure goodwill if they decide to farm, but they don't have to.
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I find it odd that killers apologize for DCs - for playing well? For playing a killer a random person doesn't like?
I always come back and say "Hey, I apologize for survivors".
I also agree that if a person DCs before a second/final hook, that's as good as a hook. No pity for the rest required - I'm taking super early DCs. I will say I think most appreciate it and say so - don't let the 10% ruin the vibe for the 90%.
I'm sure there's nuance for Billy, and I have played as him zero times - but it escapes me. I see them hook, then basically wait for the unhook to charge back in and catch someone. If they screw up, they charge into the next gen. No hunting, no real strategy.
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Post game I see a lot of killers say "Sorry for the DCs".
Why should the killers apologize? Survivors should apologize for the DCs, and I do.
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Guess the killer is trying to be toxic or is an idiot.
About Billy, if the killer does what you described before then you must be at low ranks, I do that only when there are only two survivors and one of them is on the hook, so that I can find the other one when he saves.
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You know what the counter to Billy is? Stay near a loop whenever you see someone get hooked, end of the problem.
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I still say sorry for the DCs as a killer, not because its my fault, but because i am acknowledging that some DC-ing jag ruined the game for the survivors as well as me. I also thank them for staying around and playing a shorthanded game rather than immediately disconnecting as well. Nothing toxic or idiotic about it.
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I think ranks are kind of garbage, I see way better players than I am and I've been rank 1 the last two resets.
As for looping Billy, I agree you can loop him but if we macro that out you have three guys standing by an area while someone is on a hook.
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It takes skill to be a solid Billy. It just happens to take significantly less skill to be a solid Billy than any other killer in the game.
Billy games are usually as the original poster suggested even at red ranks. They just ping pong to different hooks. Match is over in 5 minutes. Yay.
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Billy is there to kill 3-4 man SWF in console. Nurse is busted.
Survivors in teams complain about being dodged all the time.
Then complain about facing Billy all the time.
They can't buff other killers because people are already dropping like flies in the beginner ranks.
They can't nerf SWF because people will riot.
See the problem?
Billy is fine. Deal with it.
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I'm entitled to my opinion. Deal with it.
But in fairness, good killers don't need to run Billy to get 4ks against SWF. Hell, mediocre killers like myself can 4k with Freddy in high ranks against swf.
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I'm not talking about occasionally doing well, I'm talking consistently doing well vs serious SWF at R1, over time. And I'm not even talking 4k's, but balanced 2k's with matches longer than 5 mins.
I've got maybe 1 or 2 4k's in the past with Wraith at R1 against potato and cocky SWF who were probably memeing, but have been destroyed hundreds of times too, when they play efficiently.
And what's with all this "I'm entitled to my opinion" thing? They teach to say that stuff in school now?
We all have right to a rational and informed opinion, yes. And anyone has the right to debate said opinion, as long as it's in a civilized manner and with reasonable arguments.